Minecraft Video Trailer: "Relapse"
Looking for a sci-fi adventure set inside Minecraft? fngnation is, and can't wait to release this awesome space-opera thriller, called "Relapse"! While this is just a trailer of the upcoming movie, it's definitely worth a watch, so give it a chance, see what you think! Would you watch this feature-length movie if it were out right now?
Both kinda, we're a small indie team so we have scheduled to do the full-length movie in "modules" or parts to make the production time more lax and easy for everyone involved with their real life schedules. So we will release three parts, all three parts will equate to a feature length film. Once all three are released we will then begin editing them all together and even adding in bonus scenes, etc. into a Director's Cut.
Constructive criticism:
As others have mentioned, the script so far, and the voice acting needs a lot of work. (Possible solution, make a post asking the community for voice actors, script helpers. There are millions of people here, all who have incredible and varied talents. I imagine a lot would be willing to help just to be a part of something epic, and have their name mentioned in the credits.
Small criticism: The music was very loud compared to the voices, so it was difficult to actually hear what was being said.
I will definitely watch, when it comes out, and I think you could really create something amazing here if you decide to poll the community for some specific help.
If you care to hear more from me, please send me an IM, as I think I could assist with some suggestions on what you MIGHT do to get the most out of all your obvious hard work.
OK it wasnt that bad you guys stop being so hostile.
can you test my friend's parkour map? i hope you enjoy it
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