Jeb tweeted a new image recently, indicating some significant changes to the inventory - stats, possible bottles for potions and more! An earlier tweet seemed to support the potion theory, with a mention of a possible blindness potion. He seemed to indicate that the inventory/stat changes would not take effect in 1.9, however.
Already, we have seen a large shift in the way Survival Mode plays, with the inclusion of NPC villages, more expansive dungeons (including strongholds, and nether forts), a large number of new creatures and more. What will be added next? Keep an eye out for more updates!
These are BUFFS. You dont have to use them
Shut up. Just honestly. Just because you play it longer... does not mean you can say "Oh, you guys must be new here. You suck, go away. You have no opinion in this matter" you're basically saying that
I've watched the game since the Haloween updates and I've played the game since I think 2 updates after that maybe 1
so I like this.. but hey guess what...
IT'S NOT GOING TO BE ADDED, READ THE TWITTER, READ THE COMMENTS. "....blah blah blah not going to be added in 1.9, it's a nice picture though!"
Exploring in Minecraft is only fun because it's 'extra.' If you had two games about 'exploring' and one looked like Minecraft and one looked like Oblivion, guess who wins?
Killing mobs in Minecraft is only fun because it's 'extra.' If you have two games about killing mobs, and one is Minecraft and the other is Diablo 2, guess who wins?
Survival in Minecraft is only fun because it's 'extra.' If you have two games about not getting killed by all the monsters and one is Minecraft and one is Dead Island, guess who wins?
These extras are great. They made the game better, but ONLY because they are extras. They were little bits of interest on top of a game about building. Without mobs, Minecraft is still about building. Without building Minecraft is a pile of blocky terrain generation that wouldn't keep someone interested for 30 minutes.
I don't think there's anything wrong with introducing new things. However, I do think this 'Adventure Update' direction is WAY off course and it is rapidly getting to the point that it'll be detrimental to Minecraft in general.
Good thing this ain't comin'.