- zaket22
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Member for 12 years, 6 months, and 29 days
Last active Sun, Sep, 1 2013 21:10:25
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ThesaurusRex84 posted a message on Boats Evolved; bigger, modular boatsPosted in: SuggestionsAlright, so there's this idea I've been working on for the past few weeks. You heard me, weeks. Basically, it's boats. Boats than you can make bigger, slap a name on, armor, choose what propulsion system it has, and carry stuff in.
Full idea in spoiler:Boats Evolved; bigger, modular boats (Watch out --- huge!)
Okay guys. Just a slight disclaimer, the explanation for this idea is going to be *HUGE*. The idea itself may be simpler, but the description will take a long time to explain. In a nutshell, it's bigger boats that are also modular.
So we'll start with a slight modification of a game mechanic. Otherwise, the idea won't work very well. So just keep in mind that in this idea, you can't push a boat around by standing on top of it. At least just for the higher-level classes, which we'll get to in a minute.
Also, upon entering a boat, a GUI will appear somewhere around the bottom-right or so that displays the ships 'health', and speed.
Before we go overboard (no pun intended), let's begin with some basic principles that can be applied to the current boat. Let's call it the Dinghy. You can't do too terribly much with the Dinghy, but you CAN do some things.
Dinghies can be crafted just like they normally are. However to modify a boat, a new tool will have to be brought into the game. Let's say it's a Hammer. Right-clicking on a boat with a hammer, granted you're the one that built it will open up a GUI.
Like I said before the abilities with the Dinghy are limited, so you have limited things that pop up in the GUI. All that displays for now is the hull, propulsion system, and their respective health bars. You can also give your boat its own custom name that appears on its hull (But this probably won't be for the Dinghy). You will also notice two numbers at the top. On the left (12/12), is the boat's hitpoints. I doubled their damage resistance because I thought it was kind of silly to kill a boat with one arrow. To the right (1) is the ship's base speed attribute. That is to say, the speed capability of a boat, excluding the propulsion system. Boat stats will vary upon each construction. Therefore someone can be proud of themselves if they have made a fast/strong ship.
Normally, you have your standard, nonreinforced plank hull. However, you could change that. Let's start with a Reinforced Wood Hull. In the crafting table, put in 9 pieces of log together to form a piece of Reinforced Wood Plating. Dinghies will probably only need one plate to reinforce themselves. Plating will probably not be stackable for gameplay purposes.
Reinforced wood will provide a higher defense for the dinghy. Two more types of hull include Steel and Gold. Steel Plating requires 4 Iron blocks in the crafting table, and Gold likewise. With a steel-plated hull, the boat can take considerably more damage than Plank or Wood. Steel hulls can possibly withstand lava. Gold plating is only slightly stronger than Reinforced Wood and is not feasible as battle armor. However, just in case you were thinking these hulls are easy to reinforce, keep in mind higher levels will need more plating as they get bigger.
When a boat is damaged, simply right-click with the Hammer to open up the GUI. There should be a slot for extra plating to go in should the ship need repair. To ensure fair fights, the repair will be timed, like a furnace. Each repair uses up the Hammer some. It would also be nice to see some sort of visual cue for an almost-destroyed ship, like fire or a broken, damaged texture.
And now, the propulsion systems.
With the default dinghy, you have your Hands. Hands for a dinghy are basically neutral, however they will be slower than in previous versions of the game.
An alternative solution, is craftable Oars. Oars are very maneuverable and faster than hands, however they do not grant a steady speed and require you to hold down the forward button whenever you want to move. They may even 'tire' you out more (using up more Hunger).
The last one for the Dinghy, is the sail. Sails can provide very fast speeds, however they have low thrust and are not easy to slow down and speed up easily. A steady speed is required for traversing around land-covered areas. Sails can also possibly be made with different colored wool, to help a boat stand out. Sails grant a steady speed as you can leave them unattended with very little deceleration.
So now we move on to a bigger boat. Not too terribly big, but we're getting there.
To construct larger ships and propulsion systems, you're going to need an alternative to the crafting table. Let's just call it the Shipwright. This block ONLY crafts boats and takes up more blocks of space.
I think for a new level of boat, you're going to need some Blueprints. Blueprints can most likely be created by interacting with the Shipwright by combining a blueprint (Or in this case, a solid Dinghy) and investing your Experience Points to come up with a new 'idea' for a bigger boat. The 'studying' is timed, again, like a furnace, and with each clump of EP filled, the progress bar is filled some. You can also find Blueprints in dungeons, but only rarely.
After that will be done, the Blueprints can be put in a separate slot, with another slot under it. The slot under it is for the wood required to build the boat. Every time you put more wood into the slot under it, the progress bar for the ship increases. I'm not sure if this should be the way but it sounds pretty good.
I think that for each class of boat, a bigger mast will need to be crafted. That, or just have one single mast that, for bigger boats, you need to pack in more Sails. Kind of like how plating works.
So now, the next level: the Skiff.
The skiff is *about* 2 1/2 times the length of the Dinghy. However, with the next level comes new features. First off is a second slot, a passenger seat if you will. But besides that, there are two more features.
Here, there will be special lots to place blocks at. These could be something decorative like gold blocks, or practical, like chests.
To place a block in there, logically you would right click on that one place with the block. It's possible the block lot will be highlighted by the Hammer to show you where you can place things. To get it out, leftclick with the Hammer and it will appear in your inventory. If blocks aren't your fancy, perhaps animals are. Here is where the extra space in the GUI comes in. There would be a list of all the entities in the boat. If they are NPCs, you can choose to move them to another slot, or evict them. You can also evict players,but not move them[amended].
With the Skiff, you have an additional propulsion system. I'm not sure about this one so I'm going to need you guys' approval. Essentially, it is a steam-powered paddlewheel. The steam engine will need to be powered by coal, which will either have a furnace-like GUI or not. It is also be slightly less maneuverable than the Sail. The steam engine, like Sails, grant a steady speed and can be left unattended. They have perfect acceleration, however they are much slower than Sails.
For armoring, the Skiff will need more plates to sufficiently armor the boat. Possibly two or three.
The skiff will most likely be the largest boat to successfully navigate shallow marshlands and the like.
Now, for the adventurous sailor, we're going to go one step up. Meet the Cog. The Cog is a fair-sized boat, but it is hardly big. What is does have though is a top deck large enough to walk upon. Now, we're going to introduce another feature. This time, the Cog will have a lower deck. You could be able to place a few blocks in that bottom deck, such as beds and chests. This will be good for long adventures. If you aren't spoiled, you would be happy with a Cog for your adventuring needs. Hands are now unusable.
