I am genuinly curious about all these chibi pony avatars people get. Is this some childrens TV show or what? I assume its some meme, but I would like to know what to call it and what its about.
I hope he did this because of the 10000000 trap door/grate threads out there and the fact everyone wants it, and not because he just now thought of it himself.
or the kid who thinks he is original by making a really short fugly cobblestone fortress and calls it a castle. Castles look good, forts look ugly and bad.
There is always the person who tries to make a circle and can't, so they either make a fail circle, or bug people to show them where to find a tutorial for it....and you tell them Start>programs>ms paint>circle tool>zoom tool
I anti-sign. You know why? You have booster rails now. He didn't just remove the only viable way to travel fast in minecarts and laugh at you. Beside, there are still exploits to super boost to infinity and beyond. I would only sign if notch had just removed the bug and didn't give us a viable alternative.
I know how hard it can be to gett the right air flow. I don't know if it would help to put a few small holes randomly on him(in a new version) to see if that assists in the oxygen flow. You would have to also make it so the the smoke gets out or else it will just smother any flame.
I did this before and people said my ideas were already suggested.(okay that doesn't mean they suck) and that they were under-developed(which is stupid because if its a good simple idea, it doesn't need to be an essay).
my ideas:
clocks:take a watch and put a stick frame around it. Now you can place it on a wall, or place it on the ground like a sun dial/grandfather clock. Useful for public underground areas, or just for looks.
stained glass:apply color dyes to glass, get colored glass. Sure its been suggested, doesn't make it suck though.
colored wool helmets/clothes:The main purpose is to identify team colors for minigames. Many people would say just change skins. But that is pretty stupid because its more sensible to put on a hat in game than to have everyone change their skin, and then change it back again when they finish.
agreed. When on a server, it gets annoying. I had about 4 times as many yellow flowers as I did red. Considering red is needed for magenta, purple, orange and red. Yellow is needed for nothing more than orange and yellow. This makes no sense. Red flowers should be more abundant than yellow.
Well considering they are the least threatening mob, I would have to say that their loot should be the least helpful. But it would be helpful if they had more than just feathers. Maybe planks, flint, and rarely coal.
This is really complicated. I still like my idea of stone tools using 3 stacks of cobble that makes a stone pickaxe that lasts as long as a diamond tool.
could you do a black and white version? This would allow for more detailed pictures to come out well since wool has 4 shades of colors. white light grey grey and black.
Even with the nether it is impractical. that sucks. Beside, you would have to walk out there with materials and then go back, then go out again. So It would take you 5 days then just to get back to the start and then go to the edge again.
There is always the person who tries to make a circle and can't, so they either make a fail circle, or bug people to show them where to find a tutorial for it....and you tell them Start>programs>ms paint>circle tool>zoom tool
Jokes aside, that is a really spiffy cake.
I know how hard it can be to gett the right air flow. I don't know if it would help to put a few small holes randomly on him(in a new version) to see if that assists in the oxygen flow. You would have to also make it so the the smoke gets out or else it will just smother any flame.
my ideas:
clocks:take a watch and put a stick frame around it. Now you can place it on a wall, or place it on the ground like a sun dial/grandfather clock. Useful for public underground areas, or just for looks.
stained glass:apply color dyes to glass, get colored glass. Sure its been suggested, doesn't make it suck though.
colored wool helmets/clothes:The main purpose is to identify team colors for minigames. Many people would say just change skins. But that is pretty stupid because its more sensible to put on a hat in game than to have everyone change their skin, and then change it back again when they finish.
I've wanted to know where yours is from. I am super confused by it, yet it mesmerized me. @_@