maybe if they wer equal to zombyes you have some sort of controll over them and they atack only zombyes. And by controll i mean being able to make them patrol and stuf
I like the idea, but it seems like the crafting recipe for the actual ballista should be more expensive. 1/2 support. We do need (read need as want) a fixed base defense; my castle walls look barren without anything up there.
Age: 13 Name:mike MC username:zapper990 Desired Job:bilder A little bit about yourself?:english is not my first langwege Pie or cake?:both in great amounts.
120%. Jeb and Dinnerbone fell out of their chair and got on their knees worshipping the new idea. A team of highly trained Indians have been hired to implement it. Real-life boats are being constructed with BE's exact specifications.The entire city of Stockholm is currently holding a parade in its honor. Haven't you read the news? Pssh.
donthave a TV and dont read the news and does this means i can expcet biger boats in minecraft 1.4?
Great idea! don't like the models though. To me seems a bit too blocky. The front of the carrack just doesn't go very well to my eyes. Just my opinion though.
BLOCKY ? BLOCKY ?! minecraft is sapostobe blocky its a world of blocks man
Alrite befor i get started this will probebly if it gets created be a mod but i still cant resist to hope that it will be in minecraft.alrite hears my idea its the castells demenshen. You bild a portall to it just like a nether portall exept insted of upsidean you use gold dont ask me why i just like gold. Then you light it. When you come throw you see a land much like minecraft you look around a bit and you find some castells (i will have some imagiss of them later if this idea gets a good response) in them there are several spaners. One spaner will have nights and it will spawn someone in a basick minecraft skine and he will ride a pig armed with a steall sword in iron plate armore doing 2 harts damage pear hit and he will have 7 harts. Another mob will be the archer he will be armed with a bow doing the same damage as a scelleten and will have the same amount of health. The archer will have leather armored varing collars with the standard minecraft skine. The last mob will be the foot man he will be armed with an iron sword and he will have 5 harts. The foot man will have chain armore with the standered minecraft skine. The foot man will will do 1 hart damage and will have 5 harts.
Each castell will be at war with another meaning a mob from one castell will atacke a mob from another. From time to time 1/2 of the mobs from a seartan castell will go and atack the nearest castell. Allso they will be hostile to you and sometimes they will atake youre castell house or whatever you have youre bed in. You might not be able to defit all of youre atackers so you will be able to hire atmost 5 of any of the 3 mobs listed above and they bill protect youre castell. to hire those mobs jusr rite click on them with a gold bar or emerealds.
MC username:zapper990
Desired Job:bilder
A little bit about yourself?:english is not my first langwege
Pie or cake?:both in great amounts.
donthave a TV and dont read the news and does this means i can expcet biger boats in minecraft 1.4?
BLOCKY ? BLOCKY ?! minecraft is sapostobe blocky its a world of blocks man
Each castell will be at war with another meaning a mob from one castell will atacke a mob from another. From time to time 1/2 of the mobs from a seartan castell will go and atack the nearest castell. Allso they will be hostile to you and sometimes they will atake youre castell house or whatever you have youre bed in. You might not be able to defit all of youre atackers so you will be able to hire atmost 5 of any of the 3 mobs listed above and they bill protect youre castell. to hire those mobs jusr rite click on them with a gold bar or emerealds.
tell me what you think of this idea.