I take a look at minecarts, briefly touch on redstone, and talk about a giveaway for 50 FREE MCX360 game codes - take a look!
Minecraft on the 360 - we've talked about it in passing over the last few months, but have offered very few specifics. Now, that all changes - no wild rumors, no random guesses; let's take a solid look at MCX360.
Multiplayer - What is it Like?
Surprisingly awesome. I was personally a little hesitant about how it would feel to play Minecraft on a 360 controller, but you would be surprised at just how intuitive the controls are. The triggers deal with what we usually associate with left- and right-mouse clicks (albeit reversed, in this case), navigating your inventory & crafting screens is smooth and easy - it's startlingly well done.
What's There, What Isn't
It's been a long, long time since Beta 1.6, and it's easy to forget what exactly was in the game at the time. For example, wolves and powered tracks were in the game by then, although myself and a number of others believed both to be added later on. Having said that, it's almost easier to say what's not in the game, relative to the PC title, and that list is only so long - there's no jungle (or associated critters), and that's undoubtedly the largest absence from the core game.
Beyond that, the differences are mostly mechanical - there's no Creative/Survival mode, but on the plus side, no hunger either. You can still punch the wool off of sheep, but no shears for taking leaf blocks. Powered tracks are definitely present, but the old booster track glitch doesn't work.
For those wondering, the map size is 1000x1000 blocks.
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Gameplay footage!
Multiplayer - How It WorksMulti-player Minecraft is about the only kind of Minecraft worth playing, some might say. One of the many SMP-related questions to come out recently is, "How does this even work?" Servers, dynamic joining, subscription requirements? Not terribly hard at all, as it turns out. You start up a single-player game as you would normally, but be sure to leave the "Online" box checked. Then, your friends can join you whenever they like!
We'll be showing this in more detail, of course - but I've got something in the works that might let you guys do it with me instead. More on that in a moment.
This is great and all, but when can I play it?
The game is set to release on May 9th, 2012 (this Wednesday) on XBLA. We will be revealing preview footage of the game all week right here on the front page, so be sure to check in frequently for a real-time look at exactly how the console port works!
In summary, MCX360 exceeds expectations in many respects - one thing Minecraft veterans will notice immediately is that smooth (and consistent) frame-rate: the game runs as smooth as silk, and it's truly a thing of beauty to behold. While I wasn't able to enhance my worlds with any texture packs (I'd even saved a few old ones, just in case), there has been talk that texture packs (and custom skins) will be a reality in the future.
Custom skins are something that's been causing a bit of confusion lately - some people have seen the skins in the official Teaser video and come away with the impression that they were user-made; sadly, this is not the case. There are a number of pre-generated skins that are assigned to players as they join the game, starting with default Steve, and going through "Tuxedo Steve", "Tennis Shorts Steve", "Prison(?) Outfit Steve", and so on. These skins are not persistent to the player themselves, but whoever happened to join in that particular "slot". For example, if you joined my game as the second player and got Tuxedo Steve, that would be you for the remainder of your stay, as well as if you left and returned. But, if you left and another friend joined in your place, they would now be Tuxedo Steve, and you might be Tennis Steve on your return.
Still, it's nice to see that the foundations of custom skinning are there. We'll eagerly watch where it goes.
Check back all week as we cover this newest installment in the Minecraft series, up to and including launch!
I DEFENITELY agree with this. Hunger ruins the game.
What's the point of "finishing" Minecraft and "releasing" the "full version", when the Minecraft for Xbox isn't even the full game? What a horrible idea. To think I was actually excited for it, and I'm just receiving an unfinished piece of trash that I've already paid for and enjoyed to a further extent.
World size is pretty terrible, I really hope they intend on updating it to be bigger.
Notch was mistaken, the review embargo was Monday at 9AM PST, Notch said Thursday for who-knows-why... the game is out on Wednesday.
If you actually read more often you would of known but unfortunately that is way too hard for you.
I just wish it was on a console I had so I could make a video of it.
Curse...I seriously can't believe this...
Microsoft paid for an exclusive, it won't be coming out on any console other than the XBOX360.
PS: I never played Minecraft until after the full release, so I have no prior knowledge on the issue of world size
Because they are made by separate companies on separate platforms. Would you expect to get MW3 for free on Xbox just because you already had it for the computer? I think not. Well maybe you would, but the game developers care too much about their money. If you really want to blame someone, blame 4J
It won't be expanding forever. Unlike PC's, Consoles have limitations based on hardware. It was already stated that the worlds would not be expanding infinitely because current console hardware cannot support something that massive.
The only reason a PC can do it is because PCs will always be better than consoles in the hardware department, as they can be upgraded on the fly. Whereas, consoles cannot until a newer console comes out.
To answer other questions, the game will cost 1600MSP or $20 for those that don't know the exchange rate of Microsoft Points to Dollars. It's the same cost as actual Minecraft and if you're going to complain about the price for Minecraft being released at 1.6, then save the forum some bandwidth, don't buy it and don't post about your anger. The game will be updated regularly to catch up to the current PC Version.
The game WILL NOT be released on PS3 / Wii because Microsoft bought exclusive rights to the game so Xbox 360 will be the only console that it will appear on. This was stated before on Notch's twitter and I believe Jeb's twitter as well. If you want proof or links then go make a twitter and follow Notch and the rest of the Minecraft / 4J twitters. I refuse to babysit your ignorance / laziness.
Texture Packs and Player Skins will probably be coming later on but right now, getting the game in a playable state and released is more important that cosmetic things. If that in itself angers you and makes you think twice about buying MCX360 then do yourself a favor and don't buy it / don't post crap about it on the forums. It won't help and people have already been posting crap like that for months now, due to info about Texture Packs and Skins not being available right away being around for a few months now.
If for any reason you get the urge to say "Oh lulz u dunt kno wat ur talking about becuz ur not from Mojang" save it, this info has been readily available for months now on the site itself and in the MCX360 Sub-Forum.