can i well sugest thing? if i can would it be posible to make the soders adn engenears to get out of the seage ingeans when a hostile gets close and starts hiting them with them unable to fight back do to being inside the seage ingean. Also how do you use the comand baton/ well nots whats it for and wahts it used for but how do you give the comands such as patroll (just an exemple im just wondering how you give the comands that are on the wiki) with it.
so youl be able to go into gnag wars then huh (grand theft outo reference)
also for doing this mod im gving it a 1 up and DIMONDS (i was to lazie tof ind the reall dimond)
just because this involves sword art onlin eim giving you a 1 up
but maybe you could add some sort of clas sitem as you play like ti was in sao when you seartain quest you get atrebute of lets say teh beast tamer or the swords man class.
can you add tarmac double yellow strip center turning corners blocks because 1 cant make the road turn without them. Allso would it be posible to ad sideways polles or something of the sort because sometimes trafic lights are hung up on them over the streat.
alrite those NPC's you wer talking about will they be infectable by zombyse AKA zombye apocolips AKA end of the world.
alrite important stuf: can you hack youre way into an ATM (well will you be able to) because on all those hard core survival servers people will want to steall some cash and that will be imposible if it all safe and sound in a ATM.
when you add that terrain generashen of citys and NPC's will the criminal NPC's be able to go in 1 day and rob a bank for the mater i be able to do that?
OUH now i get what you wer talking about flenix. when you said to tell my frends to remove that pirated download links for youre mods.
wellt eh thing is i dont really know who youre talking abou ti just know that some russian sights are coperighting your mods read from youre plae tminecraft thingy.
i found a bug with the road blocks that arent the same hight as regular road blocks. the bug is that when you plase the road bloacks onto of ice they act like they are ice
Oh? Tell your friends over at that if they don't remove this from the site I'll be taking legal action on 1st Sept 2013. If you could do that it'd be mighty nice
really got no idea what youre talking about with minecraft mods stuf but sines its ovies you dont want it posted i edited my post so that it dosent say that so if you want no trace of it inyoure post just edit youre quote of my post out and it will be like it never existed
allso when a road crosise over a rail way line sometimes they pour asfalr around the tracks makign this:
best picture of it i could find
so could you mkae something like this but so that minecarts could still go on it?
Why do you wish to join this server?: i wna join this server cause giff and kis are on it the old beancrafters
Past minecraft/server experience?:ive bine an active member of beancraft bean craft for several years now and i was gona be part of the section for a mod (if this wasent another one of youre jokes giff and kiss) untill it was anounced the server was going down. Allso i havent biine baned from a server to my knoledge
Tell us a bit about yourself:im from russia so excuse my bad spelling plz and at the moment im working on a advenchure/parcour map.
Do you have any questions?:yes as a mater of fact i do. XD giff when you talked about starting youre own server back on beancraft when it was going down you said that the server was gona be invite only and that there werent gona be any admines and mods so whya re there any? also you said that the server was gona hav the same map as beancraft had does that still hold true? Allso can you whitlist rooterpro1 like my best frend
Other info:can think of anithing other than that im awsome and that i like simple redstone contrapshens and that BEANCRAFT WAS AWSOME
but would it be posible to make some sort of anymashen for the bullet fling from the gun instead of just smoke
also for doing this mod im gving it a 1 up and
but maybe you could add some sort of clas sitem as you play like ti was in sao when you seartain quest you get atrebute of lets say teh beast tamer or the swords man class.
alrite important stuf: can you hack youre way into an ATM (well will you be able to) because on all those hard core survival servers people will want to steall some cash and that will be imposible if it all safe and sound in a ATM.
when you add that terrain generashen of citys and NPC's will the criminal NPC's be able to go in 1 day and rob a bank for the mater i be able to do that?
One Pice In Minecraft
wellt eh thing is i dont really know who youre talking abou ti just know that some russian sights are coperighting your mods read from youre plae tminecraft thingy.
really got no idea what youre talking about with minecraft mods stuf but sines its ovies you dont want it posted i edited my post so that it dosent say that so if you want no trace of it inyoure post just edit youre quote of my post out and it will be like it never existed
allso when a road crosise over a rail way line sometimes they pour asfalr around the tracks makign this:
best picture of it i could find
so could you mkae something like this but so that minecarts could still go on it?
Age (Be honest, there's no age limit):14
Why do you wish to join this server?: i wna join this server cause giff and kis are on it the old beancrafters
Past minecraft/server experience?:ive bine an active member of beancraft bean craft for several years now and i was gona be part of the section for a mod (if this wasent another one of youre jokes giff and kiss) untill it was anounced the server was going down. Allso i havent biine baned from a server to my knoledge
Tell us a bit about yourself:im from russia so excuse my bad spelling plz and at the moment im working on a advenchure/parcour map.
Do you have any questions?:yes as a mater of fact i do. XD giff when you talked about starting youre own server back on beancraft when it was going down you said that the server was gona be invite only and that there werent gona be any admines and mods so whya re there any? also you said that the server was gona hav the same map as beancraft had does that still hold true? Allso can you whitlist rooterpro1 like my best frend
Other info:can think of anithing other than that im awsome and that i like simple redstone contrapshens and that BEANCRAFT WAS AWSOME