For gameplay, an invisible, penetrable box will be in the interiors of the ship that hides water and its effects when water blocks go near it, but as soon as they leave the water blocks return to normal.
Now here, starting with the Cog, is the boat's main means of offense and defense. You guessed it, the Cannon. I believe the cannon could be made with a crafting table. To fire (And right now I'm making most of this up as I go along), you must first craft a Cannonball (Maximum of 16 allowed in hand), and right click on the cannon. The cannon will fizz for about 2.5 seconds or more before firing the cannonball. You must wait an additional second to fire again. To adjust the angle of a cannon, rightclick it (without a cannonball) to point the cannon up or down.
Now with ships and other entities, contact with the cannonball will just equal damage being dealt. But with blocks, there is a chance (Depending on their blast resistance) that the block being hit, and/or the blocks around it will be pushed forward and respond to gravity. And in rare cases, break upon falling.
That, or it would just be a weak form of TNT. But I like the former better. Mostly because it's my idea. Good gosh I think I'm vain or something.
So like I said, if you aren't spoiled, you would be happy with a Cog for your adventuring needs.
But sometimes, you ARE spoiled. Or, just requiring a bit more power. That's where the fourth level comes in, behold: the Carrack. Significantly larger than the other boats, this one can actually be called a ship. It has 3 decks. The first being the top deck (Which comprises of the main deck, quarter and poop, naturally), the second the gun deck, which to the back holds the captain's quarters, and the bottom deck is mainly for cargo. If the Carrack is steampowered the boiler room will be in there.
Oars are now unusable for the Carrack, as are Hands for Cogs. (The Oars for the Cogs would be weaker than on the Skiff and Dinghy, as would hands with the Skiff. However with the Steam engine and Sail, they just get faster with each level, with exceptions [amended])
Another neat thing you get to do with the Carrack is you get to live up to the naval definiton of a ship. On the Carrack, you can place another boat inside it for scouting/lifeboats. But it can only be a Skiff or Dinghy.
Okay, next one. Here we go.
(This level is optional. You guys tell me if it should be ingame.)
Now sometimes, your lust for power is so great no measly Carrack can hold it; not even when it is steel-hulled and armed to the teeth. No, you wish for the very seas to obey your will. Well, you psychopath, here's the fix for you: Feast your eyes sir, on the Galleon. Over twice the size of a Carrack, four long decks and plenty of guns, you would not want to war with this vessel. It is essentially a Carrack on steroids; bigger, stronger (but not faster [amended]), and scarier. But, slightly slower. Should you decide to armor it, keep in mind it will need 8 Platings to armor (Maybe more). And considering each plating requires 4 blocks to fill, you're going to need a LOT of iron.
When a ship finally loses all of it's 'health', it will sink to the bottom of the sea. Here, it is subject to despawn, but will stay there as long as there is a player near it. Although dangerous, it would then be available for looting, if you haven't plundered the ship while it was afloat already. < --- This entire paragraph is subject to discussion and alternative options. It's also been proposed that the ship turn into it's block counterpart, only leave chests, or like in the Amendment Posts, leaves a Ship's Bell that can serve as a savegame for your ship.
Now, I understand that such a feature is going to be *HUGE*, possibly requiring its own update, and would be just a massive undertaking. But I for one believe it will be an undertaking worth the effort. It would heighten the spirit of Minecraft adventure and exploration, people could trade vast amounts of resources over long distances, and plunder other ships for their booty. So I'm not 100% expecting this to be accepted entirely (But if it is, thankyouthankyouthankyou!), but in the future if any modders were curious about how to go about doing their ship mod, this could be a good example. But I really hope this would at least be seen by Mojang. Just two-thirds into completing this idea, I read an old tweet of Notch saying that he might add something like this in the future. So, if you are, this could be one of the ways to go about it.
Any questions?
Amendment Post 1:
- In the Shipwright GUI, the product slot of the boatbuilding section is now a button. I've updated the image.
- Craftable ship components should have been expanded. In addition to a Galley, an Anchor component (probably most vital) is also one of them. Also proposed by the community are tables, crows' nests (That basket thing on the top of masts), icebreakers, and if the NPC crew idea is implemented, a sea captain's desk to chart courses for the helmsman.
- I actually think you should be able to move players. I mean, if they actually decided to choose to lock themselves in a mob slot rather than move around freely I think the captain should be free to move them wherever.
Amendment Post 2:
- Galleons really shouldn't be the fastest ships out there, it would be unfair. Instead, their base speed capability should be a tiny bit slower than a Carrack, probably. Updated.
- Right clicking on a cannon without a cannonball could point the cannon up/down. Updated.
- Different types of ships that do not follow the linear 5-level path of upgrades. Instead, 'extra' ship blueprints could be found in dungeons in strongholds, but they would be rare. Could be a way to get Caravels and viking ships or whatnot.
- I'm not sure about the decay process of sunken ships. Perhaps after someone leaves the ship's general area, a timer starts and eventually the ship will despawn. Or maybe it just stays there forever but can be 'mined' away to recollect valuable materials.
Amendment Post 3 (Note: These are not as important as the first 2) :
- Flags. Although I'm sure colored sails can do a good job of faction identification, custom-made flags would be really great to have. They could be used outside of boats, too.
- Extra ammo types. The standard cannonball would be made of stone and gunpowder, but others could be made out of iron and other materials. The new usable fireball coming 1.2 would also make a neat incendiary addition. Other types can inclde grapeshot and chainshot.
- Sea monsters. Pretty straightforward, I'd like to see some minor sea bosses when roaming the sea. But in my opinion, they should be restricted to certain sizes of ships (Dinghies have no bosses). For example the ship the size of a Skiff would probably only get a shark or something, whereas something Cog-sized would get sharks and sea serpents, medium-sized ships like the Carrack would get sea serpents and maybe giant octopus (Will wrap tentacles around the ship and begin to tug down unless tentacles are damaged), etc...They are, however, uncommon.
- A ship's bell. Yes, they can be used as a normal bell, but there's something that makes them special. Once placed on a ship, it bears the ship's name and can ONLY be placed on that ship (e.g Bell of the S.S Whatchamacallit). Then, if a sunken ship despawns, that bell is turned into a block at the bottom of the ocean and contains all of the ship's data. Then, it can be used to recreate the ship.
