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    posted a message on All adult server: Minecraft for adults 18+ only
    Whatever. I'm a mother and a grandmother. I love kids. Just not here. Anyway, the owner makes the rules. There are loads of servers where kids are welcome.
    Posted in: PC Servers
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    posted a message on All adult server: Minecraft for adults 18+ only
    Qhan I don't know what to say. The minecraft address is mc.digstraightdown.com

    Hope this works, love to see you.ADDRESS: mc.digstraightdown.com

    I may have messed this up, sorry
    Posted in: PC Servers
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    posted a message on All adult server: Minecraft for adults 18+ only
    kamerosa, you are welcome here. Please log in, look us over, and I will authorize you to build. We have a special Hero status, vanilla, for heroes like you!
    Posted in: PC Servers
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    posted a message on All adult server: Minecraft for adults 18+ only
    If you are looking for a place to play minecraft with a group of mature friends, come to DigStraightDown.

    We are a Bukkit server, mostly vanilla, but with spawn and homes available. The server is on hard mode (not hard-core) PVP is off. We use many plugins, mostly for grief protection. LWC Chest locking is available and recommended.

    The server is located in the US, but we have players around the world who report good pings.

    Everything is built in survival mode. There are no kits, no giveaways, no diamonds for votes, no special powers for donors. Moderator powers are tightly controlled. Griefing of any kind is dealt with swiftly (this includes block grief, stealing or chat grief.) Racism, sexism or bigotry of any kind gets players a free ticket off the server.

    Small, warm community. We have a lot of joint projects, and some gifted builders. Adults only. Just to avoid confusion, for the purpose of this thread an adult is a person over 18 years old. Mature kids are still kids.

    This world has been up well over a year and there are no plans to take it down, though we do expand it from time to time. We have a live map at mc.digstraightdown.com:15566

    Log in at mc.digstraightdown.com You are welcome to look around. Membership is required for build permission. Please email [email protected] OR use the web form at www.digstraightdown.com (don't use this address to login) for membership. The requirements are simple: a clean record at mcbans, your age and an email.

    If you have general questions about the server or any other technical issue such as connecting, please feel free to contact Cronie, the owner, at [email protected]


    20 May 2014

    Hey! Still open and going strong and better than ever! We're not so "small" any more but we are still welcoming!

    The only thing that has changed is the dynmap address, which is now http://mc.digstraightdown.com:8123.

    Come check it out! We've expanded the world several times since the original post and there are some truly amazing builds (and some truly amazing people). Want new friends? To build in a safe, congenial environment? (One guy left for A WHOLE YEAR and all his stuff, in unlocked chests, was still there waiting for him when he came back!) Log on and have a look.

    Best adult minecraft server on the net. My opinion. Biased but there it is. Come see and form your own opinion.
    Posted in: PC Servers
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    posted a message on NEED NEW HOST money not a problem
    Envious, I just went to your site and I learn that you are only available during business hours UK.

    Do you understand (obviously not) that we are talking about an international game here, and that we need support 24/7?
    Posted in: Hosting Requests
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    posted a message on Attention Hosts: Mojang will soon be renting/hosting MC servers
    Frankly, you guys, if (and that is a big IF) Mojang can do this, I'd be relieved. I am tired of hassling with you private server guys.

    My server has been through 3 hosts so far and we're looking for another one. The "service" we've gotten....well, don't ask. I mean, is TERRIBLE a rating??

    We just want to play the game in a secure environment. You hosting guys? We'd very much like to see you, you know, host for reasonable fees, be available for prompt service, stop blaming us when things don't work, do your jobs. We are willing to pay for this, but that does not help either. If Mojang can come in and do it, wonderful.
    Posted in: Hosting Requests
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    posted a message on NEED NEW HOST money not a problem
    Thank you to all responders, we will be checking all of you out.

    Anyone else?
    Posted in: Hosting Requests
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    posted a message on Attention Hosts: Mojang will soon be renting/hosting MC servers
    OK sure. Louis, if they did it right it would be a big money maker.

