i like the idea and i am thinking there could be 2 tipes of turtles. One tipe could be the see turtle and it swans only in whater. The other tipe of turtle could be a land turtle and it will swanon beaches and could you make decorashen blocks out of the turtle sheals
well its a good idea but
why are they in normall villages there unded found only nehter
allso can they be hired as gurds and if they can can you give them commands like patroll and they follow lit up redstone or guard and they stand wer there standing
In-Game Name:zapper990 Age (no need to lie, we don't discriminate): 13 Time Zone: i dont know When did you start playing MInecraft?: rite before 1.3.2 came out Have you ever been banned? Why? (honesty is key):i think maybe ounce but i am not shure so check Tell us a bit about yourself: english is not my first langwege so sory abbout bad spelling Additional Info: loke at tell us abit about youreself Any questions?: can i say Party
i love the idea but um the villages with hie consentrashen of pigmen it dose not seam rite maybe there could be nether villagers(theres a sugeschen for nether villagers but i dony know what its colled)
I agree why
why are they in normall villages there unded found only nehter
allso can they be hired as gurds and if they can can you give them commands like patroll and they follow lit up redstone or guard and they stand wer there standing
i gess
Age (no need to lie, we don't discriminate): 13
Time Zone: i dont know
When did you start playing MInecraft?: rite before 1.3.2 came out
Have you ever been banned? Why? (honesty is key):i think maybe ounce but i am not shure so check
Tell us a bit about yourself: english is not my first langwege so sory abbout bad spelling
Additional Info: loke at tell us abit about youreself
Any questions?: can i say Party
exacly what i am thinking