Seriously people! I don't know what your waiting for to apply onto this server... It's been greatly improved in everyway! You should apply and join in for some good Rp. It has pretty good events and the admins try to have one every week. The map is just AWSOME!!!! Greatly built and and I love the Lore. I find it fits well the Lord of the Rings universe. This being said, you should totally try and join this server, you won't regret it!
You know what i'm waiting for? Feedback from my Application, week 2.
Out of Character(OOC) INFO: (Don’t be shy; We won’t ban for this part, it’s only to know our players.)
IGN(In Game Name): Zaneakye Roleplaying experience (What roleplay servers have you played on before? Or what Roleplay games have you played before?): Country/Time zone: United States (Pennslyvania) EST Eastern Standard Time How old are you?: 16 Where did you find us?: I don't recall, but somewhere! Somewhere indeed! Why do you want to join us? ( Please be a bit detailed): Do i even need to answer this? Great times, Great Server. Time you can give to this server (Everyday, or per week): way too much for my own good. Who in our new lore destroyed Minas Tirith?: The Haradrim Which Captain of Rohan survived until the end of the battle?: Captain Gomen III Have you read the rules?: You have my axe! (Gimli) +14? 30? ??? Yeah i read the rules. What is RolePlaying for you?: Roleplaying is creating a character with a role and playing them in that role. What is MetaGaming in your words?: Metagaming is using information you know that your character does not. What is PowerGaming in your words?: Power gaming is making yourself too powerful basically. Refusing to die, dodging all attacks, etc. Examples: Raomir, Willhelm ******Born, etc. (Yes, we kept a grudge this long) In Character(IC) INFO:*Your IC part should be detailed if you want to be accepted*
Name (Please give your Character a name that fits with your race): Krallen Race (Go see the race section higher up. And is he or she a man or a woman): Goblin Age: 32 Professional Class: Smith Combat Class: Archer Character Backstory [It should be about 3 paragraphs, 400 words or more. And please no stories like this : His/her parents were killed by orcs. He/she trained, found the orcs, and killed them all. The end. (You cannot be anyone important in the server without being approved, you need to work your way to the top.)]:
Among the ruined halls and collapsed pillars inside the depths of the Misty Mountains stood from what most can see beast, an animal ragged and torn and beaten a sore on the eyes of Men. However to vision not blinded by Ignorance you can see a rare thing, eyes studying the walls and panels the details in every sort of architecture, snuffling and rummaging around.
It is not unlikely that the machines of war and the bombs of ash had been built by Goblin-Kind, for they have always been fascinated with that sort. These endeavors have made passage through the mountains a dangerous thing to be undertaken, and the Goblin Hordes a thing to be feared. Midst those who would take a keen interest in this type of this thing stood Krallen who was born in a key time in the history of the race, a time when Goblins would no longer be hunted like animals, a time when they could reform. A time of growth and progress.
This was the time for pursuits of a true intellectual interest, but such was the calling inside him to create the arms of war, the fuel to the flames. So he began to experiment eventually getting decent at archery trying to test out new poisons on the animals of the forests outside of the caverns watching them die slowly among the trees leaves waving as its last glimpses of life left its eyes. Wishing to find more beyond the ruins and caverns in the mountains, he set out for the world of Men.
Roleplay Example (A conversation/fight between your character and someone else. We want to see how well you can Roleplay.): Well im not gonna lie this is gonna be kind of rusty, its almost like writing a book but its supposed to be about in-game situations. The Main problem being i'm generating both the lines myself but here:
*starts to glare at the merchant's wares wavy motions going back and forth like a tingle through the hands*
Merchant: Don't even think of it you grimy thief! Crawl back to your cave if your not going to buy something!
*with an anger fueled grunt, walks away through the streets of the small village*
*Glares of the townsfolk arise as they see the man walking*
Child: Mother isn't that one of the things from the stories?
Mother: Yes, get inside you shouldn't have to waste your time on it. It will pass.
*Begins to pick up pace as the angry snarls of the town increase*
Man: Thats one of the those dogs from the hills.
Other Man: And a narled pelt on its back, just like its skin; Hideous.
*Angry snarls come from the now near jogging goblin and he flees the village*
*later in the night a gleam of light flashes from a dagger stabbed through a bleeding rat's underbelly illuminated by the moon coming through a crack in the wall worn and weary*
*drops of poison singe its skin as they fall from a makeshift vial and a laugh is heard*
Krallen: So easy to harm, so weak, just like the ones down below.
*His eyes shift down towards the village and a glare begins and then fades off as the moon finally passes over a tree branch closing off the last bit of light that would seep through and leaving the Goblin in the dark with his madness*
Personality traits:Physical description(needed. eg what his face looks like) and/or image of skin?:
Skills (For every major skill you have, you should have one weakness. You can not master any individual skill to start out with. Once again, you must earn this. If you feel that this system would ruin or elsewise inhibit your ability to create the character you desire, please contact the admin team and we will look into a solution.)
Medicine: Skilled Reason: Poison Engineering skills, general knowledge of nature. Weakness: Lack of ability to create antidote, and healing practices are iffy at the best of times.
Archery: Adept Reason: Hunting and minor general practice Weakness: Lack of mobility and range and accuracy is sub-standard.
Weakness: A general uneasiness around men, and weakened body state do to be around concoctions of every sort.
What is his/her ultimate goal? (Ex: Becoming a king, owning the biggest farm, being the richest merchant in Eriador.): To Eradicate the Dwarves to the point that they brought the Goblin Race.
Country of residence: East Coast United States of America (Pennsylvania)
Previous roleplaying experiences: Alot of servers that i really don't have time to list including just some miscellaneous roleplay here and there on a few other games.
If you had a previous roleplaying server, why did you leave it: Most of them shutdown and or have paused for building.
Define OOC and IC: OOC or Out of Character is talking not in the character you have defined IC is the polar opposite of OOC and is In Character and is speaking and acting like the character you have defined.
What is powergaming and metagaming, give an example(different from in the rules) Power Gaming is giving yourself an unfair advantage and or practically cheating by doing inhuman things such as say doing something really hard in one try like instantly stabbing someone, instantly disarming a trap, etc.
Metagaming is simply using information YOU know instead of what your character knows, such as hearing someone on global chat say im in Blah Blah Blah and your searching for them so you go there and instantly find them.
Did you read all of the rules? What number was skipped? What is the secret phrase from the rules: Yes, 4, Arzach the destroyer of Arken
Characters name: Zenos of Moebius
Characters age: (I don't actually know the time between ages nor the average lifespan but im going to guess and assume) 46
Characters background story; this should describe life on the boat or life in Arken. Maybe your boat landed on another continent first before sailing to Medowen:
Amongst the slaves of Arken, among the poverty, the pain, the suffering, and the woes of the hellish realm stood those who had fallen into the clutches of the dark. Those who instead of retaining their independence and the will of Humanity, bent down and kissed the feet of the gods. The ones who worshiped, the ones who would not hesitate to follow every creed put forth by the mouths of the twisted rulers.
One such case is of the High Priest of Moebius: Zenos. From his father's father's father the line of the High Priests ran long and all of them blindly followed the will of their master even if it meant death which in many cases it did. Completely commited was he who witnessed the downfall of his lord at the hands of the weapon that could smite any god, the blade of Cryto. Moebius being a cautious one had never tried to teach his followers anything that could potentially be harmful to him, so the followers of Moebius faced a genocide by any who had previously wished death to their master.
Few remained and even fewer managed to leave the continent after its destruction, against all odds a Priest boarded a ship concealing his identity, confused, lost, faith shaken, and most of all a burning Anger in his heart. Believing that none could truly kill one such as powerful as a god, Zenos who would not abandon Moebius and instead began to still worship him in secret on his voyage over. Reading a few scripts and scrolls he had brought along from the old temple he began to plot. He vowed that he would someday somehow crush the traitors who would kill the glorious one, and he would be the one to bring his master back to power and be rewarded greatly for his continued faith.
To accomplish his radical goals he took up the weapon that once had been the fuel of a revolution, the magics of Arzach trying to increase his power in any way shape or form he secretly took the guise of a apprentice looking to learn the ways of magic and when the ship finally docked on the new world he was ready to enact his plan.
What class best fits your character?, for classes look at spoiler in the bottom of thread: Mage
Characters personality and morals? Alignment: Evil Lawful
By definition a Religious extremist willing to go any length if it is to further a cause, but also a tactician but a flawed one. One who plans but is equally likely to throw the plan away if it means accomplishing the goal by any means.
Add a small description of what your character looks like or include a picture of your skin: A semi-colorfully robed aged man (i can't really get more in depth than this)
Endulging in the pleasures of the world by means of theft, Greed spreads fear into the pockets of wealthy men. Luckily for them he doesn't appear to be that strong
Strength- 6
commonly Triggered after a raid by Greed, Gluttony and Greed are two halves of the same coin. Gluttony loses his cunning and instead transfers it into a bit of Strength, Defending his loot and becoming a bear gaurding its den he can be in this form for days to even weeks at a time, until he runs out that is.
Normally triggering when he sees a child, he goes into a rampage which includes the kidnapping and molesting of the children, along with their eventual murder. This is a reflection of his original sin of lust, and his reenactment of it.
A form birthed in Murder, Envy is an advanced form of Greed that does not use cunning to find treasures. Instead favoring to kill or cripple people who carry something or someone he wants, however his brutal tactics leave him alot less agile.
