EnderBorn1 the villagers that are solders for the castell dont havto be the same evry day villager it can be a new tipe of villager that is 1/2 as strong as you that only fights wen ataked whyle regulare villagers just run away. Same for the bandits camp. I dont like the bersiker villager thing i mean what will stop it from responing i dont wanto fight it evry time i come back to the village. the mining cam villages should hav the mine fixed up with mine cart going evrywer.
The temple update is grate however off all the desert temples i found they all had the same trap so basically after your first dessert temple you've Sean them all. I am suggesting that the desert temples look diffident from one another and that the traps vary from temple to temple.But it docent havto be a trap it can be just a jiant maze throw which you havto find your way to the treasurer room and then out agen.
I think that the golems should do more than protect random villages. i think they should be able to do a basic set of directions like dig,follow,and patrol or something besides just siting there and ataking all kinds of monsters especially wen you are its creator. However so that there wasn't an overpowering effect with the golem flowing you around the golem should be weaker by have less armor or less health.So that a golem dos not dig a massive crater or something wen told to dig there should be a limit to how many blocs a golem can dig at a time and you should be able to decide how many blocks the golem can dig at a time.However so that you don't build a giant army of golems or stop taming wolves you you should make it so that the golem requires a diamond to function but upon death it drops the diamond.
EnderBorn1 the villagers that are solders for the castell dont havto be the same evry day villager it can be a new tipe of villager that is 1/2 as strong as you that only fights wen ataked whyle regulare villagers just run away. Same for the bandits camp. I dont like the bersiker villager thing i mean what will stop it from responing i dont wanto fight it evry time i come back to the village. the mining cam villages should hav the mine fixed up with mine cart going evrywer.
for example:
foselised jungle vine
foselised jiant pallm tree leaf
i love youre idea