Saturday with Sach: Whats In a Name
I had the curious privilege of seeing the internet as we know it form into what it is today from my childhood. There was a dark time, a scary time, when the internet wasn't really a thing people knew about, or used. We had to do some scary stuff to get information back then. DARK things. Things like, "asking people questions in real life". Who even has time for that, right? How did we live?!
When it came time to have a presence on the internet, I went through a lot of names. The one I probably had the longest (before Sacheverell) was "Pretzel", a handle I used in a lot of MMOs and FPS games. What made me choose that name? I was probably hungry. Who knows. What mattered was that people knew me by that name, and it became a part of me. Our in-game names are, in a sense, who we are; it's not even what the name implies, or where it came from, but the association we bring with it. When someone sees our in-game name, they immediately think of us, the person - what we're like, whether we're friends or not, games we play together, all that good stuff. The nature of an in-game name isn't exactly rocket science, but there is one part of it that fascinates me to no end: the origin of a name.
I would never ask of you anything I wouldn't do myself, so let's start with the origin of my in-game name, "Sacheverell". In short, it came from a love for tabletop games. Without getting into all the boring details, it was the name of an entity in a particular game that I thought sounded neat, had a neat theme, and it was fun to say aloud, besides. In my voice-acting work, it was handy to have a name that resonated in a catchphrase, and it serves that purpose well. If I had to name one regret over it though, it would be how much trouble people seem to have with it, both in spelling and spoken aloud: I've seen Sacherevell, Sachaverall, Suchaverel, and countless other variations. Out loud, it gets even sillier. A wise man once told me that I should've picked an easier name, and in many ways, he was right. If I had stuck with something simpler - say, Pretzel - there would be a lot less confusion. To be fair, I've seen a lot of people mistakenly call him "criticsquid", which seems to bother me a lot more than it bothers him. Though, the idea of replacing a citrus-based descriptor with the image of a film critic still makes me giggle a little.
Forget me for a minute, let's talk about you! What made you choose your in-game name? Is there a cool back-story, with some deeper personal meaning? Did you take it off a cereal box? Smash the keyboard with a hammer? No story is too awesome or silly! Let's hear about your in-game name!
So my name means "The porous atheist" in a sense.
Edit: I am also commonly called Cyrus Baenou. This isn't my actual name. This actually a fake name I used for a forum thread where I had to make a character type thing. Originally, it was Banou, but it sounded closely like "Banow" so I changed it to Baenou to sound like "Baneoo".
There was this wiki or something where you could make you own Pokemon, and being the unoriginal person that I am, I made a Pokemon called the DarkMeow. Unfortunately, DarkMeow was usually taken on forums and such, so I needed a number at the end. My dad used to constantly use the number 159 for some reason, so I decided to add that to my name.
I started using Nyamco in my Pokemon games because I couldn't use DarkMeow due to the 7 character limit for the name. So I decided to use Nyamco. Nyamco comes from an arcade game called Mappy, Nyamco was one of the enemies in the game. The enemy's name was only Nyamco in the japanese version of the game. I thought that should've been its name though. I thought the name and the game were cool enough to start calling myself that.
Nowadays, I use the name nkdcaruso occasionally, which originated from an XBox Live account I created, but I had two of them, so Caruso09 was taken, so I put in Caruso, but for some odd reason, it added nkd to the front, so for my steam account primarily I go under nkdcaruso, but Caruso09 is still my true identity.
Enter obscure Star Trek novels, and t'Cael Zaniidor Kilyle, my favorite Rihannsu (Romulan) character of all time. In the couple of decades I've been using this identity, I've only run into conflicts a couple times. I love the feeling of being a specific name, instead of a name-plus-numbers monstrosity or a weird phrase or half-sentence. I've signed up for just about everything using this identity (my bank obviously excluded; two of the conflicts I've run into were on Deviant Art and Steam, so either I signed up for an account years ago and couldn't remember enough to get it back, or someone else got Kilyle there). Remembering my username is never a problem for me. Sometimes I run across a site I have vague memories of, and wonder if I made an account or not, so I just try to log in and usually hah! it's still got my data
The only problem I've had with "Kilyle" is that people can't seem to pronounce it. Lots of people call me Kyle or Kylie (so much so that I took the name Arkylie for a couple places where I wanted to use an original name). The way I try to explain it is: you know the middle vowel sound of "kit" or "kill," that "ih" sound? So it's "kih" plus "Lyle," "kih-lyle," or if you pronounce Lyle as two syllables, "kih-lie-ul"... or, say, "kill-aisle" if the emphasis is on the second syllable, not the first. (And my name isn't in any way based on the word "kill.")
...the other neat thing about having a solid, one-for-all online identity is that I'm the type of person who doesn't want to be a jerk even online, and I have a good reputation most places I have developed any reputation at all. I keep my Facebook separate for reasons of general privacy (one of the reasons I've been annoyed by the attempt to integrate YouTube and GMail and its trying to get me to use my real name: I don't want a running list of YouTube videos I watch showing up on Facebook, or someone annoyed by my comments on a controversial video being able to track my real name back to leave bad comments for my friends and family)... I would've used Kilyle on Facebook too, but it seems more useful to have my real name and picture there.
I do love seeing creative names online. Some names I get used to seeing next to intelligent/thoughtful comments on fora, which is great. And I've even used "has a creative name" as a criteria for which characters I buy things from on World of Warcraft's auction house (bypassing stupid names even if it means paying a little more), or which stores I shop at on Kingdom of Loathing.
Black0Thorne stems from BlackRoses that I used for the longest time. Before that was DecemberAlesana. Truth be told, the December name was a boyfriend's birth month and our favorite band at that time. It's remembered with fondness so I still use it.
Otherwise, there is no great story. Most of my names are similar to those three and I'm pretty easily recognised because of it!
You mean pressure.
mythbusters+844= PROFIT