Curse Client Now Includes Server Lists!

Curse Client, Now With Server List

It wasn't long ago that texture pack customization was added to the Curse Client, allowing players to browse, pick and install texture packs with the click of a mouse. Now, the client also includes a built-in server browser! Using the server list couldn't be easier; just set the filters you want on the right, click on the server you want to play on, and press "Join" to have Minecraft start up, and automatically join the server you selected!

Download the Curse Client Today: Click here

Note that this feature doesn't require Minecraft to be running - it will launch Minecraft for you, then join the server you picked without any fuss. So, get your client updated, and give the new Server List feature a spin! Don't have the client yet? Click here, and try it now!

More updates and perks for the texture pack feature will be forthcoming in the near future as well, so be sure to keep an eye out for it!


This week, Lindsay gives us a rundown on all things Minecraft from this week! Minecon updates, a Borderlands 2 cameo, and much more await - check it out!


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