Decoration Blocks to Come; MineTV Episode 5

Decoration Blocks?

Earlier, Jeb posted some teaser images that strongly suggested that we would be seeing various decoration blocks in the near future! The first image - which shows a zombie holding a wool block - was pretty mysterious, but the above-shown picture clearly displays skeleton heads along a wall. What other sorts of blocks do you think would be awesome decor? Tell us about it!


MineTV Episode 5 - Voxelbox!

Do you like awesome Minecraft builds? What if those builds were more than awesome - what if they were mind-blowing, ultra-massive, complex sculptures of blocks, parts and more? If this sort of thing is your cup of tea, then you definitely owe it to yourself to tune in to tomorrow's MineTV episode (Wednesday, August 29th), featuring Voxelbox administrators KupoKupo and RidgeDog! Details below:

The show will broadcast LIVE at the usual channel; schedules and links are below:

7:00 pm EST
6:00 pm CST
4:00 pm PST
11:59 pm GMT

Sign up to be in the LIVE studio audience: Click here

Livestream channel: Click here

Having some trouble with timezone conversions? Click the link below, and align the green slider until it says "7:00 pm" for New York - the time listed for your timezone is when the show goes live!

Timezone conversion made easy

Anything and everything about the Voxelbox, at their official Wiki: Click here

Voxel Video Channel on YouTube: Click here


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