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    posted a message on New 1.7 mob?
    Quote from WitherSnow

    It's a terrible thread. Mojang probobly did exactly this to stir up conversation and excitement for .7

    I thought they put Steve there to give an idea on how big the Badlands are.
    Posted in: Future Updates
  • 1

    posted a message on How to get rid of chunk error?
    Quote from Shangahyando

    Nope, it's still there.

    Go into MCEdit, find and select the chunk , and delete it. It should regenerate next time you login.
    Posted in: Discussion
  • 2

    posted a message on Could 1.7 potentially be my favorite update?
    Quote from ivanovic

    There seems to be two shades of blue in the oceans... Does that mean two kind of oceans? I think this might be the confirmation that they are working on improving oceans finally.

    I'm not saying "no" but the darker shade may just be dirt or a deeper part of the ocean.
    Posted in: Future Updates
  • 1

    posted a message on 1.6 = It's Zombie Apocalypse Naow!
    I feel like the title is a referance too something. Banshees from Starcraft 2?

    Back on topic. I think the zombies are a bit too hard. I liked the concept but in reality it's too much. I mean building at night is about impossible unless your working up high or on the interior. I think Etho was even complaining.

    I'm a bit annoyed because I play on normal, not hard. I still like the concept but it needs to be toned down.

    Edit: I should say annoying over hard.
    Posted in: Recent Updates and Snapshots
  • 2

    posted a message on We're all gamers; make peace, not console war
    Quote from Jimmars

    I don't get what all the fuss is about. Consoles are a thing of times long past, when it was a pain in the ass to set up a computer for gaming simply because the things wern't designed for it. But now with graphics cards dedicated to gaming, and with games being available at your fingertips there simply isn't a need for consoles, as they will inevitably lag behind the year they get released.

    Now if only devs stopped making games for the bloody things technology could actually advance.

    Every post I've seen from you in this section is about how PC is better. Even though I agree PC is the best, it's getting kind of annoying.
    Posted in: General Gaming
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    posted a message on Help me plz
    Quote from HellsTheNetha

    Why need the right click button anyway? The main controls to mine / move is the "WASD" keys and the left clicking button.

    Bows, Fishing rod, place blocks, block with sword, activating buttons/levers, etc.

    Did you check controls?
    Posted in: Recent Updates and Snapshots
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    posted a message on 1.7 NEWS/Features/Snapshots Compilation-[8/2/13] Biomes O' Plenty?!?
    Quote from Acesilentlife

    LINK? you want a link to the site he stole this from? Heres your link: http://minecraftmaps...rses-minecraft/
    If you can look at the first part of the picture.

    I wouldn't really say he stole it because he showed where he got it from. If he stole it he would get rid of the sources. A more correct word would be using or borrowing it.
    Posted in: Future Updates
  • 1

    posted a message on Come on guys... decide already.
    Some of these people get way too whiny. A few act like it's the biggest thing in the world.

    Seriously, it's just a game. If your acting like your life will be affected you should probably take a break and do something else.
    Posted in: Recent Updates and Snapshots
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    posted a message on Texture Pack Support Dropped? Snapshot 13w24a
    Quote from deryCrafter

    check dinnerbone's twitter and you'll understand the 3 week late statement

    I can't find it.

    Anyways, do you guys think there will be a sounds section on the forums in the future?
    Posted in: Recent Updates and Snapshots
  • 1

    posted a message on Texture Pack Support Dropped? Snapshot 13w24a
    Quote from deryCrafter

    3 weeks late, but finally Resource Packs are in the snapshot. 13w24a breaks texture packs but there's a tool to fix them

    There was never a due date.
    Posted in: Recent Updates and Snapshots
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