Minecraft 1.13 Pre-Release 10

We're now on pre-release 10 and we expect this to be the last pre-release before the full release. That said, unless any major show stopper pops up, we aim to release Update Aquatic for Minecraft: Java Edition on Wednesday, July 18th.

A full changelog for this Pre-Release can be found on Minecraft.net.


  • Added an "Optimize World" button (singleplayer -> edit world -> optimize world), which upgrades an entire world from older version to the latest version in one go
  • Improved performance
  • Fixed bugs!


  • MC-133653 - Game Crash when creating Superflat world (Void), entering the End, or creating floating islands buffet world
  • MC-133473 - Dead bubble coral fan looks like dead brain coral fan
  • MC-133467 - Mobs Stuck on Flowing Water
  • MC-133421 - The lowest level of flowing water doesn't move mobs
  • MC-133408 - Coral fans and dead coral fans never drop as item
  • MC-128668 - Ocean monuments cut off icebergs
  • MC-127100 - Water and lava influence the flow direction of each other when touching
  • MC-125038 - New world generation doesn't populate edges of old world
  • MC-125007 - World fails to generate decorations on seemingly random quarter chunks
  • MC-122216 - /execute if blocks only returning 1/0 for "result"
  • MC-59729 - /replaceitem doesn't work with chest or hopper minecarts

To get pre-releases, open your launcher and go to the "launch options" tab. Check the box saying "Enable snapshots" and save. To switch between the snapshot and normal version, you can find a new dropdown menu next to the "Play" button. Back up your world first or run the game on in a different folder (In the "launch options" page).


Please report any and all bugs you find in Minecraft to bugs.mojang.com.


Pre-releases can corrupt your world, please backup and/or run them in a different folder from your main worlds. 


Share your thoughts on how 1.13 is shaping up in the comments below!