A form bathing in the ecstasy of control and power, wrath is by far the most dangerous and most controlling of the other personalities. Wrath taps into the vast reserves of abnormal strength and due to his controlling nature manages to suppress the voices in his head enough to clear his thought processing and make him a bit more cunning (Intelligence up). A killer by nature he commands the agility of Greed thus making him the true Strength of Deus.
Often being triggered by a slaughter caused by Wrath or possible a particularly vicious event by Envy, Pride relishes in bloodshed. A very calm form compared to the others, this however makes him less vicious. He prepares weapons for the others and is a bit of a tactician having a higher thinking than the others.
A much easier form to trigger than Wrath, Sloth is the only one besides Wrath to be able to possess the whole brute strength of Deus. Often seen being a "minion" to wrath, he is brought out to deal with small squabbles that wrath holds himself above. Also seen during times of rest and great strain caused by a great battle Wrath fought.
Strength-1 Barely pushing himself to have enough strength to walk he lacks in any of that department.
Perception-1: Only focusing on the target he is talking to his surroundings seem to fade away.
Endurance-1 : Believing he cannot even defend himself he completely drops any resistance or gaurd
Intelligence-6 : As the voice for the Deus Group, he is not limited in intelligence.
Agility-1 : Not even trying to move normally he is as agile as a rock.
On rare occasions the twisted former shell of the Original Thomas Lean comes out. Now calling himself Deus the name adopted by the "group" of people who dwell within his body, he completely agrees to be their "collected voice" to express each one of their opinions and ideals when the circumstance is needed. Often appearing for very short amounts of time to convey messages, the personalities ensure his protection and suppress him for large amounts of time to ensure this.
Maximum S.P.E.C.I.A.L.s
Now What i mean by "Maximum S.P.E.C.I.A.L.s" is that Deus would not simply by switching personality be able to lift more and have a higher strength, he would encourage himself and be willing to tap into any strength his body can actually have in the given strong personality.
Strength-10 : He is a Super Mutant and genetically stronger than Normal humans (and my logic is that if Lanius can have 10 i can have 10 as a super mutant)
Perception-7 : Paranoia and the need to constantly be aware of your surroundings to survive enables a few of his personalities to tap into his reserve of Perception.
Endurance-5 : Standard Endurance
Charisma-1 : Physically cannot be Charismatic
Intelligence- 6: Mainly intelligent Accept for 1-2 Personalities
Agility-8 : Being very twitchy and Paranoid in most of his forms (Save a few) he has been very agile and it is now is part of his nature
Luck-3 : Hey hes not the best in terms of luck, but he does alright.
“Many that live deserve death. And some that die deserve life. Can you give it to them? Then do not be too eager to deal out death in judgement.” ― J.R.R. Tolkien
The First sin: Pre-war 1
"In the name of Jesus Christ our lord and Savior we are cleansed of sin. Mass has ended go forth to spread the word of the lord" the man shut his book and laid it down on the altar and went back to take off his robes. A young girl walks in and helps him take his robes off. He smiles as he sees her reflection in the mirror he is standing in front of. The young girl is Emilia James whose parents at her asking had asked the Priest if she could learn more about the faith after church. Thomas had gotten lonely in his years of being a priest and he welcomed the company, especially for the kind of teachings he had in store for this girl.
The Story of Deus Desiderium
"No your honor, i did not recall any of the incidents of that night. As you see i was on experimental medication and had amnesia due to the effects as listed here."
At this moment a lone thought wandered into the drifting man's mind. "Satan offered to make Jesus rule over all his eyes could gaze upon, and he refused for Temptation is the spark to a flame of sin." those had been the words his old mentor had offered him so long ago. The thought lingered waiting for an emotion of Shame, but it was rejected and repressed and the man calmly stated "No, your honor i did not molest this child such a thing is against my religion."
This was the egg that would eventually hatch into Deus Desiderium commonly called Deus Lust. When the clutches of the F.E.V. would eventually claw onto his mind, the one thing that did not survive was Thomas Lean. In the deep recesses of his mind came crawling forth all that he had managed to repress when he was in control. One such being to manage to surface itself was Deus Desiderium who crawled out of his regret. Regret for falling into the depths of Temptation.
Upon his awakening he was greeted to a lone child playing, A girl with flowing hair. At first he just hid a far from her home with a blank glare that stared so deeply into her it seemed as if it could read her soul. He observed her fiddling around with a mole rat pup that had wandered into her yard. He stared as she would throw a bit of food near it and it would go slowly towards it and get it then look at her with kind eyes. He looked onward for what was possibly hours, until she went inside.
When she went in, he closed his eyes and sleep came upon him. When he awoke he was in the same position watching the same place, watching the girl. The rusted shack looming above her he watched and he waited and he gazed with awe. He craned his neck to look at the girl more deeply, his mind flickered like an old television back to the memories of yonder, accept he wasn't gazing at the screen he was gazing away from it trying to be ignorant of its call, the shell trying to resist being swallowed whole by the beast caged inside its grasp.
All was lost when the Girl's parents wandered out and asked her to come inside. Deus Lust would not have his moment ruined, his bless, he would not have the screen flicker to black. So in an instant there he was. There was screaming...high pitched. Blood, blood pouring away... He lifted his arm down and grabbed the screaming thing and lifted it closer to him, hurting his ear a bit in twitched in surprise and he walked off. This was the beginning of Lust's eternal fantasy, and after it ended he'd end the flashback too. He'd end it all the only way he understood now...murder.
As he was dumping the corpse off now satisfied something came over him. He then had the first experience of the Deus Dungeon, the place where all the personalities are in hibernation until they are pulled out to the surface, triggered by the world unknown to them..the world beyond the walls. A never ending cycle, for a never ending Lust.
The Trail to Sin: Pre-war 2
"Seeing as the lack of evidence and the testimonies of common Church Goers, i rule that Thomas Lean is innocent of all charges." With this a guilty man walked free and he felt on top of the world. walked away without a second thought, nearly convincing himself that he really was innocent. Anyways it didn't really matter. 3 Less Church Goers, who cares? He then went home and laid down full of himself, he believes no one can touch him and he falls off into a deep forever.
The Story of Deus Vorax
Born out of the self-satisfaction and refusal to act at the regret he faced, and letting it drown in a sea of his horrid nature. His inability to act fertilized the egg of the next personality which would lay dormant until the great sundering of his mental hold on his sins. As it came to its light it found itself next to dead raiders and with a large stockpile right in front of it. Staring at it with fascination, he indulged like it was natural.
Days went by and all that was around him started to fade away, empty boxes and cartons littering his "den". Finally he was out, food, chems, drinks, all just gobbled down in an attempt to feel something out of it. However Gluttony is a cursed thing, no matter how much you try you can't find satisfaction.
Descent Into Darkness 1: Pre-war 3
He Clenches his fist, a white shirt now wrapped around it. Finding a blank Desperation staring him back in the face from the glass in the door, he seemed to recognize it. The reflection was him, now a poor chem addict. He just needed something to take off all the stress he gained, all the eyes watching him as he spoke the word of the lord. Everyone wanting what he had, he just needed some help. Unfortunately help doesn't come free. A shattering and a quick twist and hes in.
The Story of Deus Cupiditas
Born out of the need to fill his gluttonous appetite, Deus Cupiditas or Deus Greed was first awakened in an empty litter filled encampment. Created simply to "serve" another personality, he was the incubator for the egg of Gluttony and in the process became himself. A part of Gluttony pushing him to gather more and simply horde things, he set off into the wastes. Eventually trying to scavenge things like a simple prospector he soon found it wasn't enough to feed the appetite of Gluttony for long.
Eventually stumbling upon small settlements, he found that he could not physically overpower some of these town's brutes. To make up for his lack of strength, he developed strategy and stealth. Becoming a bit of a Pyromaniac it was not unusual to see large amounts of simple explosives near a target. Ever lusting after material possessions, it is ironic that he never gets to use them. For Greed is the body and Gluttony its shadow.
Descent into Darkness 2: Pre-war 4
"Paranoia is an Enemy, and a tool."
He was right after all, Members of the church had suspected he was up to something. Originally most had thought that he didn't molest the girl, but now it all seemed plausible. Eyes shifted back and forth watching every movement, every motion, catching his every breath. Breathing getting heavier he quickly Ended the mass, starting with the usual: "Go Forth in Peace to Blesssss and t- the lord..." To the people this was just further evidence of his state of mind.
Eventually a woman stepped quickly into Thomas' home. She was a family friend of the girl's Family and was hoping to take matters into her own hands, shocked at what the priest would do. Curiosity overwhelming her she quickly went to his bedroom and looked through the drawers. Alcohol..not unusual so he drank? Chems... a bit of a nod towards a problem. A priest on drugs? That is certainly not fit for this town! Then there was a picture in a drawer down,,, it showed the girl half naked. Shocked she studied it more, she then noticed the painting in the background was the same as in his living room. She scurried down the stairs picture in hand, finally she would crack the case wide open and send this man to rot in prison. Nearly at a the bottom of the steps a knife stopped her. Keeping it right at her throat a man stepped out from nearby: "God may forgive all of their sins, but lucky for me I am not God."
Deus Indignationem
Born out of the Murder of an innocent woman. Deus Indignationem later simply called Wrath is perhaps the most powerful of the Deus' Forms. Incubated in hatred's flame it was its creation that marked the end of the descent and the beginning of the rise. The Awakening of Wrath was the same as the awakening of Deus, a long bloody tale.