- Sea obstacles. The ocean would be made that much better if occasionally you stumbled upon a mini-biome within an ocean. These could be mysterious sea rocks, or icebergs made of pack ice where a tundra or arctic biome would usually be.And the Reddit post is here:
http://www.reddit.co..._modular_boats/ (Archived)
Due to popular demand, I give you this:
Add this to your signature if you like it!
<a href="../../../topic/699830-boats-evolved-bigger-modular-boats/"><img src="http://i569.photobucket.com/albums/ss136/elitemandalorian48/besig-1.jpg" alt=""></a>
Important Things to Know for the Unfortunate Few Without Common Sense (aka posts I've gotten a million and one times and wish to halt):
- This is NOT A MOD. The illustrations may look convincing (for a bunch of photoshopped models made in Sketchup :p) but I have repeatedly, in this suggestion, mentioned it as an idea and rarely even mentioned the word 'mod'. Please stop asking how to install this. Plus, we're in the Suggestions forum. That tell you anything?
- Yes, I have SEEN the Zeppelin Mod. You're just about the 508th person to show me this. Yes, I've seen it. YES, I think it's a great mod, but in my opinion it's best to leave it at that, and this idea is about the vanilla Minecraft ships made of predefined modules, not blocks, as that seems to be more congruent with the current game mechanics. Saying "There's a mod for that" is a warnable offense, in any case.
- You see that little link up there? Yeah, the idea is in the link (or the spoiler). I've explained rather thoroughly how the boats work. While I would really like it for you to give me your two cents, this thread is not for people to make up entirely their own ideas on how the boats work. That part's already here, mostly
- "This would be great, but the oceans need to be bigger!" <-- Say this and you're gonna get a smack. >=(
Download link to the original SketchUp models: http://www.mediafire...55l1cnm1npgkbgl
--- See Also: ---
by JasonG5![represent] -
DontStealMyBacon posted a message on ★★★ Waterfalls ★★★Posted in: SuggestionsA while back notch said that water bodies would not all be located at y=65. And they arent. They are somewhere between 64 and 66. When I heard this I thought it would be some 30 block difference between water bodies, but nope. Sometimes we get a glitched pattern when the water level does down by one but thats it.
We need waterfalls that look something like this
Picture from inHaze's custom world
Input Needed
Fill in the poll and a comment with what size you think waterfalls should be. Do you want to see waterfalls that are as humongous as the one above or do you think they should be somewhat smaller?
According to the current poll results, it looks like roughly 22% want waterfalls that are not quite as big as the one above and almost 100% support adding waterfalls.
Support the thread
Copy this into your signature box if you support waterfalls<a href="http://www.minecraftforum.net/topic/944112-waterfalls/"><img src="http://i.imgur.com/e2dvN.png"></a>
It looks like this
Thanks ObscuryT for the banner
Current Supporters
Supporters up to 8/20/13
-World Hopper
calebmanley posted a message on Herblore Mod™ V2.1g [Finally Updated!]Posted in: Minecraft Mods
Hey there guys!
Im here to present the updated and continued version of MyrkMods Herblore Patch!
Credits to Intaler for the Tobacco and Toke textures!Credits to ElpiusAmpora for other item textures!
Confused about the new 2.0 update?Read about the changes here:
Pipes can be smoked with by holding right click. It will consume one grinded bud from your inventory.
Joints can be stacked to 4.
The hookah can be activated by a right click with flint and steal. This will consume some toke from your inventory.
The next right click will smoke it.
The more you smoke the darker the screen will get.
Smoking grants minor health regeneration and movement speed.
If the high gets above 8 minutes you will overdose.
Planting the seed will place a hemp plant.
Destroying the hemp plant will return a hemp leaf.
Hemp will grow 2 blocks tall before growing a toke head on the 3rd.
The toke head drops toke bud, and has a random chance to drop seeds.
I recommend only harvesting the middle of the plant when fully grown, since the seeds are rare.
The toke plant doesn't need to be placed next to water, but does need to be in direct sunlight or directly under glowstone or redstone lamps. (Light must be placed either 1 or 2 blocks above the plant for it to grow)
The drying table is used to dry toke bud or mushrooms.
The table doesn't require fuel but must be placed in the sunlight.
Grinding has stayed the same.
Here is a video AvailableWzrd created to demonstrate the update.
Other Spotlights!(Outdated) GERMANRemember to check the Changelog every update!I have to right to completely ignore your question if its answered in the F.A.Q.
Who is this mod aimed at?
Single player adventurers who want to spice up their world!
This mod has been made to add to minecraft without outweighting the balance of the game, without giving diamonds for dirt.
There is no generation code in this mod, so you wont need to restart a new minecraft world to play, you just install and starting toking.
What is it?
Now toke is famous for its proven healing effects, so we decided to bring it to minecraft.
To gain toke you must find a village. In the village there is a random chance that one of the houses will spawn a hookah and drying table inside with toke growing in the backyard.Along with the house comes a dealer villager that wears a dark blue robe. You can trade with him for seeds and bud.When you harvest that toke, you can plant them just like sugar-cane and start your own toke farm.Be careful where you plant it, if you break the base again it wont give you seeds back.
To feel the healing effects of the herb, it must be smoked.
So how do i smoke it?
To feel the benificial healing effects of the toke, you must smoke it.
You can smoke it in many ways.
Through a glass bong, pipes, joints, cookies, brownies and hookahs!
Smoking it will heal your health immediately, but give you the munchies.
Consuming the cookies and brownies will refill your hunger bar!Once you have obtained some toke bud, dry it in the drying table to produce dried bud.With the dried bud in your inventory, hold right click with grinder item and it will slowly convert it to grinded toke bud.
Bongs heal a considerable amount of health and have 3 uses, but are annoying to craft since you need to be near a crafting table to pack it.
Pipes are a more efficient way to smoke it, you can craft the pipes out of wood, stone, iron, gold, and diamond.
The better the material you make it out of, the more health, longer high and less of the munchies you get.
The joint heals heaps but uses a lot of toke! When smoked it leaves you with a roach which can then be smoked in the bong or crafted into a new joint.
Crafting RecipesFor some of the updated recipes check this out! Made by grandecarinha.
*** Please note, many of these recipes below are now irrelevant. I need to update it. I recommend using NEI to get the recipes. ***
1. Install the latest version of Forge.
2. Drop the downloaded .zip into /mods folder.Change-log24/03/14 - 2.1g Changed the code so that the seedlings will generate in any biome with the biome registry of FOREST. This should allow them to spawn in modded forest biomes.
