Over the last week in Snapshots, we have seen a lot of exciting things coming up - Ender Chests, villager trading, the merging of SSP and SMP modes into a fluid, single system - what else could possibly be added to this pile of goodies to make it even better? We can think of one thing - tripwires.
Nathan "Dinnerbone" Adams uploaded this video showing off some experiments with tripwire - it appears that it can be set off by crossing the tripwire boundary (as expected), as well as being set off by "using" it much as one would use a switch or button. What other awesome features are on the horizon? We'll keep you posted as they develop!
A Minecraft Wedding
Anyone in attendance at Minecon 2011 will undoubtedly remember - Matt's proposal to Asia on-stage, alongside Mojang! Their marriage is now official, and the wedding ceremony was something any dedicated Minecraft fan could be proud of - Minecraft-themed Jones Soda, which features many of the in-game items and creatures; a number of high-quality character model statues that were on the showroom at Minecon including Steve, creeper and more. There were also a number of hand-made pieces for their ceremony made by the happy couple and friends, such as Minecraft trees and other bits of the world. Other gems included a Minecraft-diamond necklace, and - something no Minecraft party should be without - a Minecraft cake.
From everyone here at the Minecraft Forum, we would like to congratulate Matt and Asia on having easily the most awesome wedding in history, and wish the happy couple well!
Want to see more pictures of their awesome wedding ceremony? Click the image above (or this link) for the full set!
Mounting/Controlling Mobs: The ability to mount and control mobs (possibly horses). Notch confirmed it was planned but will take time at Get Satisfaction.[38] Also Jeb said on a reddit AMA in April 2012 that he "more or less promised horses to a friend".[39]
From the wiki: http://www.minecraftwiki.net/wiki/Upcoming_features
However, I am super pumped about the book and quill, as well as the ender chests. Now THOSE are two completely new concepts that are being added to the table, one of which I've been longing for, and the latter a completely new idea to me that is really clever and amazing, and will be very useful to everyone I'm sure.
I hope they don't go through with the tripwire idea, and instead spend more time on more useful stuff, like bookshelves holding written books, or how to kill a man with one punch.
Yup guys, my thoughts exactly.
I don't worry about backing up worlds especially not bugged worlds like these, although if there's a really interesting one I might grab it's seed using MCEdit. As for backing up my .jar, why? If I want to reinstall Minecraft all I have to do is "force update check" and I got a vanilla 1.2.5 installation. If I want the latest snapshot all I do is take it out of the downloads folder and replace the Minecraft .jar with it.
They should be playable releases, if all they do is have people test client crashing snapshots it doesn't make a good impression on people and with the randomness in this particular snapshot it will strike a world at any time. My point is that snapshots should be a much more fine-tuned release, not a bugged release with game-crashing bugs in it. They don't seem to be trying too hard to improve the quality of their snapshots, even if it was only one snapshot every two weeks I would much prefer that schedule if it meant better and less buggy snapshots. They should quit rushing the snapshots out of the door and at least try to aim for better quality snapshots. If they do that half of the bugs could be spotted and fixed before the snapshot even gets released!
Cheers ...
Its a snapshot first off, so things are going to be buggy, laggy, and seemingly incomplete. What do you expect, for all the new features added to be so perfect over just a single week or so of coding?
Okay then, how would you guys like it if instead of Mojang doing snapshots, they would just update verson 1.2.5 to 1.3 with out snap shots or anything allowing us to find bugs and provide them with feed back with all the features they would usally showcase in multiple snap shots all bundled up in a single verson, 1.3? Would you guys like all the bugs and lagg? would you like it how yoru favorite mods will take longer to update because of the lack of snapshots? Whats that? you wouldnt?! Well then stop complaining. What you see in snapshots are raw newly added/tweaked features and machanics, they need to be and will probably be ironed out before 1.3
They should call you whiners Dr. NOOOOOOOO
Happy wedding to the new couple, hope you have a good life
I went into my Windows 7 control panel and looked for the java version I had installed. To my surprise I had java V6 installed along with the java V7 and upon removing all java installations, rebooting, and reinstalling a clean java download, I find that I can now run around in maps for a much longer time.
So if you are experiencing world save corruption or other problems that make the 12w21b snapshot unplayable, please check your java installation and make sure you remove any older versions that may be hanging around.
Cheers ...