Two of the master's grunts begin to trail there way through to the F.E.V. Containment chamber a man unconscious being dragged along by both of them. They are ordered to make more of a perfect race, a dream they blindly follow. They wrap him up in chains and attach him to a crane and begin lowering him into the vat. The man begins to open his eyes, the last time he would ever do this as Thomas Lean and he begins to of all things remember going to church as a little boy, with his family..and he looks back on what his life was like and he frowns, finally regret had him.
Sadly for Thomas Lean it was too late to ask for forgiveness from his higher up and his regret consumed him and miraculously he survived the F.E.V. transformation Process, and suddenly without warning a crunching is heard beneath the F.E.V. Pool, crackling and bubbling amounts of goo. Without warning the crane heaved inward far too much and shot back up and the chain attached to it snapped.
Crawling out with Brute Strength alone came a screaming deranged abomination. Eventually climbing up to the top the grunts seemed pleased as they had made a rare thing, one of the perfect race one above them. However their satisfaction did not last long as the Giant still screaming began to furiously beat them going as far as to suffocate one of the Grunts with the other grunt's ripped off arm. He became a living embodiment of, a monument of his regret. Forged in hatred and born of regret now before the world stood the first of many forms of hell. The first Deus, the first one to crawl to the surface. The one ruler: Deus Indignationem.
Rise to War: Pre-war 5
A week after the murder mass at the church didn't happen. People gathered but there was no priest, his paranoia had risen and he had spent his life savings on getting into a vault. Paranoid that eyes would watch him he marveled at the idea of being underground and safe from the earth and secluded in his own room. During this time he kept to himself and barely even opened his front door, scared of what the world had to offer.
The Story of Deus Pigrantes
Deus Pigritantes also known as Deus Sloth was born from the seclusion and lack of "doing" anything. Born from the fear of not wanting to escape a safe cage it is fitting that he now serves as a caged minion to Wrath. He was first awakened when Wrath encountered a raider camp. Wrath holding himself as a god among men would not dare fight with such pitiful greedy men. The need to defend Deus as a whole however was enough opening to release Sloth from his cage for the first time.
Commanding mass amounts of strength he quickly slaughtered the raiders and in a drone like state quickly put himself back into his own cage. Fearing the outside but also having enough power to destroy it makes him a perfect slave for wrath and a perfect defense for Deus as a whole.
The Story of Dias Superbia
Emerging as an after-effect of the deeds of Wrath, Pride is by definition a Warmonger. Pride basks in theWarm glow of Fighting and Death and was first awakened after a raiding band of super mutants came after Wrath and we're killed. Unlike Gluttony Pride is already at peace when he awakens. Treating bloodshed as an art form he envies the power of Wrath.
Sadly not able to muster up mass amounts of strength, nor very agile he spends most of his time planning out tactics and making weaponry for the "Mighty Indignationem". Soon after awakening he finds great joy in seeing the marks left in people from his weapons. He makes all his weapons unique in shape and damage to further this joy, often looting corpses and armoring Deus he serves as a more passive form, but still clamoring for war all the more.
Sometimes seen scouting Pride makes for an excellent map maker and tactician often carrying a notebook to write down notes for the other personalities. Pride is the backbone of Deus and its maintainer and is well respected among st the other personalities, the mind behind Deus and loving what he does, Pride is forever the embodiment of Arrogance.
The Story of Deus Invidebit
During Thomas' time in the vault, it was reported that large banging had been heard out near the front door. Thomas not one too investigate due to this being in his confinement in his chambers decided to think nothing of it. He thought nothing more until the door was broken down and the hulking abominations came crawling in.
Speaking of a god-like being called simply the "master" they hauled off everyone for F.E.V. "treatments" and this is during the time that Thomas laid the egg of Envy, but Envy was something that went back to his Church. Oh How Thomas had wished that he could be a watcher instead of the watched and now finally to hear of a man who had no fear, no paranoia who watches broke something inside of him. Even after breaking from the ranks of the master's army he still envied him.
Envy was first awakened during one of Greed's scouting missions, when he found a public hanging going on. Envy was greeted with eyes, all eyes watching someone...watching someone like him. His solution to the problem was to kill everyone involved including the one being watched. Then maiming and looting the corpses he set off once again, to find more of those he longed to be and put an end to their hatred towards him.Probably the most like Thomas Lean was in his fading days leading up to the Great war he has an undying old world envy that can never be solved.
Without a Satan...
Endless struggle. Endless conflict within yourself. This is what Deus is made of. Time ticks by when your too busy to worry about it, time was not important in those times. A century went by, no one cared, The sins of humanity would not fade in any amount of time. Another set of a years, numbers without meaning hollow in their presence... it had been a long journey from the church to the vault..from the vault to the vats..from the vats to the had been a struggle a war..but against who?
He wandered only caring about himself looking out for the had become his world. Going on he eventually stumbled upon a church, a mighty cathedral poking out from the ruins of a city. Wrath was the one to stumble upon this, and something struck him down inside. He could not tell what was happening to him but he felt drawn to the church, drawn to a life once lived? He didn't know but he kept marching through the streets.
Eventually getting to the front door of the great beast, he opened it and it was full of people, each all sitting in nice dress wear, and he was wearing a cloth robe. He walked through up to the Altar and stood up on it and Wrath faded away, so did all the other voices accept for one which came to him saying "Satan offered Jesus rule over all his eyes could gaze upon, but he refused as temptation is the spark to the fire of sin".
The voice was of his old teacher when he was studying Theology...then it all faded off into the darkness. For the first time he could see the broken seats, the altar rotted and faded, For the first time the people weren't watching him. This angered and confused Wrath who had regained control. He quickly began smashing and breaking apart the church, but found that when he tried to leave he couldn't. He stayed in the church for months waiting for something and one day his meaning came to him.
Men walked into the church a cross on all their chests painted over their armor. They we're quickly greeted to a hulking behemoth staring them down. As he was about to kill them he couldn't bring himself to in front of the cross, it made him weak it hurt his mind..his state of being. For the first time Wrath surrendered. A man in robes walked in through the cathedral door followed by armed guards, the men demanded they execute the beast, but the man in robes stopped them.
He saw that this thing was bathed in sin, and he recognized the value in him. He spoke softly and asked: "Why do men avoid sin?" Blank replies came from the men. Again he spoke "They avoid sin because men are bound in a cloak of fear, a fear of hell." He continued "For without a Satan, sin would mean nothing and the world would be plunged in chaos." It was these words that spoke to Deus as a whole being.
The men had come from a Vault..he somehow seemed to know about these things..but only in flashes of memory. They we're the Holy Templar and the cloaked man the new prophet. He had stumbled his way unto the Eureka Cathedral, and there his purpose was met. He became the personal body guard and soldier to the New Prophet, and one of the most devote members of the Templar. The prophet became the only one who could calm the beast inside him and command him. Now cloaked in custom made robes of the Templars, Wrath and all the other personalities further the work of the lord, for even when you are the embodiment of sin redemption can be found.
Country of residence and time zone: United States of Murika, Pennslyvania E.S.T. Eastern Standard Time
Define role playing in your own words, do you have any past role playing experiences? Role playing is taking on the role of a character and playing out of the events that the characters creates, faces, or is involved in.
What is your reason for applying to this server? I have many people i know on this server and would like to be apart of its glorious triumph to take over the owlrd!
Have you been banned before, if so why? I have not.
Do you agree with our rules, how about the lore? Would You Kindly Accept my application? Because i agree.
Will you use the server's official texture pack? Of course.
Define Powergaming in your own words, example: Power gaming is refusing actions by others in ways that wouldn't really make sense IE: Dodges all bullets, turns blade around and stabs in chest
Define Metagaming in your own words, example: Meta gaming is using information your character wouldn't know to gain an advantage
In Character
Character name: William P. Henry
Your character's story so far: William was born in the backwoods to parents who never had been around. They lived a life off the land, his family had been avid trappers and provided what could be considered a life of luxury compared to how some lived in the wastes. They brought home food and goods they had traded for and it made William wonder, was the world even any better before? As he gouged on food, he was ignorant to the truth.
The area near the families Cabin was almost devoid of animals now, they had moved on due to lack of food in the forest. So to provide for the family his parents had started recently living a dirty life, of drug smuggling and killing other people's animals and even pets that went astray for food and bringing them back for profit. They thought nothing could go wrong, they lived as ignorant as their son. Eventually however life caught up with the family.
An angry farmer one day trailed back the duo to their cabin. The pair had been silently murdering his cows in the night and their mistake was doing it more than once. One night the farmer laid in wait and that's how he trailed them. When he got back to the Cabin, William's Mother called for him to come skin the animal, and when he got to the edge of the front door in route to the kitchen a gunshot blast ripped through it just barely missing his face. Stunned at someone shooting what would have been directly at him (Had he taken another step) he stood in horror as a voice called out "I've Found you now, you sons a es!" another gunshot ripped through the flimsy walls of the self built cabin.
The Duo used to gunfights in the hell of a world quickly ran around the back but what they didn't realise was the farmer was already prepared for this and was hiding and one quick shot and William's Father lay on the ground an ugly red hole in the middle of his forehead. William heard his mother scream "RUN!" and another gunshot and silence. William knew what his mother must have meant instantly and ran, ran out into the woods and through the hills.
10 Years Later
William was adopted by an old man who lived alone outside of a nearby settlement and was taught by the man the art of hunting and surviving in the woods. The Old man showed him the certain herbs that are out in the woods and what to eat and not to eat, to follow the animals and find fresh water. William learned quick, hoping to one day live up to the level his parents had been at. William hoped to one day avenge their (what he thought) murder from a man with no reason to. Still oblivious to the truth he wanders out to find the man and lost in his hate he leaves a possible new life just to avenge the one he had.
