The second pre-release for Update Aquatic is now available!
A full changelog for this pre-release can be found on
- Title screen should now be more optimised
- Reverted the bark block changes from the first pre-release
- Various performance optimisations
- You can now combine 9 ice to create 1 packed ice
- Fixed a bunch of bugs
- MC-35856 - Multiple background songs playing at one time / automatic music overlap (not Jukebox music)
- MC-102403 - Persistent/unchangeable sounds after (re-)opening a world
- MC-121628 - Horse armor textures z-fighting.
- MC-121714 - Unable to save screenshots and world icons if the path contains non-ASCII characters
- MC-121832 - Z-fighting on skeleton horse texture
- MC-122864 - Tamed llamas, donkeys, and mules cannot be named with a name tag
- MC-123007 - Z-fighting on zombie horse texture
- MC-123366 - Item right click actions don't work whilst looking at a block in adventure mode
- MC-123811 - Horses (and llamas, etc) show default name as "HorseChest"
- MC-124364 - Horse skin and armor textures not applied correctly to horse model
- MC-125363 - Items fail to remain on surface
- MC-125744 - Entity predicates for advancements fail if "type" not specified
- MC-127099 - Kelp isn't completely removed when sponge removes the water
- MC-127320 - Drowned do not recognize tridents as weapons they can pick up
- MC-127921 - Horses' health bars interfere with the air bubble bar.
- MC-128241 - Dolphins can sit in boats
- MC-129262 - Zombie horses don't sink in water like other undead mobs
- MC-129374 - Crash on 32 bit JVMs: "Unable to bootstrap datafixers" due to stack overflow
- MC-129500 - Map displays 1 deep water as dry land.
- MC-129712 - Team Suffix resets after restarting world
- MC-129895 - Concrete powder's falling sand entities lose NBT data when upgrading from 1.12.2 to snapshots
- MC-130014 - When updating villagers trade carved pumpkin instead of pumpkins
- MC-130059 - Bubble column particles (from falling) have missing texture
- MC-130145 - Text over the hotbar does not reflect item rarity colours
- MC-130200 - Items in saved creative toolbars upgrade improperly from 1.12.2 to 1.13-pre1
- MC-130524 - Beds turn invisible when upgrading from 1.11.2 or below
- MC-130577 - Armor doesn't always line up with Drowned model
- MC-130722 - Slime blocks diffuse light
- MC-130779 - Title-Screen Lag High GPU Usage
- MC-130800 - Normal terracotta disappears from chests when upgrading from 1.12 to 1.13-pre1
- MC-130858 - Pistons are no longer transparent
- MC-130936 - Carpets on llamas removed when loading 1.12 map
- MC-130942 - Errors, warnings and 10 second freeze on loading list of singleplayer worlds
- MC-130945 - Command tab completion does not work in command blocks with command suggestions off
- MC-131125 - InhabitedTime set to zero after update from 1.12.2 (Local Difficulty)
- MC-131155 - Saving structure which has not been saved before logs error "Couldn't load structure"
To get pre-releases, open your launcher and go to the "launch options" tab. Check the box saying "Enable snapshots" and save. To switch between the snapshot and normal version, you can find a new dropdown menu next to the "Play" button. Back up your world first or run the game on in a different folder (In the "launch options" page).
Please report any and all bugs you find in Minecraft to
Pre-releases can corrupt your world, please backup and/or run them in a different folder from your main worlds.
Share your thoughts on how 1.13 is shaping up in the comments below!