23/03/14 - 2.1f Removed Dealer Villages. Added toke and tobacco seedlings that generate around forests.
14/09/2013 - 2.1e Improved the high effect, by slowing the player and smoothing their mouse movement. Milk no longer cures the high, munchies or trip. Made the special toke overlay optional, since it wasnt working for some people. Other miscellaneous fixes and changes.
27/07/2013 - 2.1d Fixed server crash. Fixed villagers. Dealer houses now spawn with either tobacco or toke in their backyard.
12/07/2013 - 2.1c Updated to the latest recommended forge build.
12/07/2013 - 2.1b Updated to MC 1.6.2. Reduced item IDs. Lots of internal code changes, getting ready for the new high system.
15/05/2013 - 2.1a Updated to minecraft 1.5.2.
Drying Items render on top of the table now.
Drying time increased.
Drying table requires full sun.
Increased toke seed drop rate from 1/5 to 1/3.
Bongs are now crafted with glass panes instead of glass blocks.
Added hemp thread.
Changed hemp recipes around, rope now requires thread.
When on a toke high you now get paranoid.
Reduced the harshness of the toke high overlay.
Added a colour trip to the shroom high.
Changed "Nausea" potion effect name to "Trip".
Removed the toke high overdose.
Changed the textures of Sanded Wood, Pipe Filter, Joint, Grinders, Hemp, Toke and Rope.
Toke now must grow on tilled field, and only grows 2 blocks high. (Still requires direct sunlight or glowstone above it)
Added Tobacco crops.
Tobacco can be used to create Cigars and Cigarettes.
Tobacco can be used in pipes. (Always smokes the toke from your inventory before tobacco)
Smoking tobacco can give you resistance and damage boosts.
Hemp rope now works correctly.
Various bug fixes, including the MCPC+ bug. (I hope) 24/03/2013 - 2.0d Updated to minecraft 1.5.1.
20/03/2013 - 2.0c Fixed joint bug. Fixed magic shroom bug.
17/03/2013 - 2.0b Fixed critical texture bug and other various bugs.
17/03/2013 - 2.0 Updated to MC 1.5. Revamped the whole high effect. Changed the pipes to no longer need a crafting table to be packed. Added a dealer villager with a dealer house. Added the drying table. Added a hookah to smoke with. Added hemp. Added magic mushrooms. Converted to Forge. Added SMP compatibility. Fixed miscellaneous bugs.
2/11/2012 - 1.5 Minor changes. Removed drying table. Updated to minecraft 1.4.2. 1.4.5. 1.4.7.
18/08/2012 - 1.4.2 Minor changes. Updated to Minecraft 1.3.2. Added worldgen.
11/8/2012 - 1.4 Cleaned/Re-wrote code. Removed bugs. Drying table still doesnt work. (ModLoader problem) Grinding is now more interactive. (Hint: hold right click) Toke crop changed back to sugarcane-like plant. Removed smoking actions for compatibility. No more base class edits! Bong now has 3 uses. Villagers now deal toke. Toke no longer drops from tall grass. Can now be installed into the /mods folder. Grinder now gets clogged and gives you kief. Smoking no longer takes food, but gives the hunger negative potion effect.
6/8/2012 - 1.3d Drying Table Temp-fix (Now dry toke in furnace).
5/8/2012 - 1.3c Quick update to MC 1.3.1.
8/6/2012 - 1.3b Fixed grinder dupe glitch. Fixed toke not grinding glitch.
5/6/2012 - 1.3 Changed toke to grow like wheat now. Added toke seeds. Removed grinding table. Grind toke with the item in the crafting table now. Added Config File!
Special ThanksThanks to MiniatureTuxedo for helping me with updating the source code from b1.8.1 to 1.0!
Thanks to Spaces for helping me out with the earlier versions of the mod!
Thanks to the Myrk brothers for starting this wonderful mod!Thanks to Vazkii for miscellaneous code help. Thanks to Intaler for the tobacco and toke textures. Thanks to ElpiusAmpora for some item textures.
Download Link1.6.4 Universal - http://adf.ly/5AlpE V2.1f1.5.2 Universal - http://adf.ly/RwUmd V2.1a1.5.1 Universal - http://adf.ly/P42M8 V2.0d
1.3.2 SSP - http://adf.ly/EHiJgV1. SMP - http://adf.ly/CZgeW V1.4.2
1.2.5 SSP - http://adf.ly/BXcDC V1.3b
Quote from original owner, Kmyrk.I heavily discourage anyone from taking/stealing/borrowing/or using any bit of calebmanley's code, texture, or any other media that he has worked on without his permission. The only material that people can use is what I made available upon the original myrkmod thead. If you don't want to update the code or textures, and if Caleb doesn't want you, then your SOL.
I give my full support behind calebmanley and his uptaking of my project. It was hard letting it go, but having Caleb pick it up and to see it being updated and used by so many people makes me proud to have been part of a project that has now turned into something quite special. Thank you Caleb for continuing on the myrkmod herblore project!
- Liability -I do not condone the use of illegal substances.This mod is recommended for ages 16+
- Terms and Conditions -
You must not redistribute, repackage or mirror the direct download link. If you want to share the mod, tell them the adf.ly link or forum post link.
If you make a video/spotlight I would appreciate it if you linked back to this thread in the comments.
You must not edit, and redistribute the contents of this mod, and share it as your own work.
This mod(Herblore) is Copyright (calebmanley) and is the intellectual property of the author. It may be not be reproduced under any circumstances except for personal, private use as long as it remains in its unaltered, unedited form. It may not be placed on any web site or otherwise distributed publicly without advance written permission. Use of this mod on any other website or as a part of any public display is strictly prohibited, and a violation of copyright.
Herblore may be used in your mod pack so long as you give credit where due and link back to this thread. I would appreciate it if you also send me the link, this is not required though!If you are adding this to your website or creating a video, please provide a link back to this thread.Do not mirror the download link, only provide the adfly link. -
IronMagus posted a message on Village Mechanics: A not-so-brief guidePosted in: Survival Mode(video courtesy of qmagnet)
by IronMagus
...or "Everything you (n)ever wanted to know about NPC villages, but were afraid to ask." If you're trying to spawn golems for an iron ingot farm, or just want a few more noses to trade with in your local testificate township, then you've come to the right place. Much of what's in here comes from another forum thread originally posted by Marfagames. Among the many others who have helped me piece together this knowledge, special thanks must also go out to forum members trunkz and KyoShinda, both frequent posters in that same thread. Together the three of them made most of this information available in the first place -- all I did was digest what they wrote and re-word it into something that I, and I'm hoping you as well, could understand a little easier. And now, on to the good stuff!
