Map 3 in the works (Its jungle themed) Its kinda hard to build it without voxel sniper but I'm making the main patrt of the map and its certainly is a more unique map
Builders App
IGN: Glafur
Skype Name: Logansharrow1
TimeZone: Eastern Standard Time
How long can you be on a day?: 1-2 hours (to be precise from 3:30 to 5:00 during week) unlimited on weekends( 24/7 :tongue.gif: )
Pictures of your creation(s): Can't give them to you right now but i can very soon
My creative world is on my laptop and i sold it to my friend so when i can get my world off of the laptop ill send you some pictures
Builders App
IGN: hellveteran45
Skype Name: brandon.kirwin
TimeZone: EST (Eastern Standard Time)
How long can you be on a day?: 2-4 hours
Pictures of your creation(s):
Builders App
IGN: Al00090
Skype Name: Al00090
TimeZone: GMT + 0:00
How long can you be on a day?: 4 hours minimum
Pictures of your creation(s): I suppose I could show you round my Minecraft world, If it meant that much?
Builders App
IGN: Al00090
Skype Name: Al00090
TimeZone: GMT + 0:00
How long can you be on a day?: 4 hours minimum
Pictures of your creation(s): I suppose I could show you round my Minecraft world, If it meant that much?
Your in, and if we have any spare time I might check out your MC World
IGN: zillagabe99
What are you excited about? i am exicted about RPG and the epic plugins of epicness on the server!
No problem welcome aboard :tongue.gif:
That pic is awesome your in!
Your in, and if we have any spare time I might check out your MC World
What Are you applying for? (Builder,Redstoner,Artist,Writer)