If you are viewing this contest from the front page, the voting poll can be seen by clicking here.


Productions Resolute:








Good luck to every contestant! There were a massive number of entries, and it was not easy to pick the top 10! We would like to thank every single artist who submitted an entry, you are all incredible.
Remember, pick your favorite banner from the ones listed above, vote on your favorite banner's artist, and next week, we will see who becomes the new official banner of Community Creations!
This week, David and Toby talk about Scrolls, Spawners, the exciting mod API (coming soon), and much more - check it out!
oops, posted too late thanks dj
and btw, i think bayat's had the best wording
At the top of the article.
good luck to all the contestants
must have been hard to make
If you do happen to make it through reading this wall of text, I thank you for your time and perhaps even consideration.
This banner Presents a dirt background forshadowed by what appears to be perhaps a stone bulletine board boasting the many creative forms of self-expression made by the community " 'of' minecraft 'for' minecraft" We see on the sides that it is decorated with the many items used in crafting such as the not-so-uncommon redstone, or the rare diamond, and even the incredibly rare emerald! We also see gold, iron, and even the most basic item of coal.
The message I recieve from this banner is "Minecraft is a game centered around it's own community, one rich with creative spirit and intrepidation, a game made for the players!"
This message to me feels very comfortable as it doesn't impress on what has been made, but more that anything can be made with the supplies that you can gather from the very 'earth' itself. It supports the very people that create the oh-so-popular mods that many players love, the custom-made maps (Of which there are a plethora to choose from), the texture packs to change the ways things look, and even let's plays for those that don't (Or can't) play to enjoy and simply watch!
This banner, from me, would receieve a rating of 9/10
This banner, we find a background of what appears to be an NPC village with it's peaceful inhabitants meandering about to perhaps check on their crops or run away from monsters. We also find, in the foreground, elegant captioning promoting the community in such a way as to say "We're all cultural and civilized people here." We also see a swatch along the upper right corner displaying the URL for the community forums.
The one thing I find about this banner that might, perhaps, be misleading would be the prominant display of a single diamond. To me this doesn't display or capture the true spirit of Minecraft in it's entirety.
It does, however, display the NPC's perhaps in order to create some intrigue as to what might be implemented in future updates of the game itself. It is an interesting notion, being able to trade with the NPC's for equipment, etc.
This banner, in my opinion, recieves a 6/10
Productions Resolute:
In this banner we find what is most certainly a player-made creation that resembles what may be a small, but peaceful, village? In the foreground we prominently see the caption promoting the community with a font that is easy-to-read, and hard to ignore.
What catches my eye most about this banner is that the word "Creations" is 'highlighted' and centering your attention on that creativity that you find from players (and even average people) all around the world.
I could probably go and try to drone on about things that don't hold any significance, but I've wasted enough of your time already. Rating on this banner, 5/10
This banner is rather simple, grass blocks on either side, a center wooden plank 'display', and a diamond on either side.
To be perfectly honest, this banner doesn't catch my eye all that much. It doesn't really seem to promote anything more than a comminuty. If you didn't know anything about minecraft, this banner would leave you completely lost as to what it is necessarily promoting. Sure it's promoting "Community Creations" but what community? There's no hint of the minecraft name, the only obvious hints are the diamonds and grass blocks...
I hate to be mean, and I don't wish to insult anyone who likes this banner, nor do I intend on insulting the banner's creator, but this recieves a 2/10...
This banner reminds me a blueprint, the grid structure reminding all of us that minecraft (at it's very base), is just that, a grid to plan and create! The cerulean-blue color is relaxing and easy to look at. The minecraft name is proudly displayed in the upper-right corner, and we see the community also being addressed in that oh-so familiar 'minecraft' font. The side-note of a blocks size, obviously being used as a key of reference, is a pleasing aesthetic touch that just seems to bring the planning aspect of the banner together.
Rating: 7/10
Here we see a player's home centered in what appears to be a excavated plot of land. We see a sheep nearby as well as a creeeper in the 'distance' of the foreground. We see the sun rising on the left side of the banner as well as some roses that seem to have 'survived' the excavation.
This banner, to me, gives you a look into what usually happens for some people in the single-player aspect of the game, and yet we see the words 'comminuty creations' displayed on the sky. To me it just doesn't give me the feel you might get from having created something with someone else instead of simply on your own.
Again, I also point out that the banner itself does not truly explain exactly what they are promoting. There is no mention of the game's title, not even a hint of where one might find the community.
Rating: 4/10
This banner, in my opinion, looks as though it was simply thrown together in a 5-minute period of time. The captions are elegant, but they don't give any 'life' to the banner itself; they're just...there. In one corner we find a picture displaying a plushie of a pig, in the other we see a drawing of a chicken, and in the middle we see steve and a creeper. In the background we see a layer of grass apparently floating over what appears to be another of what is statues of player-created skins.
This banner, in and of itself, had potential to become something great if more time, effort (or even both) had been put into it.
Rating: 2/10
This banner, I will admit, I was particularly impressed with at first sight. On the left side we see what appears to be a massive carving of a face in the side of a cliff; above which we see trees perhaps signifying that this is a carving made by ancient civizations.
On the right we see what we all know as the wonderful minecraft-player-created game of Cake Defense!
These two creations, for all I know, could have been made by one or many. But this, in my opinion, shows more along the lines of what has been created and leaves us with wondering what more has yet to be created or come from the minds of those that have the ideas. This banner showcases talent that, many if not all, people are truly capable of when they put their mind into finishing/creating an idea!
The minecraft name is Most certainly unmistakeable and even the forums recieve some much needed attention. There is no URL to link to the community itself but with knowing the game title, I would believe it to be easy to locate.
This banner recieves a 9/10
This banner, like most of the others I've noticed, once again lacks in mentioning exactly what community it is promoting. Of course we all know here that it is minecraft, and I suppose that since this is going to be used on a minecraft-specific site that it doesn't matter whether or not the name is prominently displayed, I suppose I feel that the game deserves more respect or even perhaps publicity. The banner is simple, the captions are unique, and the overall look is minecraft.
Rating: 3/10
This banner is the very entity of creativity. We see drawings of each individual mob that coincide with each other in the style in which they were drawn. We see a zombie pigman, a zombie, skeleton, creeper, spider, and even the combination of the spider-jockey. In the background we see an 8-bit rendition overshadowed by the usual "Community Creations" theme. I see that this banner has recieved a lot of positive feedback and I too will not deny credit where it is due.
Rating: 8/10
If I were to go by personal taste in banner, I would vote for Spoonfork99, but if I were to go with my ratings, I think I would have to go with Eli.
Tough pick it gonna be tough pick for everyone i think.
(may the best banner win.)