I currently have a 1.6.2 version available for testing, and should hopefully have a public release available in the next few days. If you would like to help with testing (and getting the public release done faster), please send me a PM and I can easily send you a link to the test version.
would it be posible to add some rare uncraftable ships that are only found in dungens. Allso would it be posible to add pirate vessels when there are cannons and walkeble decs and such.
When there is time, say after the 1.6.2 releases stabilize, would it be possible to add a couple more boat models? I'd kill for a generic longship, galley, knarr, or cog.
me 2 but for those big boats to be fully utelised youlhavto be bale to walk on deck adn acses cabins hes probebly using the hoe to figure our how to do it
The advanced control system (not yet implemented) will let you do that. Rather than directly control acceleration, you'll set the sails and the wind will take you.
Yes, they turn too fast (well, the Whitehall and the Hoy, anyway). Turn rate will be adjusted to something more correct, based on hull geometry and displacement.
the word wind gets me thinking are you ading wind paterns and all that to go along with the sails anda ll that sailing mehanics
ouh now thats a nice idea dimonds for you
can i hav a link plz?
hmm maybe you culd ad a fechure of when you hover youre courser over the boat it would tell you what coller the boats sails are?
why do i even bother making jokes
hmm not shure about that but maybe a speshall frosted road block?
MAC shift gun
what do those 2 lines mean?
something about rendering?
i said kind of OP not that it is OP
also when n you said you cant see the bulet did you mean code wise or real wise
by the way with the mac shift gun im not shure if it neds the gun powder to be loded cause id imagen it works more like slingshot
get it? get it? get the joke?
i feall so dum now
read what i posted
true but there are minecarts with a furness
me 2 but for those big boats to be fully utelised youlhavto be bale to walk on deck adn acses cabins hes probebly using the hoe to figure our how to do it
the word wind gets me thinking are you ading wind paterns and all that to go along with the sails anda ll that sailing mehanics