Does or did your character have any companions or family? Not anymore.
How old is your character? 23
Describe what your character looks like, any distinctive physical features? A rugged unshaved woods man that has determination in his eye, and is intimidating and rugged but shows the old shell of a spoiled child.
How does your character act?: Single minded and determined beyond anything else, often cold and uncaring about anyone but himself.
Character's occupation: Hunter and Herbalist
Does your character have an education? (Read or write) Education was not important to his parents but he can read as he had lots of time and lots of books at his original home.
Any special skills that your character has, nothing unbalanced:
Does your character hate or fear anything?: Fears the subconscious idea of the farmer as it terrified him as a child and now haunts him later in life.
Describe an example of your character in great suffering and pain (RP, and Long): *Screams out in pain* "God Damn bear!" *He looks over and spots a medical bag that he often carried with him 10 feet up the hill* "If only i can get up to that F***ing Bag" *he uses the bear carcass as something sturdy to try to pull himself up the hill* *the hill is wet so the bear slides down with him on it his face going into some of its blood* "*gasp* Son of a...God dammit *he groans towards his cut up leg* "I have to get up to the top of this hill...have to.." *He grabs onto some nearby tree roots and pulls himself a little bit up* "A bit more..." *He fingers onto more footholds and scales the hill slowly while taking extra care of his injured leg* "A little more will...a little more.." *his fingers finally clutch the bag and manage to slid it down the hill* *He closes his eyes and braces himself as he allows himself to slide down next to the bag* "This should help *winces*" *He opens the bag and grabs a bunch of bandages* "This should fix me for a bit..." *He shoves a needle into his leg* "But the question am i gonna get out of here?"
Anything else to add? Well not really accept that i can be an avid player with much time and experience to donate to this server.
Country of residence and time zone: United States of Murika, Pennslyvania E.S.T. Eastern Standard Time
Define role playing in your own words, do you have any past role playing experiences? Role playing is taking on the role of a character and playing out of the events that the characters creates, faces, or is involved in.
What is your reason for applying to this server? I have many people i know on this server and would like to be apart of its glorious triumph to take over the owlrd!
Have you been banned before, if so why? I have not.
Do you agree with our rules, how about the lore? Would You Kindly Accept my application? Because i agree.
Will you use the server's official texture pack? Of course.
Define Powergaming in your own words, example: Power gaming is refusing actions by others in ways that wouldn't really make sense IE: Dodges all bullets, turns blade around and stabs in chest
Define Metagaming in your own words, example: Meta gaming is using information your character wouldn't know to gain an advantage
In Character
Character name: (Last names aren't required) Big John
Your character's story so far: Johnny was born into a trailer out of the way back in the country, in an old trailer park that existed before the war. Johnny's Mother died of overdosing on Meth, which was the families main income. His father was an abusive man who left Johnny when his mother died, looking for a new woman to mooch off of. He then learned to fend for himself and took the rifle his mother owned and became an avid hunter.
For years he lived out in the "Big Oak" Trailer park, until mutants moved into the area. Ol' Big John didn't know how to deal with all these mutants, but he couldn't leave his home could he? John barricaded his trailers with parts from others and eventually had What he code named "Alpha Base" a large hunk of metal being the only barrier between him and the mutants which occasionally came by the the trailer park. Traders stopped coming for his drugs and goods, and Big John eventually was forced to stay at home due to the Mutants that now practically lived in the trailer park.
Big John was then eventually forced to go out into the world away from his home, but he couldn't leave with all these damn beasts everywhere. He escaped but with a few scars to show it and he lost most of his belongings in the process, so now he wanders looking for a new home, and a new way of life.
Does or did your character have any companions or family? He is alone now that his mother died and his father left.
How old is your character?: 37
Describe what your character looks like, any distinctive physical features? He has a good amount of facial hair, and sub-standard clothing and is a large burly man who at first appears quite intimidating.
How does your character act?: Big John is a very ignorant man who cares little about others and only tries to fend for himself, not being the type to trust others since the only man he trusted: His Father left him alone. He is quite paranoid as he never had anyone to watch his back and can be quick tempered.
Character's occupation: Herbalist as he had a quite good knowledge of the woods and the herbs and other things you would find naturally.
Does your character have an education? (Read or write) My character does know how to read somewhat, but cannot write at all.
Any special skills that your character has, nothing unbalanced: A knowledge of Herbs and some Drugs.
Does your character hate or fear anything? Hates "Muties"
Describe an example of your character in great suffering and pain (RP, and Long): *John's Leg was shining with blood* "God Damn Mutie *******!" *He struggles to get to some medical supplies that are across the field about 10 feet away* "Ugh...son of a....err..." *he inches his way forward to the bag* *He hobbles over a dead body and flops down over and screams in pain* *He finally reaches the medical supplies* "This should...*Groan* Help alot..." *He applies the bandages slowly arround his leg which is slightly less bleeding* "Hopefully this will patch up Ol' John for now...."
Anything else to add? Well i beileve that i can be a helpful addition to this server as i have only here to Roleplay, so i will be active and contribute greatly. Thanks for reading.
What position are you applying for? - Moderator? Staff? Lore Writer? You really didn't write any positions. I like writing lore though so i suppose that?
What are you're main skills in this position? - Well i'm an avid writer and have limitless ideas.
Why do you want to join us? - I have a personal goal of joining every fallout server and have never been on one before it really started and i'd like to help bring ideas to life on this blank slate.
Have you worked or applied for other Role-Play servers? If so, which ones? - I have been accepted on nearly all fallout servers and have part of staff for a creative server and have hosted alot of servers myself.
When did you start playing Minecraft? - 1.1 Beta, so what 2 years? Not entirely sure. Well Anyways it has been a VERY long time and i have grown with the updates and am part of Mine craft before it was insanely popular.
Good character :3
I just have some issues. the NCR was far from adolescent in 2277. There are some mild issues with sentence structure, but nothing too major, and finally i don't think he would able to tell his family he worked in Big Mountain X3
The think tank was a secret American project that was far outside the knowledge of the general public, considering their inhumane experiments. But good character none the less :3
Oh well i originally had the time be in 2215 instead of 2277, i changed the time because he'd be either the slowest man on the planet or wandering backwards for way longer than he should of, so you saw something i forgot to change , and he didn't work at big mountain per say but was more or less invited there for them to see his work, and etc. And he wasn't really the general public seeing as his work caught their attention more than anything else, he really didn't choose to go there, well anyways thanks for reading. ;3
So basically i have turned this into my personal Fan-fic Posting Forum for characters, etc. Also for my personal enjoyment (I like writing :3).
IC - Name: Richard Landly A.K.A. The Ghost of the Hills Gender: Male Age: 234 Race: Glowing One (ghoul) Appearence: A Glowing one with an orange hazmat suit fused into his skin. Signifying Traits: Expert Analyzation Skills, and high endurance, and high intelligence due to being a doctor. But With EXTREMELY low charisma due to the suit being fused with his skin. and Only Average stats when it comes to much else. Signifying Skills: Strategic, and robotics and medical expert (Scientist) S.P.E.C.I.A.L.'s: (40 points to distribute, maxes out on 10) Strength- 5 Perception- 5 Endurance- 8 Charisma- 1 Intelligence- 10 Agility- 6 Luck- 5
Year 2194:
Caravans begin to navigate their way towards the Canadian Border from central California hoping to strike it rich where they believe none or at least few Caravans have gone before. Some Caravans turn around and begin to tell stories of the "Things" They have encountered and how they couldn't go much further, this new generation of campfire stories that came from the expansion. One such tale was of the Ghost from the hills.
The Caravans had been attacked by what they describe as a Orange shining figure. Something that would sneak in through the darkness and take one of their Brahmin and then slip away again. One Caravan Gaurd claims that he managed to hit the thing in the arm and that only a flash of light and the hole left by the bullet closed within a few seconds. Caravans began to withdraw from the area and the legends grew and soon it was thought to be impossible to pass through the area without the "Ghost of the Hills" Coming to visit you.
Year: 2272
A daring caravan led by William Jones decides to head into the region to prospect some of the areas within its borders. Ignoring warnings that the area is haunted they continue in. 2 Days after entering the large region, a blast is heard from across the camp. The brahmin carrying some powder kegs splatters everywhere with the blast, pieces of flesh going everywhere, a gunshot right to the keg. This would initiate what would later be known as the battle of the Ghost Hill (The Region named this due to the caravan attacks .) The gaurds and merchants all gathered around and readied themselves to defend against an attack all near the Brahmin explosion. As they did this, the brahmin we're spooked by another gunshot that went near their pen.
The Young William Jones, Decided to send his men after we're they thought they saw the gunshot come from. The Men chased up through the hills and eventually got visual of the thing they we're chasing a orange hazmat suit? They had seen them before when looking in old pre-war cleanup projects and wondered where this thing got a hold of one. Fire was exchanged in the forest, however eventually the "Ghost of the Hills" was Overwhelmed, Outnumbered, and in a corner. Like Any sensible Tactician he surrendered and lowered his weapon. He knew he was wanted as a bounty and that he was worth money, he'd heard people talk about it, worth more alive.
The Caravan's Heavily armed gaurds (that they hired to go through the region) took him down past his home forest region and down into Shady Sands. The still adolescent N.C.R. took him into custody and interrogated him for hours on end trying to decipher just what the hell they had been looking at. They saw strapped down to the chair a corpse, a corpse staring through a mask, breathing, alive..but not truly alive, just a shell, a shell of what once was something like a man. They decided to peel of the mask that he had worn and was tightly fixed to his body.
