Well, you know what, BigBoy? When grownups converse, especially grownups who do not know each other well (or at all) in real life, you will find that there is very little cursing. Not NONE, but very little. The use of a lot of obscene or cursing language in chat is very common on servers with a lot of teenagers logged on; not so common among adults. This observation, I think, holds true in other situations than minecraft.
I am not certain why this is true, but I think it is. Adults tend to be able to express themselves better, and most of us do not think that cursing is very expressive.
There is no real rule against obscenity or cursing at Dig Straight Down, but you will find that it just isn't done very much. Someone whose chat is just a string of dirty words or cursing would probably be approached privately by a moderator and asked to turn that kind of language down a bit.
We don't censor chat, if by that you mean someone reads it before it posts. However that does NOT mean that anything goes.
The quickest way to get banned from this server is to make a racist, sexist or bigoted remark in chat. Grief will be investigated, accidents can be explained, but my instructions are to ban anyone who makes any kind of bigoted statement instantly. Boom. Just like that. Grief can be rolled back, stolen goods can be restored, but words cannot be unsaid.
Besides that, since we are all grownups, good manners are the rule of the chat on this server. Grownups are not supposed to insult one another, jeer at other people, make unkind remarks to or about people they don't even know, indulge in obscenity in polite conversation...it's almost too obvious to elaborate on.
Anyone who wants freedom of speech is welcome to say whatever they like - subject to the restraints of the law of course - on their own website.
We do not have a whitelist but guests cannot interact with the server until authorized. That way you can log in and look around.
Server has been up since January 2012 with no plans to take it down. Small community, maybe 7 - 10 people on at any one time...we have players all over the world, so it depends on what time you look. Big map, lots of wilderness. There are probably 50 or so active players. Adults have to work, go to school, all that, so people don't always have time to play minecraft.
Adults 18+ only, and if that ban is on your mcbans record you may have to explain it. We do not allow griefers and other misbehaving people on, but we recognize that not all bans are just.
Actually Azar you touch on something that is very important to me about this server.
The Free Boxes are helpful, but they also symbolize something that goes all the way back to our beginnings.
All developments, a big community farm, a big tree farm, countless xp grinders (including two end grinders!) are held in common. They were all built by individual players in survival, but they are open to all, for nothing. There are anvils and enchant tables all over the place, for anyone to use. All in survival, all made by individual players from their own resources. Everyone chips in as they are able.
As a result, in some important way every new player who joins us is rich.
Food? Leather? Wool? Go to the huge community farm, all you have to do is replant what you harvest, rebreed what you slaughter.
Want xp? Wait until you see our mob grinders! We even have one that gives music discs!
All open to be used by everyone. Oh yes you must mine, you must build to protect yourself, there are always those monsters, but the riches of the community, built up over more than a year, are all available. This creates, for me, an especially valuable community. One I'm glad to be a part of.
We have an extensive set of Free Boxes from which every new person can take whatever he or she wants. This is not magic stuff, these are donations from the private resources of community members. Sort of like saying "Welcome!" in more tangible form.
There you will find tools, sometimes enchanted ones, weapons, armor, food and various sorts of supplies. When you too are rich you can donate to the boxes for the newer people coming after you. This server is set on hard. We don't want to send anyone out unprotected!
We've been lucky with griefers, and vigilant. First, if you have a record at mcbans for griefing you won't be admitted to play in the first place, on the theory that the best predictor of future behavior is past behavior.
If you do have a record, please do not tell me that you didn't really do it, that your brother/sister/kid/cousin/friend/houseplant got onto your account and did the griefing. I rank this right up there with "dog ate my homework." First, I do not believe you; second, you are responsible for your account. Just saying something like that strongly suggests that you are not an adult anyway.
Then the owner and mods are very vigilant. All allegations of grief are investigated; logblock tells for sure who did it; the owner rolls the build back to its pre-grief state, the perp is banned, and life goes on as before.
