Helpful Hints: Piston Passages & Stairs
Pistons and redstone contraptions can often be complicated and confusing. Sometimes, it can be a struggle to assemble even a basic doorway without mishaps, or having it look strange. Today, CNBMinecraft addresses this by giving a step-by-step tutorial on how to build a fully functioning, fully hidden automatic door-and-stairs passageway! This assembly looks like an ordinary floor at a glance, but with one flip of a lever, it reveals a hidden passage, complete with stairs sliding into place! The author does a remarkable job of demonstrating the building process one step at a time, allowing anyone to design similar devices - give it a watch!
But pistons are sweet too.
I disapprove this as a helpful hints. First, It is not helpful.
Second, its a tutorial :] not a hint x_X (no, that was a joke. dont consider that.)
Third, Useless, there are like millions of redstone creations that are better
Finally, Already saw this same thing multiple times.
Really? A Tutorial on a stairs with pistons? Are you guys out of 'digital diamonds' or 'helpful hints'?
Yes, there may be better creations, but I doubt "Building a computer" Is an helpful hint also. I personally find this a little helpful and usefull, like if you want a secret base. (Cant helpful Hints be tutorials too?)
Sure he may not have been the first, or theres others, but its still pretty cool nevertheless.
Oh btw, there are millions of usernames are better then yours.
Not everyone is a modder.
Not everyone is adept enough at redstone to understand the more complex and smoother creations
Just because you saw it, doesn't mean everyone has (I haven't)
And god damnit, a tutorial is a tutorial, it doesn't matter. It's a 'helpful hint' because it's showing, step by step, on how to make a redstone staircase, which can lead into secret rooms or passages to hide valuables from other players or unfortunate events. So yes, to me, this is a helpful hint.
This is a public area, so I won't bash you for saying what you said. But I will say that you were a bit... Narrow-minded in your comment.
Who said anything about a computer?
"Oh btw, there are millions of usernames are better then yours."
You don't have to be a "modder" to understand redstone. Also, it's not really hidden when there is a lever out in the open for no obvious reason and people online are altering their texture packs.
@ graveyerd: quit hatin'
and an idea for a part 2 "how to open and close from the inside :biggrin.gif:
In seriousness this tutorial was actually quite useful. As for the lever being out in the open all you need to do is make a downward propagating signal with an inverted output so the powered closed state is maintained without the lever.