To their horror they saw a face flaking off its skin, staring directly at them. Underneath that barely attached layer of skin was a glowing under surface, they identified him as a Glowing One, They stared at the face and decided to move further and get the suit off entirely. They soon found out that the suit had fused with his skin leaving only a face behind to show it was once human. They continued their interrogation to find out just what the hell happened to him, now more curious and equally scared of the zombie that lay in front of them, in a raspy voice he finally mumbled "I am the survivor, the outlived, i am the watcher of this world."
Year: 2076
"Honey Guess who just got hired by Big Mountain!" *Excited clapping can be heard from the Kitchen*
This was once the life of a young Richard Landly, a researcher that had devoting time and effort to a suit that would heal someones wounds when they we're in cased in it. His research had caught the attention of the Big Mountain Research Group who had recently devolped a suit that automatically regenerated itself through the use of Nano-Bots and thought that Dr. Landly would be more than intrested.
Year: 2077
"And if you'd just sign here sir." *A hands points down to a contract*
They offered him the chance to test the suit in action, he gleefully accepted the offer. The Original purpose of the suit was to deal with the dangerous environments that the research group worked in after their experiments. Young RIchard was led out in the suit to a testing grounds that they had prepared in the desert of Northern Nevada. Highly Radioactive bombs we're then blown around him covering him in an gas - dust combination that cut apart his suit and allowed deadly radiation to leak in and destroy the very body the suit was meant to protect.
"Well that was a test success, looks like he won't get to finish that suit of his after all" *a smile comes over the man's face as he walks away* "We'll retrieve that suit after the dust clears in a couple days.
in a coma from the blast Richard absorbed far past lethal amounts of radiation. 2 days after the experiment the bombs fell onto the earth blanketing the world in fire. One such nuclear missile hit the Big Mountain facility near where Richard was at (A secondary base for testing) For the Chinese knew of the Mountain facility here and decided to destroy it and not take a chance. The Pure heat and radiation storms fused the suit to his body and just like before it repaired itself.
Waking up and realizing he was no longer human, he walked along the roads and ever questioned the meaning of life and what he was, what people had done to him, what they had done to themselves and the world. He went on in search of the only place he remembered through the disorder of this sudden new world. He went towards his home. When he got there he eventually found writing on the wall of his home in quickly lashed on paint: "GONE WITH JOHNATHAN TO MY SISTER CAROL'S HOME" Richard knew where this was, it was all the way in Oregon. So he wandered one goal in mind: Find his wife, Find his son. He went on for nearly 100 years, drifting from place to place mental state slowly withering away to nothing. He knew Oregon was the place he needed to be. Drifting and walking from place to place often with no sense of direction and avoiding people he eventually found a caravan that was heading towards newly formed N.C.R. lands in California and decided to trail them in hopes of getting closer.
They led him straight towards California from which point he trailed off of their path and headed North towards Utah now refreshed and determined. His mental state restored with hearing people, people he had avoided. He eventually found himself at a sight that strained his memories: a blue pieces..Carol's home..he went inside and was shocked to see a fading message carved into the wall: "GONE TO VAULT 74 WITH CAROL, PLEASE COME THERE IF YOU GET THIS" 74...where was 74...what was...when...why...he had no idea what to do now, and at that moment he lost it all.
He went into a primitive life style and began to wander the forest that was around the Town in which Carol had lived. He eat anything to keep himself going, Dead Animals, Human Corpses, living rats, it did not matter and eventually as Caravans started moving in he targeted their brahmin. He created a strategy, a strategy of fear..being the silent Ghost of the Hills allowed him to easily trick the people and get food and the caravan talk he overheard provided information information he'd use to get to vault 74.
Now staring at a N.C.R. Officer, he explained his story and how he was the Watcher who had to witness the pain of the world. With that he was pronounced guilty and sent to a N.C.R. Prison. However the N.C.R. we're not quite as stable as they later became and so an early riot in the newly established prison, allowed for the escape of numerous prisoners, one of them being The Ghost himself, Richard. He drifted around and gathered more information about the vault and eventually settled in a town and lived his days, still determined to find his wife. years flew by and now he had what he needed. From a pre-war terminal that was brought into the settlement he found out that Vault 74 was located 56 miles north of him.
Year: 2285
When he finally trudged past the rock leading to the Vault's Door he stared in shock at the door which was opened widely. He slowly trudged into the Vault staring at the Bleak dark atmosphere, lights broken, skeletons on the floor. Could his family be here? he trudged along through the metallic halls, now with a flashlight on desperately searching the halls but still oblivious to what happened here. The light reflects off a Metallic Plate above a door reading "Landly Family".
In a daze he knocks on the door. "Honey? Are you there..? Richard is home..." *He pushes the door open* He stares blankly at the home, it looks scorched, no lights but a searing black inside of it. The light flickers over to a bed where there is a skeleton arms dangled over another skeleton in a cowering position. The next feeling that Richard has can only be described as a fog clearing from a lake in an instant, suddenly you can see the shore and we're you came from, suddenly the world is clear. A sense of time instantly returned and shocked Richard, who realised it had been over 200 years, in his daze and desperation had he really not seen what was right in front of him, his failure loomed over him like a shadow following his every footstep, and he fainted on the spot.
He shouldn't have went on that business trip to Big Mountain, he shouldn't, he could of, he didn't..the thoughts ran through the head of the man who now had no purpose, only grief lingered behind the now walking corpse of Richard Landly. Now stumbling out of the vault he looks over to the horizon to see a town, the closest town to the vault: Eureka, California. He now searches for a new life to fill the void left by the one that just died.
IC -
Name: Edward Niles
Gender: Male
Age: 17
Race: Caucasian
Signifying Traits: Nearly Emotionless, doing things on a whim, Evil Karma'd.
Signifying Skills: Affinity for Melee Weapons, and has knowledge of repairing things
(40 points to distribute, maxes out on 10)
Strength- 8
Perception- 5
Endurance- 5
Charisma- 5
Intelligence- 5
Agility- 7
Luck- 5
RP example:
It all began in the year 2077, when the chaotic path mankind walked could no longer support itself. Well all else failed man did not sit by and watch death come to its door. No, Mankind is too greedy to die without taking everything else with it when it goes, so mankind endured even its own self-inflicted hell. Even in flee from the second holocaust, men had greed intertwined into them.
One tale of Survival was of the Dwellers of Vault 74. Designed and Operated by Robert Keltcher, an army veteran who later went on to work at Vault-Tec and was diagnosed with Mental Illness Problems and was to be a sent to a Mental Ward in January of 2078. Luckily for Mr. Keltcher those days would never come as the vault door was sealed shut and the experiment already under way.
10 Years Later
After Normal Life in the Vault and a seemingly peaceful society Robert passed away and his daughter took up role as overseer (her father's position in the Vault). Unaware of her father's plan that had been set into motion years before, the next generation of the vault was tasked by a computer sentry to preform a task, none thought they could do. The next generation dwellers had to kill their parents and elders.
Some protested Violently and most thought it was a cruel joke. None thought that the message was simply a voice recording played by Vault-Tec to test them. However, deep in the chambers below the overseer's office lurked a machine that had no emotion, no mind, no drive, just doing its job to do its job. This was a Z.A.X. 2.0 Unit. A computer capable of learning and adapting to its surroundings (and yes this is cannon Z.A.X. units can self-learn) . The Overseer Natalie Keltcher knew of this plan, but she overwhelmed with the fear of what might be in place already to stop her, did nothing. The Overseer's Generation was meant to live to study the effects of the experiment so eventually it didn't even raise a concern with her children who knew they had a future.
The computer soon made a statement one week after the initial one stating that if the dwellers refused to slay there elders the entire vault (Excluding overseer family of course) would receive no food and all would starve. Suicide was also Prohibited and anyone who did so would have their family force-fed (or not fed at all if they so choose) poison bread which would slowly make them wither down into death's clutches. So the Children following their parents wishes stabbed their parents and dragged their corpses to the crematory where they would be burned in front of the next generation.
Tears had been shed, some cried rebellion but the Every watching eyes of and ears of the Vault's automated security systems kept the entire Vault paralyzed with fear. The Vault's Experiment had started down a path of success its ultimate goal: To breed a generation who did not fear death, and who killed on a whim a generation of survivalists ready to face the hell Vault-Tec had expected to be on the other side of the Vault door. The Next Generation came and the ones who had shed tears and fell into a deep depression now saw the next ones to follow in their footsteps without the full intensity of their sorrow. This generation cried and sobbed and fell into depression but not quite as much as before, for this was all part of the plan. The Sorrow floated away slowly through the generations like the ashes flying from the fires of the Crematory.
The Overseer's line was often isolated in their own private section of the vault where the children did not have to watch their friends go through the horrible tasks. However they went to the same classes together and often interacted so the children knew but took nothing of the ritual. To be married into the line of overseers was a great honor. The children of the current overseer we're respected with utmost attitudes and attention of anyone around them. Sexual Favors given to them just to even consider going on a first date with them, money bribes, anything to get near them. In some cases its documented by the current Overseer that people who we're not gay convinced themselves they we're just in order to have a shot at getting accepted into that family. Murders occurred when another person got too close to the main family, and the lucky few got into the now called Holy Family.
The Generations flicked by and the one after the last slowly became cold and isolated and emotionless. Seeking no more technological advancement or highier placement in the systems of Social classes and virtual non-existence other than to be there. The Vault had proven that in situations of the extreme average people could be transformed into true Survivalists.Eventually however though the breed of the Overseer became Imperialistic, Ignorant, and Rude. They often treated the others as below them and that they we're the chosen of god himself.
