**To all current members: We are now using a 1.3 snapshot. The snapshot is called: 12w26a. THATS A 26, NOT a 27. The download is: HERE
To install: Download minecraft.jar from above link
-go into your .minecraft folder
-go into bin
-replace the existing minecraft.jar with the downloaded one.
-Go into your username thru Macintosh HD
-go to Library
-Go to Application Support
-Go to minecraft, and then into bin.
-Replace the existing minecraft.jar with the downloaded one.
Still need help? Message me.
Now that's out of the way.....
Hey there guys!
Do you want to play on a server where you can kill mobs, level up, become stronger, and have factions?!
Well then leave, because this server is not for you. Seriously, go.
Alright! Now that I have your attention, allow me to introduce you to VanillaCraft SMP.
This is a private, whitelisted server just like mindcrack. Completely vanilla. No /sethome, /home, /spawn, or any of that other stuff. Nobody, even admins and owners, gets these commands.
To put it simply: We. Are. Just. Playing. Minecraft.

In this server, you will be playing single player, but just with other people!
We are looking for people who just want to sit down and play some good ol' fashion vanilla minecraft.
There are a couple stipulations:
-You must know what mindcrack is (just to get an idea of what we expect from you)
-You should have youtube channel (recording is encouraged but optional)
-You must put in an application for whitelist.
1. In-Game-Name:
2. Age:
3. Favorite Mindcrack player(s) and reason why:
4. How long have you been playing MC?:
5. Building Skill (1-10)
Redstone Skill (1-10)
Maturity Level (1-10)
6. Why should we choose you?
7. What language do you speak best? Where are you from? : <<<If you don't speak mainly english, how well do you speak? (1-10)
8. Question: Who owns the mindcrack server?
-pranking is allowed, but nothing that destroys creations (ie: no water, lava, tnt, etc.)
-no xray/hacking. The only plugin we have is to detect hackers. So, don't do it.
-PVP only when "events" occur, or you have each other's permission. Doing so without said permission will result in a month ban.
-Build at least 1000 blocks away from each other.
-Keep swearing to a minimum, doing so in excess will result in a 24 hour ban.
Alright! Well, now that you have been introduced, apply now!
This will be a very fun server for everyone.
**When you apply, just be patient. We will contact you with the IP if you get accepted.
Other info:
Slots: 15 (at a time)
Ram: 1G
Bandwidth: Unlimited
Host: unqhosting.com
Owners: WeAreCops & Pigspajamas
Give me an internet?


EDIT: We have now accepted 4 people, but are now opening up the opportunities for you guys once again, and are letting 2 more lucky people in! Good luck!

EDIT: We are now doing a CONTEST to see who will get into the server

-After a few of on the server talked together, we have decided that the building contest will be SKYRIM
themed. You can build ANYTHING skyrim themed.

-No stealing others creations.
-Creative mode IS ALLOWED.
-No copying from images. < Images that are ALREADY in minecraft. You can use images taken INGAME in Skyrim itself.
When you are done building, take a video or screenshots (at least 10) and send them to me thru a PM here at minecraftforum.net!

(This is a hamachi server)
Anyways more about the server this server is a small server that can hold up to 20 people if more space is needed more space can be provided.
Pics of the living community
1.No mods/hacks
2.Be nice
Simple Right? (Not for the people on wall of shame)
Wall of SHAME!
1.XxDishyxX - greifer/hacker
2.jkilledthat - greifer/hacker
Thats all you need to really know expect for the hamachi info and I.P of course so here ya go!
Hamachi Name - Minecraft 100% Server4
Hamachi Pass - 100
Server ip -