I've never seen the tree texture before, and I gotta say these are REALLY good imo. Can't wait!
- zorket
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Member for 12 years, 8 months, and 3 days
Last active Fri, Dec, 7 2018 16:26:53
- 626 Total Posts
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Dec 14, 2017zorket posted a message on Try the new Minecraft: Java Edition TexturesPosted in: News
Dec 11, 2017zorket posted a message on Minecraft 1.13 Snapshot 17W50APosted in: News
Ooo, easter egg?
edit nevermind it's an item frame thing
Nov 19, 2017zorket posted a message on Everything announced at MINECON EarthPosted in: News
Shoot, I wanted to vote for Mob D but I missed the whole thing.
Jan 18, 2017zorket posted a message on Test The New Minecraft Launcher Today!Posted in: News
Sweet, can't wait to try it out!
Jan 11, 2017zorket posted a message on Minecraft Crafting & Recipe Quiz: Can You Get Every Question Correct?Posted in: News
10/10. I would've lost if they asked the piston recipe tho
Dec 4, 2016zorket posted a message on Minecraft In Education A Bad Thing?Posted in: News
Minecraft can be used for encouragement, but I don't see how one can use Minecraft to teach specifics.
Jul 1, 2016zorket posted a message on Community Round-Table: What Is "Fun" In Minecraft?Posted in: News
I also enjoy building enormous projects, but my short attention span never really lasts me...
Jul 1, 2016zorket posted a message on Community Round-Table: What Is "Fun" In Minecraft?Posted in: News
I like PvE survival multiplayer with no griefing, because what we build is amazing. If I had to choose something dull, it would be prison servers. It's repetitive and doesn't give a sense of accomplishment.
May 18, 2016zorket posted a message on Snapshot 16w20a Ready For Testing!Posted in: News
Can't wait to try it? What's this update specialized around? Specialty is critical... at least I think.
May 1, 2016zorket posted a message on Minecraft For Gear VR Available!Posted in: News
the screen resolution is evidently pretty good, so you won’t be easily distracted by the pixels.
Irony much?
Apr 17, 2016zorket posted a message on Mojang: Education Edition Coming! Community: Looking At Servers TodayPosted in: News
Apr 15, 2016zorket posted a message on Mojang: Education Edition Coming! Community: Looking At Servers TodayPosted in: News
Microsoft is powerful...
Apr 14, 2016zorket posted a message on Server List Spotlight: Prison ServersPosted in: News
Playing a prison server is a waste of time - inside of a waste of time. It boils down to sitting and waiting.
Mar 30, 2016zorket posted a message on Server Spotlight: "No Signal" - a Post-Apocalyptic Adventure; 1.9.2 Update Now LivePosted in: News
How did two announcements end up in one post?
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For $3 on GGServers you can get 12 slots. Personally I believe this is a good value service, with helpful support and great uptime. However, you can get cheaper servers at Skynode. They don't put limits on your slots, and you can get a 2gb server for 4 bucks a month. However I personally don't like their service because of their panel and support. It may differ completely for you, there are mixed reviews of all services.
I've used GGServers and have had no problems with them. It's $3/month for a 1gb bukkit server.
Sounds pretty good. Maybe when it dies it will have drops that shoot at you as if you were fishing it, or simply XP orbs that shower upwards.
Yes, but back up your worlds beforehand.
I would recommend contacting Hypixel directly rather than posting in the Minecraft Forum, as Hypixel is a privately owned server.
That's interesting. I'll see if I can update the minecraft wiki (if I'm allowed)
This was on my personal vanilla server with a friend. We have a data pack, but it only modifies functions, and a broken resource pack with no messages in it yet.
Couldn't find it after multiple google searches, but got this death message in the latest snapshot. /kill was used by a command block on shufflesninja in the end.
Minecraft 1.9 was the Combat Update, which proved to be really controversial in the community. Many servers have kicked back and stayed on 1.8 or even 1.7 to retain the old system. If you can at least accept the new system then I would update to the latest version as more people probably use it.
What version is the server, and how much RAM does it get?
EDIT: THIS HAS BEEN RESOLVED for reasons unknown. It may have been a temporary issue.
I recently opened up a server with GGServers, and historically I haven't had any major issues with them. This time, however, I can't connect to it with my home network at all. The only way to get online is to join a network called "xfinitywifi", which comes with Comcast routers. However, there is major block and chat delay, making SMP is practically unplayable. The server has 1gb ram. My OS is Zorin 12. Could this be a network firewall or is it an issue with the server?
I'm no expert, but maybe you could put the scoreboard values in a different objective, then use scoreboard operation to compare them. Then there will be a backup of the values.
I've messed around with some properties of armor stands, but they will move if PvP occurs next to them. How can I just prevent it from moving at all?
You can create a copy of the area somewhere else, then have /testforblocks check if they are the same. When a head is placed, they won't be the same anymore.
Are you in 1.9? It seems to work for me.