Eventually this rise and fall of groups of people led to the birth of Edward Niles. Young Edward Enjoyed life in the time known in the vault as "Upbringing" when life was at its most enjoyable for the children who had not a care in the world. He soon made friends with a young Boy Named Timothy Keltcher and soon they became best friends. But at the age of 10 their fun would end as the slaughter began once again. Young Edward was hauled off into the large room that was built before the war just for this event. The Parents could wear whatever they wanted to be killed, it did not matter. However they had been forbidden to wear anything more than a small blindfold as to not mask their face from the child.
The Test was also used as the Vault's G.O.A.T. Exam. A series of weapons and tools we're set out for you to use to slay the person, which ever one you took and the "Creative" ways you used to kill them or the ordinary gun or knife, determined what you would be a little later in life. Edward was worn from the long generations of the weary, emotionless parents, who in some cases didn't even want the children they created. (parents we're forced to have intercourse to produce a new generation however the partner was up to them, because they would most likely have a large majority living alone instead of dying, or putting their child through murdering them) Young Edward Walked up to his Father and Mother pair who choose to wear no mask but to look the abomination they created square in the face as he choose to stab them. A look of emotionless stare was the light sight in their face when young Edward dragged them off to be burnt, upset that they had not shown any sorrow or grief.
As they got older his friend Timothy pitied the poor now emotionless Edward, and told him how his family was living and how they could fake being gay to get Edward into the family. This deep down in the depths of his mind broke a barrier in his mind that the slaughters had done to those inside the vault. Emotion rose to the surface as deep down Edward experienced rage. Rage at not having a family exprience like the holotapes showed (Only to make the situation worse) Rage at not having parents who cared for him, and most of all rage at the overseer line for not giving a damn what happened to those outside of their ranks.
Edward soon betrayed his friend and told others within the ranks of the Vault about how the overseers where living in paradise, without worry. Until this point the citizens of the Vault beileved that there was a speacial Chamber down on the bottom level where the children of the Overseer would go when the overseer got close to death. They then proceeded to bust down the door with whatever tools they could find and found that it had just been a storage and data-recording room for the overseer and family.
All of them now banged and bashed on the door of the Overseer's Complex. Inside the Overseer's Family was over having a large meal. Edward stepped to the front of the crowd, remembering seeing how Tim opened it before. The Door Unhinged, the steel lurched and the horde swarmed in. The family proudly stood up and demanded that they leave the Overseer's Complex and that they had no right barging in. Amongst the Crowd Tim spotted Edward and asked him to come forward and tell the crowd about the family and how they should all calm down. Edward Lurched forward in between the people and calmly walked up to his friend a blank stare on his face. He then looked down (as he was tallier than him) and pulled out a small pocket knife and held it towards the crowd and said in a silent murmur "The End is upon those who cannot see it" and he quickly and violently stabbed his friend and the crowd instantly rushed forward to finish the rest.
Hours later they Toppled over a bookshelf and found the passage down to the Vault's main computer. It was quickly smashed into peices. Weeks later the vault's inhabitants settled down and waited for their next move while one of the inhabitants drifted out of the vault, searching for a purpose to his life and leaving his people behind...for now. He drifted into the closest nearby town, Eureka California. A Town of Dust and Demons? They know nothing of demons. Nothing like the demons inside the dwellers of Vault 74.
Once long ago in the mountains high above Arizona lived a boy named Newmium Propheteice XIV. Newmium was born into a tribe of Primitives that lived in the mountains after the Apocalypse. His tribe beileved in Ghost and animal spirits and stuff. So When Newmium showed an ability to see flying rainbows in his head, they jumped for joy. They have Newmium drink the Super Juju potion that he soon chugged like i would a mountain dew. and began to see visions of a new world. The tribe made the juju from like water and stuff and large amounts of scooma tooooo. Newmium began to see visions of a rainbow and he followed this rainbow on his spirit quest, when he got to the end of the rainbow he saw that there was a pot of gold, and the pot of gold began talking and told him "Newmium Propheteice i am god! GOLDEN GOD!" Newmium than began to worship this god and traveled on a spiritual quest alone to Eurakakaka California where he used the name god have gave him The New Prophet and began preaching about the power of Talos,;,;,; I like talos.
IGN: Zaneakye Gender: Male Age: 16 Have you read the rules: Eureka the town of dust and demons (psst..: The Owl crows at Midnight) Have you read the lore: I have Ridden the Mighty Eureka Snake. RP Expierence: A lord of the rings server, 6 months of runescape RP, general miscellanious rp (D&D, Etc.) Fallout Expierence: Played some of Fallout 1, all of 2, nearly 100'd 3 and New Vegas. Define Meta Gaming: Using ooc information to gain an unfair advantage. Define Power Gaming: Unfairly controlling a situation, IE: Immune to pain, Never dies, Extremely strong for no reason, one hit KOing Etc.
IC - Name: David Jallen Gender: Male Age: 20 Race: Caucasian Appearence: a man with a weary look from his travels, and a face stricken with grief, Grief and curiosity to what the world holds. Signifying Traits: Curiosity, Calm-Natured planning. Signifying Skills: Very able with Old Technology, etc. An Average Marksman, but with High Endurance due to the length of his travels. S.P.E.C.I.A.L.'s: (40 points to distribute, maxes out on 10)1 Strength- 6 Perception- 5 Endurance- 8 Charisma-5 Intelligence-6 Agility-5 Luck-5
RP example:
*David scrambles up a rubble pile and spots a shiny object sticking out of the ground* *He goes over and examines it and mumbles to himself* "T-923 Model Robco Terminal, not bad..not bad at all" *He then proceeds to motion to a Caravan crew to send a Brahmin over* *He loads the computer on one of the brahmin's baskets off the side* *He leads the brahmin back to the caravan and gazes ahead towards the distance, wondering to himself when they will get there* *He Notices the caravan driver pointing and announcing they've arrived, watching as black smoke rose in the direction* "No..."
"With almighty God as my witness i stand here before you all today to say that the New California Republic will not back down, we shall not falter, we shall not fall behind, we shall keep the pace in our long march to carry the world into the Future. When faced with the impossible, the Republic makes it possible! When we faced down the Legion the might of the Bear was tested, But by the will of its great citizens and soldiers it did not stop and drove the legion all the way into the gates of hell! Now i stand here to say that after all we have come across, I will see that groups of Terrorists and extremists will not scare away the bear! The ones who seek to control us using the art of fear will find only the will of men and woman like i see before me, People ready to put their lives on the line to defend and expand our great nation. God Bless California and God Bless The New California Republic!"
- President Aaron Kimball during the 2285 Annual state of the Union at Shady Sands
Life on the California wastes was not much different than the rest of the planet, Fear swept through it easily. Fear of what lies beyond, fear of WHO lies beyond, fear of what will happen next, fear of what has happened. The world was a hellish place condemned to suffering by none other than its own children.
"Life was not always a bleak, dreary existence like it is now. Once long ago the books tell of we're we are. They call it Earth, a world where man kind acted like gods, insisting that the rest of the world was below them and that man only needed to attended to matters made by men. Their ignorance would eventually lead them to the "Art" of war. War for everything, war for anything. A entire peoples died for these wars, wiped out by the greed of another. Man also strived to out due themselves and eventually they did. The Great War as we know it today, was better than all other wars. It smashed entire civilizations and nearly was the suicide of humanity, but what did we do? We pulled through man kind came back from its devastation and look what is happening now. Rebuilding, Reclaiming, Remaking, Remolding. Now people still go on with the evil that they had long ago, but hopefully through the acts of those who are good amongst us, we can purify the wastes and make a paradise even god himself would have to reflect upon."
"That's an Interesting Story Dad, how many more pages do you have to fill out?"
"Oh Not many, just a few more and my book will be complete, haven't quite thought up a title yet though."
"I'm Sure you'll think of one soon, alright goodnight Dad."
"Goodnight son"
David Jallen Had lived a quiet existence with his father in Northern California, his mother passed during Child birth and his Father was a Prospector and had a passion for writing. They often moved from place to place, and it gave David an avid look on the world, ready to explore and see things like his father had been doing his entire life he set out to be just like his Dad.
He eventually traveled far south at the age of 15. He went into the heart of N.C.R. lands and filled out an application to be an N.C.R. Prospector, got accepted and hitched a ride on a Caravan heading east towards New Canaan. The Journey was a harsh one, Many had perished from an incident involving a bomb in one of Caravan Satchels. Raiders also took their toll on the band of travelers, but David held strong.
Eventually when they could see the glimpse of what was New Canaan their jaws dropped. The town was in utter ruins laid to waste by the White legs in their attempt to be assimilated by Caesar's Legion. The cries of war brewed and David knew this was a war for another hero. He set off with the caravan back around in a loop towards California, less loot than intended for the Caravan but a good haul for David.
When they finally returned to California David was shocked to hear that his father had passed away while he was off Prospecting. Stricken with the grief of losing the one family he had he set out in the wastes, Taking his father's book with him as his guide, his light in the darkness. Eventually toiling down to questioning the meaning of life he swayed from town to town asking what it even meant to be here in this god forsaken world.
His travels eventually led him to the Town of Eureka in California, there he heard rumors of a great religion to give the answers to life, of Extremists who believed in changing the world permanently. David thought that his future lied in this place and set off only five miles from it to start his new Life.
You know what i'm waiting for? Feedback from my Application, week 2.
Tried, Can't. The system messed itself up.
