Today's Snapshot includes a helping of:
- Anvil block has been tweaked (it’s cheaper to create, minor visual changes, and you can repair tools using wood/ingots/diamonds)
- Bats no longer trample crops or trigger pressure plates
- Redstone repeaters can be “locked” (fixed output) by having a powered repeater connected to its left or right side
- Updated language files
- More bugfixes & tweaks!
Grab the Snapshot today, and see 1.4 early - it doesn't include all that 1.4 has to offer, but it comes pretty darn close!
Client Download: Click here
Server Download: Click here
Edit: I wish there was a way to combine potion enchants, most likely related to the witches.
Other than that I'm pretty exited about 1.4
... I want mojang reading my topic, lots of people likes this idea, and it would be great if you put it in minecraft, specially for redstoners.
Click on my signature to see my topic
They FINALLY fixed the block lag! It's amazing!!! Mojang actually fixed something!!! Woooooooooo!
Gonna be wierd with the redstone repeater lock though.....
Hell yes.
Or a SCR.