Rank You want: Mod Why you deserve this rank: I know the rules, I have been admin on other servers in the past, I am fair and try to look at each situation very closely before making a decision Why do you want this rank: I would like to support the server in any means possible and help it not become a hacker populated server Will you abuse this rank? Of course not! How old are you ( Don't lie about your age it dosent matter how old you are just wondering):13 How would you help the server?: By getting rid of all the scum bags :/ (Hackers,Spammers,etc) What would you do with this rank: Moderate the server help people from spam and hacker abuse hopefully. IGN: zillagabe99 (PS. If you need my Skype i'll PM it to you )9
PS. Not all of these people will be on, just whitelist them just in case there need later. Also I will add some later, I jsut don't have their IGN's right now so I cant
Well that will do for a bit, now do you wanna give out your IP over skype to everyone or do you mind if we post it on the fourms, I will give you a list of names to whitelist in a second.
Oh sorry, when? well like you said you can host from your laptop, if you can do that we want that to be our first option, so the how long it would take would depend on you. If that doesn't work out we plan on renting a host which would be done in a day or so.
(If I don't respond for a couple hours, I'm sleeping it's 4:00 AM Here ;P )
Thanks. When will the IP be issued or will it be done over skype?
I will post the IP on Skype and on the forum page (There will be a Whitelist) as soon as we have a host, and I think I may have found one for the project!
Past work if any: Oped on 10 different servers and moderator on 5. Also a builder on many, building cities, castles, villages etc.
Picture of work: No pictures (servers from 1.1 and below or no maps/screenshots have been taken
Extra Info: I know a heap about redstone and have a working knowlage on every aspect + if you have a bit of money I know a really, really cheap hoster.
Past work if any: some servers and many custom maps
Extra Info:Love TES and have played Morrowind, Oblivion, and Skyrim extensively. Can't wait to help!
You are accepted, welcome to the team! I will notify as soon as we can begin, note that project may be delayed a month or two if we do not find a server host!
i would be happy to help im an amzing builder coder and amzing at jacking you off IGN:sexyminecraft Time Zone:cnt Rate your building skills 1-10: 69;) Skype:sexy person Past work if any:lord of the rings sever Extra Info:im realy good at giveing pleasur so call me maby
im not evo it just says that
Evo stop playing around This is one of our builders everyone
ABOUT:We are experienced builders and huge Elder Scrolls Fans, who want to remake the Elder Scrolls world, Tamrial, in Minecraft! Now our mission will not be easy, we are currently wanting to use the plugins World Edit, Voxel Sniper, Essentials, and TimTheEnchanter. This Map We are planning to turn into a public Server (Server Host you will not has to host the public server just during the construction ) That is why we need coders to help with Plugins. Now to help us you will need to apply below, once we have enough of what we need we will start construction ASAP. Our progress will be updated on this fourm page.
Why you deserve this rank: I know the rules, I have been admin on other servers in the past, I am fair and try to look at each situation very closely before making a decision
Why do you want this rank: I would like to support the server in any means possible and help it not become a hacker populated server
Will you abuse this rank? Of course not!
How old are you ( Don't lie about your age it dosent matter how old you are just wondering):13
How would you help the server?: By getting rid of all the scum bags :/ (Hackers,Spammers,etc)
What would you do with this rank: Moderate the server help people from spam and hacker abuse hopefully.
IGN: zillagabe99
(PS. If you need my Skype i'll PM it to you )9
Also add Crafter12321 Forgot him oops
Well that will do for a bit, now do you wanna give out your IP over skype to everyone or do you mind if we post it on the fourms, I will give you a list of names to whitelist in a second.
Oh sorry, when? well like you said you can host from your laptop, if you can do that we want that to be our first option, so the how long it would take would depend on you. If that doesn't work out we plan on renting a host which would be done in a day or so.
(If I don't respond for a couple hours, I'm sleeping it's 4:00 AM Here ;P )
I will post the IP on Skype and on the forum page (There will be a Whitelist) as soon as we have a host, and I think I may have found one for the project!
Could you link me to this hoster?
You are accepted, welcome to the team! I will notify as soon as we can begin, note that project may be delayed a month or two if we do not find a server host!
You are accepted, welcome to the team! I will notify as soon as we can begin.