...or "What is this I don't even." A village is defined by several factors: the village center, radius or "size", number of houses, population (number of villagers), population cap (max. number of villagers, based on housing), number of golems, and golem cap (based on population).
You might be asking yourself, "what does it take to make a village?" In order to be recognized as a "village," two things are required: at least one villager, and at least one house. A "house" is defined simply as a wooden door with an "inside" and an "outside" (see the next section for details.) A village's population is capped at 35% of the number of "houses" (doors.) Under ideal conditions, villagers will breed up to this limit, and then stop. Iron golems can spawn in villages of sufficient size, and the golem cap is 10% of the village's current population.
The village center is the geometric center point, or "average coordinates" of all the doors. The village size or radius is the greater of either 32 blocks, or one plus the distance from this center point to the furthest door (measured in "straight line" or Euclidean distance). This means that the radius is always at least 32, no matter what, but it can be more than that if there are any houses further than 32 blocks from the center. If there are, then the radius is one block larger than the distance to the farthest one.
Both the center point and radius are rounded to whole numbers. The center point is rounded "towards zero" (down if the value is positive, up if the value is negative. Or in other words, it is not "rounded" at all but simply truncated at the decimal point). In preliminary testing, the radius appears to be the raw distance from the rounded center point to the furthest door, plus one, rounded up, although more testing or a look into the game code are required to confirm this.
...or "You can't park here." How does the game recognize a "house"? A house is defined as a wooden door with an "inside" and an "outside." The inside is the side which has more spaces covered by "roof" blocks than the other, within five spaces horizontally of the door in the two directions it faces. A "roof" block is an opaque block, at any height not lower than the door, that blocks direct sunlight from reaching the spaces below it.
Another way to put it would be to say that an "outside" space has a direct view of the sky, and so has a "SL" (sky light) value of 15. An "inside" space does not have a direct view of the sky (not looking straight up, anyway) and a "SL" value of less than 15. The "inside" is the side which has more "inside spaces" than the "outside" (which, in turn, has more "outside spaces" than the "inside.")
A door is not counted as a house without a "roof," or with the same number of covered spaces on either side.
Example - The door is placed on the wooden planks. The game checks the spaces represented by the light blue wool, to see if they are covered by a "roof" block or not:
Fig. 1The simplest house looks something like this. Just a wooden door, with a dirt block on the ground next to it:
Fig. 2
Yes that is a valid house! Not much to look at, is it? But it fits the criteria. The dirt blocks the light from reaching the space below it, and so counts as a roof block.
There is one "inside" space, covered by a roof block, on the right side of the image, and zero on the left. Since "one" is more than "zero," there are more covered spaces on one side of the door than there are on the other, and so the game counts this as a house. Here is a cutaway view of the same setup, with colored wool for a visual aid. The red wool is covered by a roof block and considered an "inside" space; the blue blocks are "outside":
Fig. 3The following are all examples of houses as well:
Figs. 4-7:Fig. 4
Fig. 5
Fig. 6
Fig. 7
It doesn't matter what you build, except for what's directly above the colored wool. Anything to the sides of this can be whatever you want, or nothing at all:
Fig. 8
The dirt blocks on the far side (top of image) do not affect this house's "housiness," nor do the lack of any blocks on the near side.A door is two blocks tall, and this check is performed twice per door, if necessary. If the initial "roof check" (see Fig. 1) fails, then the bottom-most layer is ignored and the check is performed a second time, starting one layer higher. This time, only the spaces above the lime-green wool (and not the first layer, here occupied by the wool itself) are checked for roof blocks:
Fig. 9Example - For the door pictured below, the initial roof check finds there are two spaces covered by roof blocks on the left side, and two covered spaces on the right side as well. With the same number of covered spaces on each side, neither one can be designated the "inside" or the "outside," and so the door is not counted as a house (yet. But but we're not through yet, either.):
Fig. 10Then since the initial check failed, the bottom layer is ignored, and we perform the test again, this time starting one block higher, checking for roof blocks only above (not level with) the green wool. This time, only the two spaces on the left-hand side of the image are covered. Since the "roof check" passed on this second try, the door counts as a house, and its "inside" is on the left where the more covered spaces are:
Fig. 11In the next example, the door passes the test on the initial first check. It has one covered space on the left side and two on the right. This makes it a house with the "inside" to the right. The second check would pass as well (with the "inside" on the left this time), but since the first one already passed, we don't even bother testing again. This door counts as a house, with the "inside" on the right:
Fig. 12
"Inside" on the right.The covered spaces don't have to be contiguous. The door below is a house, with the "inside" on the right, which has three covered spaces, versus only two on the left.:
Fig. 13
"Inside" on the right.This next door has three covered spaces on each side, and is not a house:
Fig. 14NOT A HOUSE!!
For a house to be a house, it has to be "seen" by a nearby villager. (I use the word "see" here loosely. This is actually based on proximity, not line-of-sight. A villager doesn't literally have to see the door to recognize it, it's enough just to be within range.) Without a villager nearby to "see" the house and recognize it as such, it is not considered a "house" but just some blocks and a door. The following image utilizes Trunkz' "Village Info" mod which adds info about the nearest village to the F3 display. Note the phrase "No Village Found" in the bottom-left:
Fig. 15Not technically a house, since there is no villager here.
But as soon as a villager shows up, it becomes a proper village, with a house and everything:
Fig. 16
The "Houses" value in red indicates that there are not enough to support an iron golem. If there were 21 or more it would shift to green indicating that a golem(s) can spawn in the village.Villagers will recognize a house within sixteen blocks along both horizontal axes, and up to three blocks above or five blocks below the level of the ground the villager is standing on:
Fig. 17
Combining villages:
When two villages' boundaries overlap, they will merge into a single, larger village. A new house that's within (radius + 32) of an existing village would, were it considered a village in its own right, overlap with the existing village and so just becomes a part of that village. This causes a recalculation of the village's radius and center point, which can sometimes cause it to overlap with another already-existing village. When this happens, the game doesn't always handle it correctly right away. It is possible to end up with a situation where two (or more) villages overlap and are still treated as separate villages. Villages can also overlap if the removal of a door shifts the center point closer to the other village. Tango Tek took advantage of this behavior to design several "overpowered" iron farms that tricked the game into overlapping several villages in a small space so they each could spawn golems individually.
