the villagers are okay, but isn't it better if they were the same mob alike to steve? there should be females and males. but i guess that would be coming in later releases... i think
Gaaaaaaa... 1.9_pre1 is even MORE unplayable than 1.8.1! NOTCH, MAKE OPTIFINE OFFICIAL NOW!
On topic... In the 45 seconds it was actually able to run before segfaulting on me, I didn't see that much difference from 1.8. I'll have to see the actual content (probably via GameChap videos) before I can comment, but the list looks interesting. IMO though, Notch should get the game working again for more people [cough]Laptop Minecrafters[/cough] before adding more new features...
And sp614x, for the love of Netherrack, please finish updating OptiFine so "the rest of us" can finally play 1.8.1.
Ok i'm sorry, but I made an account just to answer the 50+ people saying that jumping gives experience.
Instead of blatantly stating the obvious how about thinking for a second.
Either 1, it could actually be a bug( though somewhat unlikely).
Or 2, It gives you experience because in the full release or next adventure update jumping will be a skill related to agility/movement that you can obtain levels in.
Spamming it it would be cheating almost, probably the same way spamming a tool with nothing to hit would be.
For the guy who posted that long Java log...your Xms and Xmx are flipped flopped. Change your x to s and your s to x and your should be fine. This is also not the place to post your crap like that.
Wow so much complaining i want to install this really bad to take over an NPC village and it to the ground it sound's awesome i just need to find out how to install it anyone got a tutorial?
Wow so much complaining i want to install this really bad to take over an NPC village and it to the ground it sound's awesome i just need to find out how to install it anyone got a tutorial?
You just need to replace your minecraft.jar i your bin folder with the downloaded minecraft.jar
I do recommend you save the other minecraft.jar though incase you have some mods or something.
On topic... In the 45 seconds it was actually able to run before segfaulting on me, I didn't see that much difference from 1.8. I'll have to see the actual content (probably via GameChap videos) before I can comment, but the list looks interesting. IMO though, Notch should get the game working again for more people [cough]Laptop Minecrafters[/cough] before adding more new features...
And sp614x, for the love of Netherrack, please finish updating OptiFine so "the rest of us" can finally play 1.8.1.
Well that worked for me anyways
Instead of blatantly stating the obvious how about thinking for a second.
Either 1, it could actually be a bug( though somewhat unlikely).
Or 2, It gives you experience because in the full release or next adventure update jumping will be a skill related to agility/movement that you can obtain levels in.
Spamming it it would be cheating almost, probably the same way spamming a tool with nothing to hit would be.
My 2 cents.
Sorry for some people but it's now unplyable but thanks notch for my FPS
Still does not answer why it gives xp and I still think I might be on to something.
Sorry... had to say it....
"How do I get out of this chicken sh@# outfit?"
One of my fav movies....Anyways, carry on. :smile.gif:
You just need to replace your minecraft.jar i your bin folder with the downloaded minecraft.jar
I do recommend you save the other minecraft.jar though incase you have some mods or something.