Really even this hardly ever happens. Between the screening at initial authorization and the one-strike-and-you're-out policy, there just aren't any griefers left.
TwoPurple I've kind of lost track. The owner would know exactly, but I'd say between 5 and 10. Frankly I was surprised at how popular the idea was.
As I say, anyone can have this rank just by asking for it, and anyone who has been playing that way can go back to "default" at any time. Interestingly enough, I cannot remember anyone who has opted for Vanilla wanting to get out of it later.
I've seen servers like that too, 3guys. Some of these ranks are very elaborate.
We pretty much don't do that at Dig Straight Down. When you first log in you will be a Guest who cannot build or even eat unless a player gives you cooked food. Getting authorized to build is easy, though, and then you are "default". That just means, regular player. That's most of the people on the server.
Of course there is the owner, Cronie. He does not build.
There are two moderators, me and one more, and we have a few unusual powers, like the ability to transport ourselves and other people around (so we can have parties!) and a whole bunch of responsibilities. No creative, no logblock access (that's only for the owner), no /give.
Then, if you dig 100,000 blocks out of our joint project, the glass pyramid, in one month, for the next month you are a "Builder." This just means you can make it day or night whenever you want to; that's it. Then that power expires at the end of that month unless you do some more serious digging.
Last, if you wish, you can play as "Vanilla." This is purely a matter of personal choice. If you opt for this you cannot use commands like /home or /spawn, you are restricted to what you could do on a vanilla server. Some people enjoy the challenge. You can choose this at any time, and you can get out of it at any time, just by asking.
Anyone who is interested can log on; we are not whitelisted. The address on minecraft is mc.digstraightdown.com .
However, you log in as a Guest, which means you cannot build or defend yourself. You can eat, but only if a player gives you cooked food.
To get building privileges and become a community member we need 3 things, but it's really easy.
First you need a clean record at mcbans; we check.
Second, you need to tell us how old you are.
Third, we need you to email me with your in game name so that we have you for our mailing list. Or you can fill out the form at our website, digstraightdown.com. We send out very few emails, and we don't spam, but we need a way to get hold of you if we need to.
Then a mod authorizes you to build, and you can pick stuff to take from our Free Boxes, donations from the community. And you're ready to go.
3guys, we do! We have an entire creative world where you not only have access to creative, but worldedit too, and you can make stuff to your heart's content. Of course you can't bring any goodies back into the "real" world, but it's a wonderful place to try out ideas and experiment.
I am not certain why this is true, but I think it is. Adults tend to be able to express themselves better, and most of us do not think that cursing is very expressive.
There is no real rule against obscenity or cursing at Dig Straight Down, but you will find that it just isn't done very much. Someone whose chat is just a string of dirty words or cursing would probably be approached privately by a moderator and asked to turn that kind of language down a bit.
The quickest way to get banned from this server is to make a racist, sexist or bigoted remark in chat. Grief will be investigated, accidents can be explained, but my instructions are to ban anyone who makes any kind of bigoted statement instantly. Boom. Just like that. Grief can be rolled back, stolen goods can be restored, but words cannot be unsaid.
Besides that, since we are all grownups, good manners are the rule of the chat on this server. Grownups are not supposed to insult one another, jeer at other people, make unkind remarks to or about people they don't even know, indulge in obscenity in polite conversation...it's almost too obvious to elaborate on.
Anyone who wants freedom of speech is welcome to say whatever they like - subject to the restraints of the law of course - on their own website.
Server has been up since January 2012 with no plans to take it down. Small community, maybe 7 - 10 people on at any one time...we have players all over the world, so it depends on what time you look. Big map, lots of wilderness. There are probably 50 or so active players. Adults have to work, go to school, all that, so people don't always have time to play minecraft.
