That's right, the PC version of Minecraft has surpassed 10 million sales! Minecraft as a game continues to have a phenomenal level of success, with humble beginnings in the hands of Mojang founding member Markus "Notch" Persson, and growing over a period of years into one of the most successful indie game titles in gaming history, spanning PC, console, and handheld systems in record numbers. In addition, the recent changes to Minecraft in 1.5 - and future changes planned the game, including Mod API support, more adventure map options, and all sorts of customization options - Mojang continues to push the game to new heights, even as they get involved in the community, with everything from direct-feedback bug fixing to real-life renewal projects. With the recent TU9 update, MCX360 is hot on the PC version's heels, even as it introduces special goodies unique to XBLA gamers.
As promised by Jeb, a secret was revealed about 1.6, a feature many were looking forward to! What feature? Well...
Spoiler: It isn't pink withers!
edit: With patent pending 4D rendering!
Already out it.
but they better have saddle bags.
They better.
(No, really. By the time VR comes out, Minecraft is going to be f***ing amazing at the rate things are going!)
That is going to be so cool~
Dogs and cats.
I still believe they've added those for the sake of popularity of those animal.
Meanwhile they've made pig ride-able. Not so convinient though.
They've also said there won't be horses.
Now they say they are adding horse. (Very clear with photo and mention of mob mod author)
"Don't use horse if you don't like!"
I don't hate at all the horses in real world. I don't want to even see them in minecraft.
Many wouldn't recognize but horses are one of icon of war. Which is far from minecraft theme.
And also unlike redstone, they roam and will be treated as living animal. There presence is more
large and defines land scape in various locations.
What happened to mojang? Why they've dropped original feel? Adding horse is surely a one step
Now I'm all for new content, but I am also for functionality, and for keeping promises. If you can't do the API, just say it! There's also a source for horses that would require little or no work on the part of Mojang, "Mo'Creatures." That's right, the mod that gets avoided every time the top ten Minecraft mods are mentioned. I'm conflicted about this, because while I love the mod, relying on third party content usually marks the beginning of the end for the in-house creative process.
You remember the creative process, right? The process by which Mojang defined what the API could do, while they were still in the stages of asking modders what it SHOULD be able to do? How well has that worked out?
Focus, Mojang, Focus.
Because zombies and tnt and bows and swords aren't icons of war? Or is it because you can't dream of a scantly clad female, her long hair flowing in the wind, riding barebacked across an open prairie, without thinking of war? Please.
Swodrs and bows: Personal defense tools.
TNT: as this is building and mining game
Horses: Fast Mobility = War and Civilization. Those are in pair.
Calling them reminds of war is one way to say no to horse in minecraft.
Pigs are there. All they've got to do is elaborate on pig and pig riding.
Yes, they do.
That is totally a sandwich.
I don't think anyone means for you to not use horses if you don't like them in real life. Just if you don't want to use them in Minecraft. Also, while horses used to be icons of war, that isn't how most people see them today. In fact, they're generally symbolic of peace and tranquility nowadays.
But you make a good point that I hadn't thought of about their presence in the landscape of Minecraft. If they are just as common in the wild as any other animal, that would make them a much more definable feature of the land than redstone would, which doesn't even appear aboveground at all. If you don't want to use horses, than they probably would feel forced upon you.
However, I don't think horses would ruin the feel of Minecraft. I'm assuming they would act as "companions," as dogs and cats are already, and will serve to assist the player with mobility, just as dogs assist with combat and cats for security against Creeepers.
But all of this is still speculation. We're not going to know how heavily they are going to influence the world until the first snapshots are released.
Actually that's a bagel.
The 1.6 alert is for Xbox ,right?
Pretty sure Curse's Client had a way to bring minecraft back to a previous version. you could do that.