MCX360 Launches Today!

That's right, Minecraft 360 finally goes live today! It is already out on XBLA in certain regions, and continues to become available as time goes on. To celebrate this monumental event, we have a special surprise for you guys: free copies of MCX360!

Lydia Winters (aka Minecraft Chick) of Mojang has generously donated a number of FREE MCX360 game codes to give away, and we're doing just that! Today, we will give 25 lucky winners their own free copy of the game! How do you become a lucky winner? It's easy:

  • Build a tribute, monument or similarly inspirational homage to Minecraft 360 Edition in your PC game
  • Post a picture of it in this thread (be sure to have the map available for download, just in case!)

That's it? Yep, that's all there is to it! Builders have until 12:00 pm CST (GMT -6) to submit their builds for consideration, so don't delay! We will announce all winners once they have been picked. Duplicate entries are fine, but they do not increase chances of winning - one code per person. Multiple players may work on a structure if they like, although each winning submission will earn just one code.

Check in throughout the day as we give you the latest on the biggest new contender in the XBLA arena, Minecraft 360 edition! We will also be posting game footage, tips and hints on our Minecraft-focused YouTube channel throughout the week - be sure to subscribe to see it first!


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