Small, stable community, on line almost a year now, seeks a few new members. 18+ only, with clean records with mcbans. (One local ban? maybe OK. 8 global bans for griefing? Not OK.) Our oldest player is 67.
Strict survival, monsters set on Hard, creepers do block damage. You have to be a good fighter, but we fight monsters, not each other. We emphasize building, and we have some amazing builders and some amazing builds. Epic xp grinders, open to all! We have some unbelievable community projects, a creative world for rough drafts, a working chess game, an economy, a live dynmap, and much more.
Griefing is almost unknown among us. Thieves and griefers are removed immediately and the damage repaired. Your builds are safe here. We are generous. Don't be surprised if everyone rushes up to give you stuff when you join! If you are tired of having your builds griefed and your stuff stolen, this is the place for you.
You can log on, but you must be authorized by a mod to have building privileges. Log on and have a look! No worries.
We are running the latest dev build of bukkit 1.4 and it is working well for us. Carrots! Monsters! Flower pots! Come check it out.
All-adult server at Minimum plugins, no PVP except in arena, griefing is almost unknown among us. We are up 24/7 and have been since January.
You can log on, but cannot build until you are approved. That's so new friends can check us out! We check you out too, at mcbans. No one with a rap sheet is admitted. We find that this almost completely eliminates bad behavior. Your builds are safe here.
Friendly, warm community. Grownups. We've got lots of cool stuff! Amazing xp grinders, an awesome joint project (participation voluntary) and all kinds of delightful surprises. I think you'll like us, and I think we'll like you. Check it out. We have a website too,
Try Adults only, survival server. We don't need many protective plugins because there's hardly ever any problem with griefing, but we have some anyway, like chest lock. Wait until you see some of our builds, all of them in strict survival! Very friendly community. Sounds like you'd fit right in.
Whitelisted for your protection. You can log on, but cannot build until you are approved. Check out the website at
Check out Adults (18+) only, we don't admit anyone with a "record" at mcbans, which eliminates 99% of troublemakers. (No, even if "my brother has been using my account and it's not my fault." LOL) Strict survival. Griefing is so rare as to be almost non-existent.
SUPER friendly community with gifted builders. We have a website ( and a live map.
+Respectful and mature admins.
I've come across one server too many that was hosted by some kid too busy showing off his shiny ADMIN nametag to actually run the server properly.
Us: not only are the admins mature (38, owner, 67, mod) but all the players are 18 or over.
+No huge, endless maps with portals being the only way to get around the place.
I'd rather walk, tyvm.
Us: Limited map, feel free to walk.
+Small. Or small-ish
I'd rather have a small, dedicated playerbase than a huge server with griefers and theives running around the place.
Us: We have maybe 5 - 10 players on at any one time. Because we don't take just everybody there aren't hundreds of us.
+Near perfect uptime
Us: Feel free to check our stats on our website, cited below. We've been up since January. I see 98.75% uptime.
+Super donator ranks a no no.
Please, no buying creative with money. With maturity, perhaps, but not with money.
Us: Creative is not for sale. No one has it. If you want creative go to a creative server. This is a survival server. Nothing is for sale. We don't take donations.
+/home and a chest lock plugin at the very least
Us: Yup
You: +Website
We also have a live map, and a warm community. Griefing is almost unknown among us.
We don't admit anyone who doesn't have a clean record at mcbans; this eliminates 99% of troublemakers. You also must be 18 or over yourself.
Check out Adults (18+) only. We try to stick as close to vanilla as we can. This is strictly conventional survival. No flying, sorry.
We do a mcbans check before admitting you, and we do have a whitelist. Griefing is almost unknown among us. The last instance would have been months ago. Griefers and thieves are immediately banned, but even that is rare. Your builds are safe here. We had a guy come back after 4 months and all his diamonds, in unlocked chests, were just as they were when he left. (You can lock chests, though, and it's recommended.) It's a rather small, warm community ranging in age from 18 to 67. We have some gifted builders! Don't be surprised if everyone rushes up to give you stuff when you're admitted.
We've been up since January and have no plans to go out of business! I tell the kids who apply at 15, call us back in 3 years, we'll still be here. If you have questions about the game there's always someone to help. We fight monsters, not each other.
Adults (18+) only, strict survival, set on hard. No PVP except in arena. Griefing is almost unknown among us. We are a small, warm community. We fight monsters, not each other. Your builds are safe here. Some epic joint projects, a live map, some gifted builders, an operational chess board (!), an economy, awesome xp grinders, we have it all.