Adults 18+ only, and if that ban is on your mcbans record you may have to explain it. We do not allow griefers and other misbehaving people on, but we recognize that not all bans are just.
mc.digstraightdown.com is the minecraft address.
The Free Boxes are helpful, but they also symbolize something that goes all the way back to our beginnings.
All developments, a big community farm, a big tree farm, countless xp grinders (including two end grinders!) are held in common. They were all built by individual players in survival, but they are open to all, for nothing. There are anvils and enchant tables all over the place, for anyone to use. All in survival, all made by individual players from their own resources. Everyone chips in as they are able.
As a result, in some important way every new player who joins us is rich.
Food? Leather? Wool? Go to the huge community farm, all you have to do is replant what you harvest, rebreed what you slaughter.
Want xp? Wait until you see our mob grinders! We even have one that gives music discs!
All open to be used by everyone. Oh yes you must mine, you must build to protect yourself, there are always those monsters, but the riches of the community, built up over more than a year, are all available. This creates, for me, an especially valuable community. One I'm glad to be a part of.
We have an extensive set of Free Boxes from which every new person can take whatever he or she wants. This is not magic stuff, these are donations from the private resources of community members. Sort of like saying "Welcome!" in more tangible form.
There you will find tools, sometimes enchanted ones, weapons, armor, food and various sorts of supplies. When you too are rich you can donate to the boxes for the newer people coming after you. This server is set on hard. We don't want to send anyone out unprotected!
If you do have a record, please do not tell me that you didn't really do it, that your brother/sister/kid/cousin/friend/houseplant got onto your account and did the griefing. I rank this right up there with "dog ate my homework." First, I do not believe you; second, you are responsible for your account. Just saying something like that strongly suggests that you are not an adult anyway.
Then the owner and mods are very vigilant. All allegations of grief are investigated; logblock tells for sure who did it; the owner rolls the build back to its pre-grief state, the perp is banned, and life goes on as before.
Really even this hardly ever happens. Between the screening at initial authorization and the one-strike-and-you're-out policy, there just aren't any griefers left.
We DO have a dynmap, and it is extraordinarily useful. Simply type mc.digstraightdown.com:15566 to see it!
As I say, anyone can have this rank just by asking for it, and anyone who has been playing that way can go back to "default" at any time. Interestingly enough, I cannot remember anyone who has opted for Vanilla wanting to get out of it later.
We pretty much don't do that at Dig Straight Down. When you first log in you will be a Guest who cannot build or even eat unless a player gives you cooked food. Getting authorized to build is easy, though, and then you are "default". That just means, regular player. That's most of the people on the server.
Of course there is the owner, Cronie. He does not build.
There are two moderators, me and one more, and we have a few unusual powers, like the ability to transport ourselves and other people around (so we can have parties!) and a whole bunch of responsibilities. No creative, no logblock access (that's only for the owner), no /give.
Then, if you dig 100,000 blocks out of our joint project, the glass pyramid, in one month, for the next month you are a "Builder." This just means you can make it day or night whenever you want to; that's it. Then that power expires at the end of that month unless you do some more serious digging.
Last, if you wish, you can play as "Vanilla." This is purely a matter of personal choice. If you opt for this you cannot use commands like /home or /spawn, you are restricted to what you could do on a vanilla server. Some people enjoy the challenge. You can choose this at any time, and you can get out of it at any time, just by asking.
Hope this answers your question.
However, you log in as a Guest, which means you cannot build or defend yourself. You can eat, but only if a player gives you cooked food.
To get building privileges and become a community member we need 3 things, but it's really easy.
First you need a clean record at mcbans; we check.
Second, you need to tell us how old you are.
Third, we need you to email me with your in game name so that we have you for our mailing list. Or you can fill out the form at our website, digstraightdown.com. We send out very few emails, and we don't spam, but we need a way to get hold of you if we need to.
Then a mod authorizes you to build, and you can pick stuff to take from our Free Boxes, donations from the community. And you're ready to go.