The same thing can happen in reverse: if houses are removed from the center of a large village, the remaining ones may constitute two separate, smaller villages whose radii do not overlap, but the game may still treat them as a single, large village. Or, likewise, additional houses may shift the center point away from the furthest houses so they should not be included in the village yet still are.
When the placing or removal of blocks causes what-was-once-a-house to become no-longer-a-house, the game can fail to update this as well and still treat the door as if it should count as a house. Relogging used to fix this issue, reevaluating the village from scratch when you came back, but now, since 1.4 and later, the village is saved to the world file and so simply relogging does not cause a reevaluation. You will actually have to bust out and replace the door itself (or use the fix below) for it to stop being counted as a "house."
In all three circumstances, the fix is rather simple. Just walk, ride, fly, or boat far enough away that the chunks are unloaded from memory (a bit past your render distance, and then wait for a bit), and this will cause a reevaluation upon your return, correctly identifying only whatever houses remain. If the village(s) are within your world's always-loaded spawn chunks, they will never get unloaded from memory while the overworld is loaded, and so the village never gets reevaluated no matter how far you run. In this case, you can hop into the nether or the end for a minute; after sixty seconds even the spawn chunks will be unloaded (unless another player or entity travels through the portal in that time, which is how Tango Tek kept his creations from breakin every time you left the overworld.)
A word on "roof" blocks:
It seems there are two kinds of transparent blocks. There are fully transparent blocks such as glass, torches, and fences, and then there are what I call "partially transparent" blocks such as slabs, stairs, and leaves, which are treated as transparent by the rendering engine (since they don't fill up the entire block space -- you can see through to what's behind them, so the game has to know to draw that part of the world anyway, even though there's a block between you and it. It knows to do this because the block that's in the way is flagged as a "transparent" block), yet they still block light from passing through (at least partially, as is the case with leaves or water), so they're still somehow considered opaque to the lighting engine, which appears to be where it counts. These partially transparent blocks will block the sunlight, and so will count as roof blocks. Fully transparent blocks still do not count. Water and lava (both flowing and source blocks) are partially transparent, and will count as roof blocks. Leaves count as roof blocks. Slabs and stairs count as roof blocks (and they don't even have to be upside-down.) I haven't tested every single block type so I don't have a full list of what does and does not count, but I know that torches don't count, fences don't count, chests don't count. The list goes on...
The infamous "facing doors" myth:
There is a rumor going around, that two doors facing within a certain distance of each other will somehow cancel each other out, and neither one of them (or sometimes only one, depending on who you hear it from) will count as "houses." This is not a thing! It is nothing more than a misconception, a rumor, brought about by a misinterpretation of the significance of a particular image posted by Marfagames, who did much of the initial testing on villager houses, and the meaning of his caption:
Quote from Marfagames
And here left are 0 houses and the right 2 are 2 houses. The doors on the left get not negated through the other door, but through the one "roof" tile only in the range of 5 left and right from it.
[The original image is no longer available, but it looked something like this]:[INSERT IMAGE HERE -- coming soon!]
Let's take another look at what he wrote there: And here left are 0 houses and the right 2 are 2 houses. That's true, the two doors on the left do not count as houses, and the two on the right, do. But then look at what he says immediately after that: The doors on the left get not negated through the other door, but through the one "roof" tile only in the range of 5 left and right from it.
Marfagames' english is a little rusty, but what he is saying is basically this: The reason the doors on the left do not count as houses is NOT because they are facing each other, but rather it is because each one has exactly one space covered by a roof block on either side. So as you can see, even he said from the very beginning that it has nothing to do with the fact that they are facing each other! However, somewhere along the line, someone misinterpreted this to mean that facing doors somehow cancel each other out, and then everyone else took that rumor and ran off with it. If anyone ever tells you that facing doors will cancel each other out, you can send them here to get set straight.
Here is an image that demonstrates the overlap between the areas checked for roof blocks by each of the two doors. The door on the left checks above the pink blocks, and the door on the right checks above the blue ones (but only in the center row that's inline with the doors, of course -- additional wool to the near and far sides is just for clarity of demonstration.) Purple blocks represent the area where the two zones overlap, and these spaces are checked by both doors. Doors themselves are transparent and do not count as "roof blocks" for the other door:
Fig. 18So looking at the blue door only, it has one covered space on the left side, and one also on the right:
Fig. 19And likewise with the pink door:
Fig. 20(Rotated 180°, viewed from the "far side" versus other images)
Since these doors both have the same number of covered spaces on either side, they don't have an "inside" or an "outside," and therefore can't be called "houses." However If you put additional blocks behind these (or just move the existing blocks back by one space, that would have the same net effect) then these additional blocks will be six blocks away from the far door, too far to be counted, but are still within range of the nearer door, creating the imbalance necessary to call them "houses":
Fig. 21With these additional blocks in place, the doors now are valid houses. This is my understanding, and the Village Info mod agrees!:
Fig. 22--------------------
...or "How is babby formed?" A village's population is capped at a certain amount, based on available housing. Villagers will breed, provided there are at least two to begin with, until the number of villagers reaches but does not exceed 0.35 times the number of "houses" (defined above.) Previously, all that was needed to get villagers to breed was to provide them with enough houses. Since version 1.8, however, in addition to having enough housing to support the population cap, villagers must also be made "willing" to breed. Willing members of a village which has not yet reached its population cap will occasionally go in and out of "breeding mode" (indicated by animated heart particles above their head) at irregular intervals until two of them come together and produce an offspring in the same block space as one of the parents. This new villager will be assigned a random profession (indicated by the style and color of its clothing,) not necessarily the same as either parent. Like farm animals, the new baby will grow into an adult after exactly twenty minutes, and also like animals, villager parents have a five-minute "cooldown" period before they can enter breeding mode again (although I believe they can still be made willing again immediately, it just won't do anything until the five-minute cooldown has elapsed.)
**The wiki used to state that "once the cap is reached, any remaining baby villagers will grow to adulthood, but no new babies will be born, bringing the total population to somewhere slightly above the actual population cap," indicating that only adult villagers are counted towards the cap. I have not seen any evidence of this, and all my testing indicates that baby villagers are counted just the same as adults are. As soon as that last baby is born, all "love mode" animations cease to occur; killing either a baby or adult villager at that point will cause them to start up again.
