"Scrolls" Lawsuit Goes To Court
The original debate started when developer Mojang decided to make the working title of their new CCG-like game "Scrolls", which prompted software publisher Bethesda Softworks to respond, citing potential confusion between Mojang's Scrolls and their own Elder Scrolls franchise.
Some time into the proceedings, Notch offered to settle the dispute with a friendly game of Quake 3, a challenge which was not answered. The proposed solution was intended to ease any potential PR incidents, and provide an amicable solution to the dispute. The challenge went unanswered, and legal proceedings continued unabated.
Mojang will win.
Silly Bethesda.. should've gone with the Quake challenge, cause YER GUNNA LOSE!
/ramble off
Of course that doesn't mean I will be boycotting all of Bethesda's products, such as Prey the movie - er, I mean Prey the TV series... oh silly me, no I mean Prey the novel, sorry.
Elder not Ender
But yea seriously, I said that if they followed through with the law suit that i would never do business with them again, was holding off on buying new vegas last 2 months cause waiting for it to either blow over and be a forgotten case, or it to be dropped, but they kept going, so now i have barred their company....anyone care to join me?
Which Elder Scrolls logo are you referring to? The only logo I can find that's common to multiple elder scrolls game is that diamond shaped dragon they got going since morrowind. I can't really say I see a similarity between that and the scrolls logo.
MOJANG WILL CRUSH THEM FO ALL OF MINECRAFTIA !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
so help me notch i will pick up the pick and fight for this cause
This is true, but what about demanding a "sizeable sum of money" upfront? It's greedy and money-grabbing, through-and-through. Sorry, but whatever the reasoning behind it, it would seem from my point of view, they went the bad PR route of dealing with the issue.
A great game developer is being a total idiot.
I hope that they get their asses handed to them in court.
anyway, go Mojang
Why cant we all just get along we all stole from this game Skyrim Is piratically based off of this game
That's highly unlikely, as Mojang would have just as difficult of a time in trying to get their theoretical copyright of "Scrolls" to stick any more than Bethesda would have trying to enforce that for themselves.
The lawsuit is more an issue of brand awareness than actually trying to copyright a common word exclusively (that's generally gone over fairly poorly in the past). Bethesda, as others have pointed out, are concerned that potential customers might mistake Mojang's upcoming game for one of their own purely by the title, which -- as others have pointed out, both here (where all us fanboys are) and out on the internet in general -- is highly unlikely. Because, even putting aside the fact that people generally don't refer to the Elder Scrolls games as Elder Scrolls games, practically the only other similarity between the two games is that they are both designed to run on a computer. As soon as the trial gets beyond the opening statements and both companies trot out their actual games beyond the simple matter of names, Bethesda has pretty much lost their case that the general public could confuse the two games.
Mojang's counter-offer was one offered in good faith to perhaps help Bethesda avoid the upcoming PR slap they are going to have to deal with (and let's be honest, Mojang could very easily come up with another name anyway if he wanted to at this stage of development... and given the fact that they actually offered to compete against them in one of their own games, he probably had a backup name anyway ;D).
Right now, the PR hit on Bethesda has only been minor, and restricted to the pretty hard-core gamers. Now that the trial is going forward, the worldwide community at large will start to notice, and what will they come away from it with? "Wow, this huge software company is suing these half-dozen guys over in Europe? And these other guy's only other game so far has been made with little blocks...?" Besthesda couldn't have devised a scheme to make themselves out to be real out-of-touch jerks if they had tried.