IGN(In Game Name): Zaneakye
Roleplaying experience (What roleplay servers have you played on before? Or what Roleplay games have you played before?):
Country/Time zone: United States (Pennslyvania) EST Eastern Standard Time
How old are you?: 16
Where did you find us?: I don't recall, but somewhere! Somewhere indeed!
Why do you want to join us? ( Please be a bit detailed): Do i even need to answer this? Great times, Great Server.
Time you can give to this server (Everyday, or per week): way too much for my own good.
Who in our new lore destroyed Minas Tirith?: The Haradrim
Which Captain of Rohan survived until the end of the battle?: Captain Gomen III
Have you read the rules?: You have my axe! (Gimli) +14? 30? ??? Yeah i read the rules.
What is RolePlaying for you?: Roleplaying is creating a character with a role and playing them in that role.
What is MetaGaming in your words?: Metagaming is using information you know that your character does not.
What is PowerGaming in your words?: Power gaming is making yourself too powerful basically. Refusing to die, dodging all attacks, etc. Examples: Raomir, Willhelm ******Born, etc. (Yes, we kept a grudge this long)
In Character(IC) INFO:*Your IC part should be detailed if you want to be accepted*
Name (Please give your Character a name that fits with your race): Krallen
Race (Go see the race section higher up. And is he or she a man or a woman): Goblin
Age: 32
Professional Class: Smith
Combat Class: Archer
Character Backstory [It should be about 3 paragraphs, 400 words or more. And please no stories like this : His/her parents were killed by orcs. He/she trained, found the orcs, and killed them all. The end. (You cannot be anyone important in the server without being approved, you need to work your way to the top.)]:
Among the ruined halls and collapsed pillars inside the depths of the Misty Mountains stood from what most can see beast, an animal ragged and torn and beaten a sore on the eyes of Men. However to vision not blinded by Ignorance you can see a rare thing, eyes studying the walls and panels the details in every sort of architecture, snuffling and rummaging around.
It is not unlikely that the machines of war and the bombs of ash had been built by Goblin-Kind, for they have always been fascinated with that sort. These endeavors have made passage through the mountains a dangerous thing to be undertaken, and the Goblin Hordes a thing to be feared. Midst those who would take a keen interest in this type of this thing stood Krallen who was born in a key time in the history of the race, a time when Goblins would no longer be hunted like animals, a time when they could reform. A time of growth and progress.
This was the time for pursuits of a true intellectual interest, but such was the calling inside him to create the arms of war, the fuel to the flames. So he began to experiment eventually getting decent at archery trying to test out new poisons on the animals of the forests outside of the caverns watching them die slowly among the trees leaves waving as its last glimpses of life left its eyes. Wishing to find more beyond the ruins and caverns in the mountains, he set out for the world of Men.
Roleplay Example (A conversation/fight between your character and someone else. We want to see how well you can Roleplay.): Well im not gonna lie this is gonna be kind of rusty, its almost like writing a book but its supposed to be about in-game situations. The Main problem being i'm generating both the lines myself but here:
*starts to glare at the merchant's wares wavy motions going back and forth like a tingle through the hands*
Merchant: Don't even think of it you grimy thief! Crawl back to your cave if your not going to buy something!
*with an anger fueled grunt, walks away through the streets of the small village*
*Glares of the townsfolk arise as they see the man walking*
Child: Mother isn't that one of the things from the stories?
Mother: Yes, get inside you shouldn't have to waste your time on it. It will pass.
*Begins to pick up pace as the angry snarls of the town increase*
Man: Thats one of the those dogs from the hills.
Other Man: And a narled pelt on its back, just like its skin; Hideous.
*Angry snarls come from the now near jogging goblin and he flees the village*
*later in the night a gleam of light flashes from a dagger stabbed through a bleeding rat's underbelly illuminated by the moon coming through a crack in the wall worn and weary*
*drops of poison singe its skin as they fall from a makeshift vial and a laugh is heard*
Krallen: So easy to harm, so weak, just like the ones down below.
*His eyes shift down towards the village and a glare begins and then fades off as the moon finally passes over a tree branch closing off the last bit of light that would seep through and leaving the Goblin in the dark with his madness*
Personality traits:Physical description(needed. eg what his face looks like) and/or image of skin?:
Skills (For every major skill you have, you should have one weakness. You can not master any individual skill to start out with. Once again, you must earn this. If you feel that this system would ruin or elsewise inhibit your ability to create the character you desire, please contact the admin team and we will look into a solution.)
Medicine: Skilled
Reason: Poison Engineering skills, general knowledge of nature.
Weakness: Lack of ability to create antidote, and healing practices are iffy at the best of times.
Archery: Adept
Reason: Hunting and minor general practice
Weakness: Lack of mobility and range and accuracy is sub-standard.
Weakness: A general uneasiness around men, and weakened body state do to be around concoctions of every sort.
What is his/her ultimate goal? (Ex: Becoming a king, owning the biggest farm, being the richest merchant in Eriador.): To Eradicate the Dwarves to the point that they brought the Goblin Race.
Country of residence: East Coast United States of America (Pennsylvania)
Previous roleplaying experiences: Alot of servers that i really don't have time to list including just some miscellaneous roleplay here and there on a few other games.
If you had a previous roleplaying server, why did you leave it: Most of them shutdown and or have paused for building.
Define OOC and IC: OOC or Out of Character is talking not in the character you have defined IC is the polar opposite of OOC and is In Character and is speaking and acting like the character you have defined.
What is powergaming and metagaming, give an example(different from in the rules)
Power Gaming is giving yourself an unfair advantage and or practically cheating by doing inhuman things such as say doing something really hard in one try like instantly stabbing someone, instantly disarming a trap, etc.
Metagaming is simply using information YOU know instead of what your character knows, such as hearing someone on global chat say im in Blah Blah Blah and your searching for them so you go there and instantly find them.
Did you read all of the rules? What number was skipped? What is the secret phrase from the rules: Yes, 4, Arzach the destroyer of Arken
Characters name: Zenos of Moebius
Characters age: (I don't actually know the time between ages nor the average lifespan but im going to guess and assume) 46
Characters background story; this should describe life on the boat or life in Arken. Maybe your boat landed on another continent first before sailing to Medowen:
Amongst the slaves of Arken, among the poverty, the pain, the suffering, and the woes of the hellish realm stood those who had fallen into the clutches of the dark. Those who instead of retaining their independence and the will of Humanity, bent down and kissed the feet of the gods. The ones who worshiped, the ones who would not hesitate to follow every creed put forth by the mouths of the twisted rulers.
One such case is of the High Priest of Moebius: Zenos. From his father's father's father the line of the High Priests ran long and all of them blindly followed the will of their master even if it meant death which in many cases it did. Completely commited was he who witnessed the downfall of his lord at the hands of the weapon that could smite any god, the blade of Cryto. Moebius being a cautious one had never tried to teach his followers anything that could potentially be harmful to him, so the followers of Moebius faced a genocide by any who had previously wished death to their master.
Few remained and even fewer managed to leave the continent after its destruction, against all odds a Priest boarded a ship concealing his identity, confused, lost, faith shaken, and most of all a burning Anger in his heart. Believing that none could truly kill one such as powerful as a god, Zenos who would not abandon Moebius and instead began to still worship him in secret on his voyage over. Reading a few scripts and scrolls he had brought along from the old temple he began to plot. He vowed that he would someday somehow crush the traitors who would kill the glorious one, and he would be the one to bring his master back to power and be rewarded greatly for his continued faith.
To accomplish his radical goals he took up the weapon that once had been the fuel of a revolution, the magics of Arzach trying to increase his power in any way shape or form he secretly took the guise of a apprentice looking to learn the ways of magic and when the ship finally docked on the new world he was ready to enact his plan.
What class best fits your character?, for classes look at spoiler in the bottom of thread: Mage
Characters personality and morals? Alignment: Evil Lawful
By definition a Religious extremist willing to go any length if it is to further a cause, but also a tactician but a flawed one. One who plans but is equally likely to throw the plan away if it means accomplishing the goal by any means.
Add a small description of what your character looks like or include a picture of your skin:
A semi-colorfully robed aged man (i can't really get more in depth than this)
Name: Deus
Gender: Originally Male
Age: 241
Weight: 230 (Mainly Bulk and Deformation)
Race: Super Mutant
Signifying Traits: Look below.
Signifying Skills: Look Below.
Weaknesses: Unstable Mentality.
Fears: Varies on personalities.
― J.R.R. Tolkien
Country of residence and time zone: United States of Murika, Pennslyvania E.S.T. Eastern Standard Time
Define role playing in your own words, do you have any past role playing experiences? Role playing is taking on the role of a character and playing out of the events that the characters creates, faces, or is involved in.
What is your reason for applying to this server? I have many people i know on this server and would like to be apart of its glorious triumph to take over the owlrd!
Have you been banned before, if so why? I have not.
Do you agree with our rules, how about the lore? Would You Kindly Accept my application? Because i agree.
Will you use the server's official texture pack? Of course.
Define Powergaming in your own words, example: Power gaming is refusing actions by others in ways that wouldn't really make sense IE: Dodges all bullets, turns blade around and stabs in chest
Define Metagaming in your own words, example: Meta gaming is using information your character wouldn't know to gain an advantage
In Character
Character name: William P. Henry
Your character's story so far: William was born in the backwoods to parents who never had been around. They lived a life off the land, his family had been avid trappers and provided what could be considered a life of luxury compared to how some lived in the wastes. They brought home food and goods they had traded for and it made William wonder, was the world even any better before? As he gouged on food, he was ignorant to the truth.