Killing villagers:
If a villager from a village dies to a non-player, non-mob source (i.e., environmental damage like fire, lava, drowning, cactus, suffocation, or fall damage) within sixteen blocks of a player, or if a monster kills a villager at any distance from the player, no villager in that village will be able to breed for the next three minutes. Further deaths within this time will reset the clock, not add to it. Breeding may resume three minutes after the last villager has died this way.
If a player attacks or kills a villager directly, it will affect their reputation in the village (see Iron Golem section, below), but it will not affect breeding.
Curing zombie villagers:
Breeding requires at least two villagers to begin with. If you are starting a village from scratch, or if yours was wiped out by zombies and there are no villagers left (or only one), then the only ways to acquire more are hauling them in from another village (such as by boat, minecart, or nether tunnels), curing infected zombie villagers, or to cheat them in using creative mode spawn eggs.
To cure an infected zombie villager, you need a splash potion of weakness, and a golden apple. When you find a zombie villager, toss the potion of weakness at it, and then right-click it with the golden apple. The zombie will make a loud sizzling sound, emit orange particles, and begin to shake violently. It takes a couple of minutes for them to convert, so go ahead and trap him somewhere, and make sure he won't burn in the sunlight. After a few minutes, he will turn into a regular villager, at which point you can let him out to roam the village or do whatever.
Finding zombie villagers in the first place shouldn't be all that difficult. Each zombie has a 5% (1/20) chance to be a villager zombie instead, so it shouldn't take you too long (only about forty zombies, total) to find two of them you can cure back into villagers and get the population booming by more..."natural" means. Additionally, when a villager is attacked by a zombie (any zombie) there is a chance (based on difficulty: 0% on Easy, 50% on Normal, 100% on Hard) that they will turn into a villager zombie instead of just being killed.
Infinite Breeding:
There is also a bug or glitch where sometimes the villagers will continue to breed indefinitely without regard to the population cap. Here's a quote from trunkz explaining how this works:
Quote from trunkz
[V]illagers need to be inside a sphere (radius = village radius) around the village center in order to breed. But the village counts only villagers that are inside a box (width, length = 2x village radius, height: 9 [always!]) around the village center. So with a sphere that can grow to any size, and a box that's always only 9 high, it should be apparent that there are some zones only covered by the sphere (above and below the village center).
You can simply reproduce/abuse this behavior by building 6 houses on the ground level (enough to set the villager limit to 2), drop 2 (or more) villagers into a 6 blocks deep hole, and leave one villager at the top to keep the houses "alive". The villagers in the hole will breed indefinitely, because they're not counted against the cap.
[images coming soon]
This nine blocks high is the same height as the range in which a villager can identify a house. I have not confirmed this, but perhaps these two are related -- that is to say that maybe a villager would be counted towards the cap if they are up to three blocks below or five blocks above (or exactly on) the level of the village center point.
[coming soon]
...or "It's okay, he's with me." An iron golem's main purpose, "in-world," is to protect villagers from zombie sieges. In practice, they actually do a rather poor job at this, but it is also possible to "farm" them for the iron ingots they drop on death. Golems will roam the village and attack any hostile or neutral mobs they see except for creepers, wolves, polar bears, and llamas. They have extremely high health (100 points, or 50 hearts) and do not suffer fall or drowning damage. Their long arms can reach an enemy through a solid wall one block thick with a long-range melee attack that does not require line-of-sight and deals anywhere from 3.5 to 10.5 hearts of damage, or 7 to 21 half-heart "points" (on normal difficulty; 4-11 points on easy and 10-31 points on hard) as well as tossing enemies into the air, likely causing fall damage in addition to this.
When provoked by attacking them or a nearby villager, naturally-spawned golems will become hostile towards the player, moving toward the player whenever they are in sight and attacking whenever they are in range. They can sense an attack on a villager even without direct line-of-sight, they don't actually have to "see" it take place. Attacking one golem will not cause any other golems to become hostile, but attacking a single villager will bring the wrath of every golem within range (~12 blocks.) Running far enough away from a hostile golem will cause it to become neutral towards you again. Additionally, contact with water momentarily renders them passive -- they will not attack any players or mobs while standing in water and their neutrality towards players will be reset.
Iron golems will spawn naturally in a village of sufficient size, but can also be constructed in-world by the player, by placing four iron blocks in a T-shape (physically build it, not on a crafting table) and then placing a pumpkin or jack-o-lantern on top (the pumpkin/jack-o-lantern must be placed last, or else it won't work.) Player-created golems will never attack the player who made them, even when directly provoked.
Since 1.4, villages now track the "popularity" of players. Popularity is unique to each village/player pair, so one player can have different reputations in different villages, and different players can have different reputations in the same village. Popularity starts at zero for each player and is affected by their actions inside a village. Popularity is a numerical value that ranges from +10 to -30. If a player has a popularity of -15 or lower in a village, iron golems from that village will become hostile to the player without provocation. The following table shows what actions affect popularity, and by how much:
*(Note: this is an old image, when only trading a villager "for the last offer on their list" would update their trades, and was guaranteed to do so every time. Mechanics have changed since then so that now any trade has a chance to update their trades but is not usually guaranteed to do so. I find it likely, but have yet to confirm, that increasing reputation works the same way, so that a particular trade will always increase popularity [and update the villager's trades] the first time, and then have a 20% chance each time you perform that particular trade thereafter.)
Golem farming:
Upon death, golems will drop 3-5 iron ingots and 0-2 poppies (formerly roses), which makes farming them a viable alternative or addition to caving or mining for your iron.
Golems will spawn near the center of a village if it has at least ten villagers (previously sixteen, before 1.4) and 21 houses. Additional houses beyond the 21st will make no difference as far as golem spawning is concerned, however, having additional villagers beyond the tenth will allow more golems to spawn, in increments of one golem for every ten villagers (so 0-9 villagers allows no golems to spawn, the cap is set at zero; 10-19 raises that cap to one, 20-29 raises it to two, etc.) This cap only limits the number of golems in a village at any one time; as soon as one is killed or leaves the village boundaries, a new one can spawn in its place immediately.
