Minecraft World Management Tools, now in the Client!
Have you ever died in-game, or had your home destroyed by creepers, and thought to yourself, "Man, I wish I could just go back and do that over again"? Lucky for you, we have thought that too!
Are you ready for a savegame management tool that will let you back up and restore your worlds, quicksave on the fly, and even store backed up world copies on the Cloud, to free up hard drive space? The new Curse Client - Minecraft Update includes a host of features, including:
- Saved Worlds:
- Quicksave:
- Saved World Sync:
- Texture pack and Server management tools
That's all pretty cool, but what about something special for the creative minds of the community? Any artist, modder, or equally creative talent who uploads their creations to the Client via Bukkit (for Minecraft), or CurseForge (for any other game), and gets 1,000 or more downloads will get FREE Curse Premium!
Ready to give the Minecraft World Management features a try? If you haven't picked up the Curse Client yet, click here, download the client, and give it a try today!
Please close the saved game first.
Can anybody help what to do, i have a free curse account. Thanks
How big is your world?
Please email [email protected] for support
As I play quicksaves aren't created. I press esc, i wait a couple minutes but still shows that I do not have any quicksaves. I've backed up the worlds that I played on incase that was the problem, but still nothing.
317 mb. What's the maximum limit?
more or tested it before publishing the new features.
oh I see, I think it's 100mb at the moment.
They know it's just that they are trying to be more likable.
Tried wiping my minecraft folder and reinstalling the client and still the quicksave function doesn't work.
i like curse....except for the fact that they got rid of Pico....that sucked...
Meanwhile, at Curse HQ;
"This is an issue, Nobody likes us. What do?"
"I think we should advertise our products they dont want which by the way you have to pay us for updates"
"Oh my god you get a promotion how could that plan fail"