The area near the families Cabin was almost devoid of animals now, they had moved on due to lack of food in the forest. So to provide for the family his parents had started recently living a dirty life, of drug smuggling and killing other people's animals and even pets that went astray for food and bringing them back for profit. They thought nothing could go wrong, they lived as ignorant as their son. Eventually however life caught up with the family.
An angry farmer one day trailed back the duo to their cabin. The pair had been silently murdering his cows in the night and their mistake was doing it more than once. One night the farmer laid in wait and that's how he trailed them. When he got back to the Cabin, William's Mother called for him to come skin the animal, and when he got to the edge of the front door in route to the kitchen a gunshot blast ripped through it just barely missing his face. Stunned at someone shooting what would have been directly at him (Had he taken another step) he stood in horror as a voice called out "I've Found you now, you sons a es!" another gunshot ripped through the flimsy walls of the self built cabin.
The Duo used to gunfights in the hell of a world quickly ran around the back but what they didn't realise was the farmer was already prepared for this and was hiding and one quick shot and William's Father lay on the ground an ugly red hole in the middle of his forehead. William heard his mother scream "RUN!" and another gunshot and silence. William knew what his mother must have meant instantly and ran, ran out into the woods and through the hills.
10 Years Later
William was adopted by an old man who lived alone outside of a nearby settlement and was taught by the man the art of hunting and surviving in the woods. The Old man showed him the certain herbs that are out in the woods and what to eat and not to eat, to follow the animals and find fresh water. William learned quick, hoping to one day live up to the level his parents had been at. William hoped to one day avenge their (what he thought) murder from a man with no reason to. Still oblivious to the truth he wanders out to find the man and lost in his hate he leaves a possible new life just to avenge the one he had.
Does or did your character have any companions or family? Not anymore.
How old is your character? 23
Describe what your character looks like, any distinctive physical features? A rugged unshaved woods man that has determination in his eye, and is intimidating and rugged but shows the old shell of a spoiled child.
How does your character act?: Single minded and determined beyond anything else, often cold and uncaring about anyone but himself.
Character's occupation: Hunter and Herbalist
Does your character have an education? (Read or write) Education was not important to his parents but he can read as he had lots of time and lots of books at his original home.
Any special skills that your character has, nothing unbalanced:
Does your character hate or fear anything?: Fears the subconscious idea of the farmer as it terrified him as a child and now haunts him later in life.
Describe an example of your character in great suffering and pain (RP, and Long): *Screams out in pain* "God Damn bear!" *He looks over and spots a medical bag that he often carried with him 10 feet up the hill* "If only i can get up to that F***ing Bag" *he uses the bear carcass as something sturdy to try to pull himself up the hill* *the hill is wet so the bear slides down with him on it his face going into some of its blood* "*gasp* Son of a...God dammit *he groans towards his cut up leg* "I have to get up to the top of this hill...have to.." *He grabs onto some nearby tree roots and pulls himself a little bit up* "A bit more..." *He fingers onto more footholds and scales the hill slowly while taking extra care of his injured leg* "A little more will...a little more.." *his fingers finally clutch the bag and manage to slid it down the hill* *He closes his eyes and braces himself as he allows himself to slide down next to the bag* "This should help *winces*" *He opens the bag and grabs a bunch of bandages* "This should fix me for a bit..." *He shoves a needle into his leg* "But the question am i gonna get out of here?"
Anything else to add? Well not really accept that i can be an avid player with much time and experience to donate to this server.
Provide an image of your character's skin:
Minecraft account name: Zaneakye
Country of residence and time zone: United States of Murika, Pennslyvania E.S.T. Eastern Standard Time
Define role playing in your own words, do you have any past role playing experiences? Role playing is taking on the role of a character and playing out of the events that the characters creates, faces, or is involved in.
What is your reason for applying to this server? I have many people i know on this server and would like to be apart of its glorious triumph to take over the owlrd!
Have you been banned before, if so why? I have not.
Do you agree with our rules, how about the lore? Would You Kindly Accept my application? Because i agree.
Will you use the server's official texture pack? Of course.
Define Powergaming in your own words, example: Power gaming is refusing actions by others in ways that wouldn't really make sense IE: Dodges all bullets, turns blade around and stabs in chest
Define Metagaming in your own words, example: Meta gaming is using information your character wouldn't know to gain an advantage
In Character
Character name: (Last names aren't required) Big John
Your character's story so far: Johnny was born into a trailer out of the way back in the country, in an old trailer park that existed before the war. Johnny's Mother died of overdosing on Meth, which was the families main income. His father was an abusive man who left Johnny when his mother died, looking for a new woman to mooch off of. He then learned to fend for himself and took the rifle his mother owned and became an avid hunter.
For years he lived out in the "Big Oak" Trailer park, until mutants moved into the area. Ol' Big John didn't know how to deal with all these mutants, but he couldn't leave his home could he? John barricaded his trailers with parts from others and eventually had What he code named "Alpha Base" a large hunk of metal being the only barrier between him and the mutants which occasionally came by the the trailer park. Traders stopped coming for his drugs and goods, and Big John eventually was forced to stay at home due to the Mutants that now practically lived in the trailer park.
Big John was then eventually forced to go out into the world away from his home, but he couldn't leave with all these damn beasts everywhere. He escaped but with a few scars to show it and he lost most of his belongings in the process, so now he wanders looking for a new home, and a new way of life.
Does or did your character have any companions or family? He is alone now that his mother died and his father left.
How old is your character?: 37
Describe what your character looks like, any distinctive physical features? He has a good amount of facial hair, and sub-standard clothing and is a large burly man who at first appears quite intimidating.
How does your character act?: Big John is a very ignorant man who cares little about others and only tries to fend for himself, not being the type to trust others since the only man he trusted: His Father left him alone. He is quite paranoid as he never had anyone to watch his back and can be quick tempered.
Character's occupation: Herbalist as he had a quite good knowledge of the woods and the herbs and other things you would find naturally.
Does your character have an education? (Read or write) My character does know how to read somewhat, but cannot write at all.
Any special skills that your character has, nothing unbalanced: A knowledge of Herbs and some Drugs.
Does your character hate or fear anything? Hates "Muties"
Describe an example of your character in great suffering and pain (RP, and Long): *John's Leg was shining with blood* "God Damn Mutie *******!" *He struggles to get to some medical supplies that are across the field about 10 feet away* "Ugh...son of a....err..." *he inches his way forward to the bag* *He hobbles over a dead body and flops down over and screams in pain* *He finally reaches the medical supplies* "This should...*Groan* Help alot..." *He applies the bandages slowly arround his leg which is slightly less bleeding* "Hopefully this will patch up Ol' John for now...."
Anything else to add? Well i beileve that i can be a helpful addition to this server as i have only here to Roleplay, so i will be active and contribute greatly. Thanks for reading.
Provide an image of your character's skin: I Couldn't find out how to post in it in a view able state so here is the link (Sorry :L)
Oh well i originally had the time be in 2215 instead of 2277, i changed the time because he'd be either the slowest man on the planet or wandering backwards for way longer than he should of, so you saw something i forgot to change , and he didn't work at big mountain per say but was more or less invited there for them to see his work, and etc. And he wasn't really the general public seeing as his work caught their attention more than anything else, he really didn't choose to go there, well anyways thanks for reading. ;3
Name: Richard Landly A.K.A. The Ghost of the Hills
Gender: Male
Age: 234
Race: Glowing One (ghoul)
Appearence: A Glowing one with an orange hazmat suit fused into his skin.
Signifying Traits: Expert Analyzation Skills, and high endurance, and high intelligence due to being a doctor. But With EXTREMELY low charisma due to the suit being fused with his skin. and Only Average stats when it comes to much else.
Signifying Skills: Strategic, and robotics and medical expert (Scientist)
(40 points to distribute, maxes out on 10)
Strength- 5
Perception- 5
Endurance- 8
Charisma- 1
Intelligence- 10
Agility- 6
Luck- 5
Year: 2285
Name: Edward Niles
Gender: Male
Age: 17
Race: Caucasian
Signifying Traits: Nearly Emotionless, doing things on a whim, Evil Karma'd.
Signifying Skills: Affinity for Melee Weapons, and has knowledge of repairing things
(40 points to distribute, maxes out on 10)
Strength- 8
Perception- 5
Endurance- 5
Charisma- 5
Intelligence- 5
Agility- 7
Luck- 5
RP example:
Gender: Male
Age: 16
Have you read the rules: Eureka the town of dust and demons (psst..: The Owl crows at Midnight)
Have you read the lore: I have Ridden the Mighty Eureka Snake.
RP Expierence: A lord of the rings server, 6 months of runescape RP, general miscellanious rp (D&D, Etc.)
Fallout Expierence: Played some of Fallout 1, all of 2, nearly 100'd 3 and New Vegas.
Define Meta Gaming: Using ooc information to gain an unfair advantage.
Define Power Gaming: Unfairly controlling a situation, IE: Immune to pain, Never dies, Extremely strong for no reason, one hit KOing Etc.
IC -
Name: David Jallen
Gender: Male
Age: 20
Race: Caucasian
Appearence: a man with a weary look from his travels, and a face stricken with grief, Grief and curiosity to what the world holds.
Signifying Traits: Curiosity, Calm-Natured planning.
Signifying Skills: Very able with Old Technology, etc. An Average Marksman, but with High Endurance due to the length of his travels.
(40 points to distribute, maxes out on 10)1
Strength- 6
Perception- 5
Endurance- 8
RP example: