so awsomecan i be whitlisted to youre server plz my ingame name is zapper990 and i hav never bine baned to my noledge
what is the ip for youre server?
what mods will i ned for youre sever?
wer can i download the corect versions of the mods for youre server?(give me links for this plz)
onyoure server can i mkae zombye appocolips cityes?can you make rain sewers thingyse cause in real life city roads on the sides they hav these small entrensise for rain water to run into sewers. also man holse same reason as the rainsewer thingise
i really love youre mod but theres 1 thing that quircs me about it it is ether theres only a regular zombye and a mutant zombye (not gona list for teh mutant endermans and scelletens) theres no zombyes that are in the midle of mutaishens. im thinkinf of 3 new zombyes 1 with the arm of the mutant zombye 1 with blowted out chest of a mutant zombye and1 with the legs of the mutant zombye they can d o 1 of the atacks the mutan zombye can do exept that they are less pwerfull.
will this work with the invashen mod? (yea i want to hav a smal team of knights to protect the kingdom from the invasehn of pig ingenears) How do you controll waht youre solders do?
what is the ip for youre server?
what mods will i ned for youre sever?
wer can i download the corect versions of the mods for youre server?(give me links for this plz)
onyoure server can i mkae zombye appocolips cityes?can you make rain sewers thingyse cause in real life city roads on the sides they hav these small entrensise for rain water to run into sewers. also man holse same reason as the rainsewer thingise
by the way great idea with the animated capes great work
Faction: zombye heven
No friends: rooterpro1 not shure if he will come but he might
Emblem: a zombye WITH FLAMING WINGS or angle wings