We are on the home stretch for the full release of 1.8, expected early next week! Version 3 of the pre-release just went live, and addresses the following bugs:
- [Bug MC-61844] – Creepers target Iron Golems, causing terrain damage without interaction of a player
- [Bug MC-62066] – String duplication glitch
- [Bug MC-66511] – Creeper's new Attack Golem AI takes priority over Avoid Ocelot/Cat
- [Bug MC-69052] – Hang up when move out of 30,000,000
- [Bug MC-69638] – Combined minecart explosions duplicating destroyed armor stands' items and creating ghost items
Additionally, Version 2 covered the following bugs:
- [Bug MC-46082] – Crashes when populating a chunk with empty (void) columns
- [Bug MC-57926] – Thrown splash potions have the colour of water
- [Bug MC-64521] – Inverted Daylight Sensor doesn't drop anything when mined
- [Bug MC-67626] – Item frames do not work outside 524289 x -524288 coordinates
- [Bug MC-68718] – Placing Redstone dust on certain other objects destroy the object
- [Bug MC-68726] – Skin is using wrong model
- [Bug MC-68740] – Cannot Summon Fireball/WitherSkull With/Without Direction (Unable To Summon Object)
- [Bug MC-68748] – Crash: Command "Summon SmallFireball" on Mobs!
The list of features for 1.8 is pretty extensive, including everything from a load of new features, tons of bug-fixes, optimizations, tools for map-makers, and more! Keep an ear to the ground - the big day is coming very soon!