    Man, that's a big IF!!! When have they done anything right before? Making the game work properly? Integrating with bukkit? Keeping track of credit card receipts and delivering the game to people who have paid for it?

    What is the best predictor of future behavior?

    Past behavior.

    Might be cool, but given what we have to work with, don't put money on it.
    Posted in: Hosting Requests
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    posted a message on Attention Hosts: Mojang will soon be renting/hosting MC servers
    Come on people, I love Minecraft, we all love Minecraft, but here in the bosom of the family we can all tell the truth, yes?

    Minecraft is the buggiest software in captivity. We're all constantly fighting bugs and glitches and sudden crashes, even on single player, and I'm not even going to BRING UP the matter of the Mojang authentication servers, about which the less said the better.

    So what makes anyone think that this company can do a superior or even acceptable job of hosting servers? Remember, THE biggie in hosting is customer service. Has anyone anywhere ever gotten anything even vaguely resembling customer service out of Mojang? Anyone remember how many people have struggled over the years to get their credit card money back when they has paid for the game but couldn't get it? Even something so simple?

    I mean, I wish them the best, and since we, my server, is currently searching for a new host, if they can come up with good reliable hosting more power to them, but they might work on getting their game to work properly while they're at it.
    Posted in: Hosting Requests
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    posted a message on NEED NEW HOST money not a problem
    I am a mod on our server; the owner has delegated the job of shopping for a new host to me. We do not have unlimited money (who does?) but we are an established server and we can pay for services.

    Requirements: full FTP access, support for custom JAR files, MYSQL, 2 Gigs RAM and 15-20 Gigs hard drive space, unlimited bandwidth for download and upload, multicraft interface is fine though the owner prefers Mcmyadmin, we don't need VPS or dedicated server.

    We need a dedicated IP address.

    We run a dynmap.

    We need nodes on the East coast or the midwest of the US. We have players from California on the west to Poland on the east.

    Customer service is a HUGE priority. This would be our fourth host; our first 2 hosts crashed and stranded us, failed to reply to support tickets and so forth; we are now on Fragnet, and we crash 2 - 3 times a day (which we never did on the other hosts) and Fragnet is being less than helpful. ("It must be Bukkit" according to them. wtf. Just about everyone runs bukkit.)

    We are adults and we want an established business as host. Thank you.
    Posted in: Hosting Requests
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    posted a message on Minecraft for Adults: survival server small community adult 18+
    TwoPurple, we are a bukkit server. NO bukkit server can update to 1.5 until the bukkit software AND all the plugins the server uses are also updated to 1.5. We are not in control of these updates. That would be, the bukkit staff and the writers of the various plugins.

    We use the minimum plugins to make the server work, but we do have those, and we must wait for everything to work with the new game software. Sometimes this is an easy transition. I hear, however, that the 1.5 update is a major change in the game, and I suspect that means that it may take some time to get everything working.

    We will probably update sooner than most servers, just because we usually do.
    Posted in: PC Servers
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    posted a message on Minecraft for Adults: survival server small community adult 18+
    We have a new PVP arena, which one member petitioned for and of which everyone else was skeptical, but it has been surprisingly popular, though most players do not go there. There are no rules, and you cannot take anything in there with you, so it's pretty hard edged. The people who like it like it a lot.
    Posted in: PC Servers
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    posted a message on Minecraft for Adults: survival server small community adult 18+
    Jokomoms that's a terrific image you're using :)
    Posted in: PC Servers
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    posted a message on Minecraft for Adults: survival server small community adult 18+
    Age in itself isn't so important; maturity is important. But on an anonymous server, age is the best we can do as a marker. Immature adults end up getting banned sooner or later.
    Posted in: PC Servers
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    posted a message on Minecraft for Adults: survival server small community adult 18+
    Pook, log on and have a look, then email me. My address is in the /motd.
    Posted in: PC Servers
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