Server for 18+ only, small community, we fight monsters, not each other. Griefing is almost unknown among us: your builds are safe. We have some gifted builders and good friendships, live map and a website. We use an economy, and have some terrific joint projects: come check it out.
We fight monsters, not each other. Setting Hard. Strict survival. Economic system in place, many joint projects. Terrific community. Griefers are immediately banned, so whatever you build is safe. If you're tired of dealing with destructive kids, this is the place for you.
We have an arena if you like PVP; otherwise, PVP is disabled. We also have a creative space for rough drafts. map on the internet at
Strict survival, monsters set on Hard, creepers do block damage. You have to be a good fighter, but we fight monsters, not each other. We emphasize building, and we have some amazing builders and some amazing builds. Epic xp grinders, open to all! We have some unbelievable community projects, a creative world for rough drafts, a working chess game, an economy, a live dynmap, and much more.
Griefing is almost unknown among us. Thieves and griefers are removed immediately and the damage repaired. Your builds are safe here. We are generous. Don't be surprised if everyone rushes up to give you stuff when you join! If you are tired of having your builds griefed and your stuff stolen, this is the place for you.
You can log on, but you must be authorized by a mod to have building privileges. Log on and have a look! No worries.
We are running the latest dev build of bukkit 1.4 and it is working well for us. Carrots! Monsters! Flower pots! Come check it out.
You can log on, but cannot build until you are approved. That's so new friends can check us out! We check you out too, at mcbans. No one with a rap sheet is admitted. We find that this almost completely eliminates bad behavior. Your builds are safe here.
Friendly, warm community. Grownups. We've got lots of cool stuff! Amazing xp grinders, an awesome joint project (participation voluntary) and all kinds of delightful surprises. I think you'll like us, and I think we'll like you. Check it out. We have a website too,
Whitelisted for your protection. You can log on, but cannot build until you are approved. Check out the website at
SUPER friendly community with gifted builders. We have a website ( and a live map.
+Respectful and mature admins.
I've come across one server too many that was hosted by some kid too busy showing off his shiny ADMIN nametag to actually run the server properly.
Us: not only are the admins mature (38, owner, 67, mod) but all the players are 18 or over.
+No huge, endless maps with portals being the only way to get around the place.
I'd rather walk, tyvm.
Us: Limited map, feel free to walk.
+Small. Or small-ish
I'd rather have a small, dedicated playerbase than a huge server with griefers and theives running around the place.
Us: We have maybe 5 - 10 players on at any one time. Because we don't take just everybody there aren't hundreds of us.
+Near perfect uptime
Us: Feel free to check our stats on our website, cited below. We've been up since January. I see 98.75% uptime.
+Super donator ranks a no no.
Please, no buying creative with money. With maturity, perhaps, but not with money.
Us: Creative is not for sale. No one has it. If you want creative go to a creative server. This is a survival server. Nothing is for sale. We don't take donations.
+/home and a chest lock plugin at the very least
Us: Yup
We also have a live map, and a warm community. Griefing is almost unknown among us.
We don't admit anyone who doesn't have a clean record at mcbans; this eliminates 99% of troublemakers. You also must be 18 or over yourself.
Your builds are safe here. Try us out!
We do a mcbans check before admitting you, and we do have a whitelist. Griefing is almost unknown among us. The last instance would have been months ago. Griefers and thieves are immediately banned, but even that is rare. Your builds are safe here. We had a guy come back after 4 months and all his diamonds, in unlocked chests, were just as they were when he left. (You can lock chests, though, and it's recommended.) It's a rather small, warm community ranging in age from 18 to 67. We have some gifted builders! Don't be surprised if everyone rushes up to give you stuff when you're admitted.
We've been up since January and have no plans to go out of business! I tell the kids who apply at 15, call us back in 3 years, we'll still be here. If you have questions about the game there's always someone to help. We fight monsters, not each other.
Sounds like a good fit. Check us out.
Adults (18+) only, strict survival, set on hard. No PVP except in arena. Griefing is almost unknown among us. We are a small, warm community. We fight monsters, not each other. Your builds are safe here. Some epic joint projects, a live map, some gifted builders, an operational chess board (!), an economy, awesome xp grinders, we have it all.
Login IP:
We have an arena if you like PVP; otherwise, PVP is disabled. We also have a creative space for rough drafts. map on the internet at