Check out this informative video by the Dead Worker's Party, which shows off the awesome shaders currently in testing!
UPDATE Sept. 20: Snapshot 13w38c has been released to fix numerous graphical issues, crashes and item frame issues. The client is available in your launcher, and the server links are at the bottom of the page!
It's time for another weekly Snapshot! This batch of preview goodies is brought to you by...well, Mojang. There really wasn't anything witty to say there. Still need something witty before the patch notes? Alright, fine: elephants can't jump.
Right, let's see some patch notes!
Pretty exciting changes! What, you don't see them? That's because they're secret! See if you can find them all before tomorrow...
Cross-platform jar: Click here
Windows EXE: Click here
Report bugs here: Minecraft issue tracker
I think that might just be a Witches Hut.
There is no text box when you are typing, it just shows the text.
New video settings screen; Also new settings.
Shaders; If you press f3, it shows you what shader you are currently using.
Connected maps when put in item frames.
When you get an achievement, it tells you in chat.
And was there always these commands?
/enchant <player> <enchantment ID> [level]
/tell <player> <private message ...>
/spreadplayers <x> <z> <spreadDistance> <maxRange> <respectTeams true:false> <player ...>
I love the little comic gray one and the dark black one. The little rainbow seizure mode, not so much.
Controls upgraded :3
More Video Settings? (Don't know if in snapshot o3o)
Yeah, it's missing. But that's a bug.
If you have nausea and drink milk to get rid of it, you will temporarily see the inside of a nether portal when your drinking the milk. And the higher the amplifier of the nausea, the longer you see it.
You mean the cracks in the block? Yea, I don't see 'em either....
Yes, those commands have been there for a while.
that's always existed