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    posted a message on Minecraft for Adults: survival server small community adult 18+
    Small community, server has been up over a year. Semi-vanilla, set on hard, creepers to block damage. No one has creative but the owner, who does not build. You will be surprised at our builds in survival!!

    No PVP except in Arena. Adults only. Griefing and theft are almost unknown among us. If you are tired of having your builds destroyed and you want to play in a safe place with friends, this is the place for you.

    Website www.digstraightdown.com

    Address: mc.digstraightdown.com

    Live map:
    Posted in: PC Servers
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    posted a message on Minecraft for Adults: stable survival server adult 18+
    Please log on andehandehandeh and sabby, and I can authorize you.
    Posted in: PC Servers
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    posted a message on Minecraft Freezes Lock Up Computer // Mac OS X 10.8.5 (Hackintosh) // nVidia GeForce GT 640
    I am having the same problem. Anyone have any other ideas?
    Posted in: Java Edition Support
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    posted a message on Looking for a small mature tight-knit server.
    We're semi-vanilla, small community, adults only. We don't protect or claim land because there is no need for it. Griefing and theft are almost unknown. No PVP.

    Community of long standing - this world has been up over a year, and there are no plans to take it down. We have a live map.

    Log on, look around, follow directions to get authorized to build.

    website: www.digstraightdown.com
    Posted in: Server Recruitment
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    posted a message on Minecraft for Adults: stable survival server adult 18+
    You guys, please log onto the server at least once before emailing me about joining, and please include your age in your email. My email address is in the /motd.

    I can authorize you to build while you are not online, but I cannot do so if you have NEVER been online. I'm working on the technical end on this, but for now, please log in. Thanks.
    Posted in: PC Servers
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    posted a message on Experienced player looking for friendly server
    Try out digstraightdown, minecraft for adults. We're as close to vanilla as we can manage, it's pretty much the straight game. Griefing and theft are almost unknown among us, and we're a friendly, warm community.

    Anyone can log on, but you will need to be authorized to build. This involves a clean record at mcbans, that we know your age (which I know already from this post) and an email to me so you can go on our list. My email is in the /motd. We do screen players for previous records for griefing, which is one reason we have so little trouble with it.

    If you are not completely skilled at the game, we teach. It's a great place.

    website: www.digstraightdown.com
    Posted in: Server Recruitment
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    posted a message on What to do on your first night?
    I punch down some trees, make a wood pickax, get some cobble, make a crafting bench, make a furnace, make charcoal, make torches. (Unless I get lucky and find coal.) Then I dig a hole in some convenient hillside and wall myself in for the night with some torches in there to keep the baddies out. If I can get some sand, I make some glass so I can look out and see when the sun has risen.

    I am a great coward on minecraft and I hate fighting monsters. Better safe than sorry.
    Posted in: MCX360: Discussion
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    posted a message on Looking For Adult Survival Server
    Adults only at digstraightdown. We don't need to assign territories because adults respect each other and each other's builds. Grief is almost unknown among us.

    You can log on without any fuss; you cannot build until you are authorized, but it's easy.

    Posted in: Server Recruitment
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    posted a message on Looking for a mature server
    You don't mention your age, but if you are 18 or over you might want to check us out. We are a server for adults only, minimal plugins, set on hard. Warm community, awesome xp grinders, we hold a lot of property in common. The world has been up for a year and there are no plans to take it down.

    You can log on and look around; you must be authorized to build, but it's easy. Come and have a look.

    server address: mc.digstraightdown.com
    website: www.digstraightdown.com
    Posted in: Server Recruitment
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    posted a message on Minecraft for Adults: stable survival server adult 18+
    You know what? I don't remember. It's got to have been months ago.I mean, human nature being what it is, there will always be destructive people, and thieves. I just cannot remember the last time this happened to us. We do screen candidates at mcbans, so if you have a long rap sheet, look elsewhere.
    Posted in: PC Servers
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    posted a message on Minecraft for Adults: stable survival server adult 18+
    There's nothing magic about 18. Lots of people older than that behave badly - we've met some of them! - and many younger players are very mature. But we have to draw the line somewhere or we'd be flooded with 15 year olds who think griefing is funny. Many, perhaps most, minecraft players are under 18. They have many places to go. This is for people who are older.
    Posted in: PC Servers
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    posted a message on Minecraft for Adults: stable survival server adult 18+
    BigBoyHorse, we have nothing against children. But this is a place only for more mature players. There are hundreds of thousands of servers who will be glad to have players under the age of 18.
    Posted in: PC Servers
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    posted a message on Minecraft for Adults: stable survival server adult 18+
    Close community. All survival, only the owner has creative or /give, and he does not build. Everything here was built in strict survival. This world has been up over a year, and there are no plans to take it down.

    No PVP, we fight monsters, not each other. Set on "hard", and creepers do block damage, so be wary! You will be surprised at our builds, and at our generosity. This is really a terrific community. Griefing and stealing are almost unknown among us, and the few perpetrators are immediately banned, one strike and you're out. Your builds are safe here. People have been away for months at a time, and they always find everything intact when they return. If you are tired of grief and childish behavior, this is the place for you.

    Minimal plugins, we play the game straight, semi-vanilla. We do have a live map, and we are commercially hosted on SSD. Fast and smooth.

    Mature players only, 18+.

    You are more than welcome to log on and look around; you will need mod authorization to build. Come see! mc.digstraightdown.com

    Check the website: www.digstraightdown.com
    Posted in: PC Servers
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    posted a message on Stable fun survival server adults (18+) only
    mc.digstraightdown.com is the address JooJoo, hope to see you :)
    Posted in: PC Servers
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    posted a message on MinecraftLayer :::Superior Minecraft Hosting::: [NEW PROMO - 25% OFF FOR LIFE!] McMyAdmin · Multicraft · SSDs · from $5.25/mo!
    MCLayer is making my life miserable. Avoid these guys at all costs.
    Posted in: Other hosts
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