- Added a defense mob to villages
- Added up-side-down stairs
- Many changes to the world and lighting system
Server: download here
Need help using a snapshot? Badprenup has you covered!
1. Download the new snapshot minecraft.jar
2. Navigate to your .minecraft folder (On windows, you can find it by searching for %appdata%)
3. Put the new jar file in the bin folder (OPTIONAL: Back up your old jar file).
4. Open Minecraft via the launcher, how you normally would.
Let us know what you find! Here's a screenshot Jon provided of the new mob, the Iron Golem:
Jeb is smart.
Let's play a game about how many people really care if you're going to take your business elsewhere.
Hint: Not Mojang.
No company really gives two ****s about if you stop playing their game. You bought it already [Probably], and they don't really offer refunds.
Also, you're late to the party. It's been common knowledge that Jeb and Jon are planning to connect the modding community with Minecraft even more.
P.S: Pretty much every major feature added was already done in a mod. But considering how much power modders have, it's irrelevant to state this. But there are some times when they specifically use mods. Ala pistons.
SPACES between two sentences! It burns to look at!
So many grammar, spelling, and usage skill errors! It melts my brain just thinking about it...
The new snapshot is pretty cool, though why not just give the villagers something? Instead of hiding behind this cast iron cave dwelling squidwards.
If they are going to uppercut, they need to make them blast off to infinity and beyond! Like Team Rocket in Pokemon! :biggrin.gif:
Just wondering about this particular test shot: Is this on a fresh build or pulling in a world file from a previous snapshot? Yes, it does make a difference as light levels are stored in the save file.
Regardless, there is some need for these bugs to be fixed. The real issue is how this will perform with existing maps derived from 1.1, as well as fresh maps from this build.
There are many different ways to play Minecraft. Some players just happen to love digging into the ground and discovering veins of ore. That has also been a part of the game since nearly the very beginning so it is very much relevant to a game called "Minecraft"... that has mining as a key aspect of the game.
Might need fixing
Why's this a negative thing? People say "I want X" someone codes "X", people go "yay" and download mod X. Mojang says "wow, a lot of people really want something like X"... and adds it in. Because it's what people want. And that way if mod X is not updated, or neglected, people still have it.
In any event, I'm happy as a clam with this. I think people need to remember that these are snapshots--works in progress, not final images. There's no doubt a 'to do list' with many ideas sitting on it... and bugs are to be expected. If you want relatively bugless play, go play one of the release versions.
and have a look at this bit of logic. You go "boo hoo hoo, why do we need golems"... well, have a peek:
Monster AI is updated. Creates now act differently then their standard "get close, and hit player". This includes pathfinding, self preservation and oher ideas. as a part of this, I'd bet the zombies attacking villages thing was added in 'for fun' and because people complain about villages being dull and pointless. Now there's something interesting that happens there. Unfortunately, it can kill off all of your villagers. So, villagers need to reproduce (check) and defend themselves (hiding in houses... check, oh wait, zombies will knock down doors...) and you need a defensive mob--the golem. Work on the golem couldn't be finished without ensuring that the zombies had the proper behavior without them. so it makes sense to do zombies then golems.
Alright, so there's that bit of logic... the question now clearly for us, as players, is .. what next? My guess is that one of the next steps involves giving villagers more purpose.
as for the pleas of "more ore, more miging" have a loot at this bit. they've been working on this new world storage system that allows for MANY more block types. .... just saying, that (which I guarantee was complicated and has been in the works for quite a while.. including this week) makes it possible. So it won't surprise me to see it happen sometime in the near future.
These are building blocks to more. Look: Ocelots spawn only in jungles. They've got that working. Which means they can add other biome-specific mobs. They've put out two new mobs over the last few snapshots. They're clearly aiming that way. people jsut gotta remember that these things take time and programming is not simply going "spawn golem. Golem kills zombies." or "spawn copper ore. Use copper in recipes, lol" it's complicated stuff
have faith y'all and be patient. and if you have any good ideas, mention them
that would be sweeeeet
do the golems spawn automatically? or do you have to do something special to make them spawn?