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    posted a message on UPDATED PIX: Gryphons (Balanced flight for Survival mode)
    great idea but maybe in the nests there could be an adult wild grefen protecting the egg/eggs and you would havto defeat it to get to the eggs. Also one big ishue with breaking the eggs for normally when you start punching an egg in real life it will crack so you havto pic up the grifen egg with a silck tuch tool or incubate on the spot
    Quote from Lance001

    I'm pretty sure that the only people who would like pegusi are bronies and little girls. And while your at it, why not make all the bronies happy and add unicorns and tiny little purple dragons that burp written books and eat all of your diamonds and emeralds.

    Let's go with gryphons please Mojang.

    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on slightly more civilization
    love it however the thing about NPC fighting and stuf cause they dont fight but if it was a hole new mob...
    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on Boats Evolved; bigger, modular boats
    Quote from Totallyafk

    I didn't read the 60 pages of responses, so sorry if you've been asked this, but maybe you could consider naturally spawning boats that have things like merchants, pirates, and stuff like that? Maybe even naturally spawning cities with boats carrying resources between them, that you can guard for prizes by the city, or sink and loot yourself before other pirates do it for you? Then again, this is a boat mod idea, and I may be asking for an ocean based RPG game.

    Otherwise, this is an amazing idea that ive wanted for ages. Good job!

    exacly what i am thinking thouh i i was thinking of pirates and see monsters
    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on Flans mod survival no white list server
    Flans Mod WarFare


    The only rule we have is that thre are no rulles!!

    The owner is: Dakota188

    Join us we are a small server in serch of players.

    Invite youre frends in order to resive sertain items.
    ,The only mod that you are reqwired to hav is the flans mod and for it you ned these content pacs : Modern Wepons Pack, Nerf Pack, Simple Parts Pack, WW2 Pack, Ye Olde Pack.
    Posted in: PC Servers
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    posted a message on Boats Evolved; bigger, modular boats
    Quote from joe70

    Hi ! Very cool Mod-Idea. When will u release it ? Are Cannons also on your feature-list ? Keep up the good Work +1

    DID YOU READ ALL THE SPOILERS?!! cause if you did you will know that this is a sugestion for acshuall mc
    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on Boats Evolved; bigger, modular boats
    Quote from flameoguy

    There needs to be somemiddle ground between the cog and carrack. Also, you should be able to store dinghys and skiffs on ships.

    prety shure you can
    Quote from Roflyx

    I've already murdered him, but nobody knows that :3

    if you murdered hime i would alredy be dead
    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on 16w02a [NEW MAP] RANDOM SERVER TITLE [ SNAPSHOT N' STUFF ]
    Tekkit Experience:almost none ive begun with tekkit very resently like i instelld it 1 week ago so I want to play it on multiplayer so that if i ned help figuring something out I can ask some one and besides its more fun to play on multiplayer

    Why i want to join: i want to join this server and not a regular tekkit server is because I want to play minecraft with the mo crechers mod sines it adds more life to mc.

    I apologise for my bad gramer and spelling english is not my native tong
    Posted in: PC Servers
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    posted a message on Brand new Whitlelisted Feed the Beast Mindcrack Server! (20 Open Spots)
    IGN: zapper990


    Why you want to join the server: i find single player boring to play for some reasone so i desided to play on a server

    Vanilla Minecraft Experience:about 1 year

    Modded Minecraft Experience almost none
    Posted in: PC Servers
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    posted a message on The Tiny People Mod! [1.2.5] New Update! Snowball Catapults and Traders!
    hope this mod will be like a tini civilezashen mod insted of just war as in the clay solders
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on (1.5.2) Rich, Creamy Vanilla Bean Craft - Closing June 14th. Thanks for the good times! Details in thread.
    this the Z mister reporting from the sean of the crime at the Z tower all that we hav found out so far is that the great Z tower has bine greafed but with miner damage howerver more importantly about 40 dimonds hav bine stolen it is not knoe eat if anithing ells has bine stolen

    reportins zapper990 repporter and victem
    Posted in: PC Servers
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    posted a message on Crafting Azeroth
    i got a problem i downloaded the map and i tryde to open it like all othre maps and it says it cant open it because it might hav bine damged or something what do i ned to do to open the map fille cause i realy want to explore this
    Posted in: Screenshots
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    posted a message on new ores
    what would i use all those ores for and some of them sound to modern in my opinion
    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on Enchanting Books
    so you made the post all i can say to that is thanque
    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on Butter pools or melted butter and butter cups
    what for will i use the butter for? and butter pools would be just silly its like a milk pool
    Posted in: Requests / Ideas For Mods
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    posted a message on Looking For Server
    maybe you should post this in server forum not a sugestion forum
    Posted in: Server Recruitment
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