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let me know if you're still playing, add me ZoeEmerald7
Hi, I'm 16 almost 17 and my gametag is ZoeEmerald7 feel free to add me
ZoeEmerald7 new to bedrock on PC (Windows 10) but been playing console for 6 years
heyo, add me ZoeEmerald7 i'd love to play with you all!
gamertag ZoeEmerald7 feel free to add and invite me I'd love to play!
add me: ZoeEmerald7
gamertag is ZoeEmerald7, got any specific server you wanna play on?
and can you guys add me as a friend i'm just dumb and can't figure out how to add u first
i'd love to play, do you have a server i can join?
I'd love to play with you! what's the port?
Hi! I am 16 but very new to servers so i would love to join this one to dip my toe in the water if you would have me.
Gamer Tag: ZoeEmerald7 -- Age: 16 -- Regional Location: eastern USA -- Reason for choosing NyanCatCraft: Friendly to beginners -- Reffered by: nobody
whats the ip and port?
Hey, I would love to play with you! Gamertag is ZoeEmerald7. whats the ip and port?
Hey, I'm in the same boat here. Looking for a server like this. Would you be open to creating a server or realm like that and then letting me know the address?
let me know if you're still playing, add me ZoeEmerald7
Hi, I'm 16 almost 17 and my gametag is ZoeEmerald7 feel free to add me
ZoeEmerald7 new to bedrock on PC (Windows 10) but been playing console for 6 years
heyo, add me ZoeEmerald7 i'd love to play with you all!
gamertag ZoeEmerald7 feel free to add and invite me I'd love to play!
add me: ZoeEmerald7
gamertag is ZoeEmerald7, got any specific server you wanna play on?
and can you guys add me as a friend i'm just dumb and can't figure out how to add u first
i'd love to play, do you have a server i can join?
I'd love to play with you! what's the port?
Hi! I am 16 but very new to servers so i would love to join this one to dip my toe in the water if you would have me.
Gamer Tag: ZoeEmerald7
-- Age: 16
-- Regional Location: eastern USA
-- Reason for choosing NyanCatCraft: Friendly to beginners
-- Reffered by: nobody
whats the ip and port?
Hey, I would love to play with you! Gamertag is ZoeEmerald7. whats the ip and port?
Hey, I'm in the same boat here. Looking for a server like this. Would you be open to creating a server or realm like that and then letting me know the address?