If you are viewing this contest from the front page, the voting poll can be seen by clicking here.
Productions Resolute:
Good luck to every contestant! There were a massive number of entries, and it was not easy to pick the top 10! We would like to thank every single artist who submitted an entry, you are all incredible.
Remember, pick your favorite banner from the ones listed above, vote on your favorite banner's artist, and next week, we will see who becomes the new official banner of Community Creations!
This week, David and Toby talk about Scrolls, Spawners, the exciting mod API (coming soon), and much more - check it out!
It looks the most professional, and seems like it would fit the layout of the site nicely.
Personally, you should pick multiple banners to add variety.
I am so happy and i beg that you vote for me. I love you all in the minecraft community and i know i'm going up against the pro's and big competition, and that mine is not that good but i BEG that you give me a chance and vote for me. Thank you
EDIT: Sacheverell disqualified me.
Can't wait to see who wins though! It must have been tough picking those 11.