The golem spawning zone is a 6-high, 16x16-block area centered upon the village center point. As long as all the conditions are met (10 villagers, 21 houses, golem cap not reached,) then each game tick (1/20 of a second) there is a 1/7000 chance the game will try to spawn a golem. Basically it picks a random number between 0 and 6999, and if it picks 0, then up to ten attempts are made to spawn a golem. A random spot is chosen inside the spawning zone, and if that spot contains a solid block with at least 2x2 x4-high space above it (liquids are okay here -- golems can spawn in water, which is key to the iron farm designs linked below), then a golem is spawned there. [NOTE: For a long time, I had "3-high" written here. But it looks like that was incorrect, and while the golems themselves are only 3 blocks high, they actually need a four-high space to spawn in.]
This is repeated up to ten times or until a golem is spawned, whichever comes first. Then, the check is repeated each game tick, until enough golems have been spawned to reach the cap, at which point spawning is put on hold until either a golem is eliminated or the cap is raised. This means that, as long as the cap isn't reached, you can expect one golem spawn about every six minutes, on average, or roughly ten golems (30-50 ingots) per hour. Remember, though, that this is just an average, and the actual interval between spawns will necessarily vary to some degree. If you watch vigilantly, you will likely see spawns spaced much closer or farther apart than this six-minute average, but in the long run, it should all even out.
Golem farming:
An iron farm is an artificial village in which golems are spawned and then funneled into a killing chamber where their drops can be collected. You can either hold the golems (outside of the village boundary, so more can continue to spawn in their place) until you come and kill them manually, or you can force them into cactus or lava to kill them immediately and use hoppers to collect the drops.
There are several ways to build an iron farm, but the most effective versions seem to be the ones that utilize two floors in the central golem-spawning zone, and keep all doors and villagers outside the zone, either above and below the center or in an outer "ring" on the same level. This is in order to maximize the number of available spaces for the golems to spawn in, which in turn will reduce the number of failed attempts, and keep the spawning rate as high as possible. This is much more effective than simply increasing the villager count to raise the golem cap, which only matters for the few seconds between the time when a golem spawns and when it is flushed out or killed, anyway. To further increase your output rate, you can build several separate "modules" and bring the golems or their drops to a central collection area. Since golems are immune to falling or drowning damage, the available killing methods are lava, cactus, or suffocation.
I have linked several iron farm tutorials at the end of this guide. Many of these creations were designed in earlier game versions so some of the details might be different (specifically, they often say you need sixteen villagers when now only ten are required, and they often have you start with minimal villagers and let them breed up to the required numbers based on the doors included in the farm, which now does not work unless you feed/trade with the villagers once they are in place.) Prior to version 1.8, MAGUS-APPROVED™ designs included those presented by trunkz, docm77, and MegaTrain. In my world I use a variation on the one from docm77's video but with only two pods of five villagers each instead of four pods of four (since you only need ten now instead of sixteen) and only 24 doors (since I bring them in from elsewhere, I don't need all the extra doors which were just there to facilitate breeding. Technically only 21 doors are needed but with 24 I still get the 4-way symmetry that puts the village center right smack in the middle of the structure.) I used to use one based on MegaTrain's MegaVillage concept, but since 1.8 that requires significant reworking to account for the new farming/willingness mechanic.
CSPerspective's videos detail earlier incarnations of the idea that do work, but fall short on efficiency in some of the areas I mentioned above. He also has a fourth iron farm video which does remedy these shortcomings, but I did not put a link to it as it's basically just a rehash of JL2579's design (from docm77's video, which I feel has a better presentation.) If you're going to follow the designs exactly, stick with docm77's or trunkz' video. If you want to design a farm yourself from the ground up, go ahead and watch them all to get some ideas.
"...braaains!" At night, there is a chance that a zombie siege might occur. This is when a large number of zombies spawn in or near a village, attacking what villagers they can reach, crowding around and pounding on the doors of those they can't. On hard or hardcore mode, they can actually break down the wooden doors of the villagers' homes (this is true of all zombies, not just during sieges.) A zombie siege requires a village of at least 10 houses and at least 20 villagers. At midnight each night (18000 in Minecraft time), there is a 10% chance that a siege will be attempted that night. If a siege is to occur, attempts will be made each game tick until a siege is successfully initiated or the sun rises (technically, the attempt is abandoned when the sky light reaches level 12. Typically, this occurs at dawn although rain or thunderstorms can delay this brigtening since they reduce the light level significantly.)
For each player, the village with its center closest to the player is considered as a candidate village for a siege to occur if the player is within (radius + 1) of the village center; essentially, the player must be "inside" the village for a siege to occur. If the player is not within range of any village, the next player's village is considered. If the village has fewer than ten doors, fewer than twenty villagers, or has not been stable (no doors added or removed) for at least one second (20 game ticks), then the next player's village is considered.
Ten attempts are made to choose a starting point, on the y-height of the village center, at a random point on a circle with radius 0.9 times that of the village, that is not within the boundaries of any other village. If a valid starting point is found, a location is chosen as if to spawn a zombie there. If that check succeeds in finding a valid zombie spawning location, a siege is initiated at the siege starting point. Otherwise, the next player's village is considered.
Once a siege is initiated, up to twenty zombies may be spawned over the course of 2 seconds. For each zombie, up to ten attempts are made to randomly choose a spawning point within a 6-high, 16x16 zone centered on the siege starting point. If a valid spawning point is found, a zombie is spawned. During a siege, zombie spawns ignore player proximity, light levels, and other mobs, meaning even a well-lit and fortified village may suffer a siege. The best way to prevent them is to either keep your village small enough that they can't occur, or stay outside them at night.
I don't look at the game code myself, or anything. My info comes from in-game observations and the word of others. This is how it works, according to my understanding. I haven't included anything on trading in here yet, but for the time being, the wiki covers it pretty well. We also have a discussion going on over here about all the math and stuff behind how a villager's trade offers are generated.
We're all human (or most of us are, anyway) so there's always the chance that I have made a typo, or even that I am just plain wrong about something in here. If you see anything that you feel needs attention, please post it in this thread or shoot me a PM.
Sources: the wiki; trunkz' Village Info mod; various posts on these forums; and personal experience from building several different types of iron farm, from fixing up and expanding two NPC villages in my main survival world, creating my own villages from scratch, and from my own testing in creative mode.
Additional links:
- Marfagames' original post on village mechanics - Much of this information came from there initially, but it's a little hard to follow since everything is mixed in with discussion and scattered across over 500 posts on more than 20 pages, plus I think English is not his first language: http://www.minecraftforum.net/topic/1071744-
- Village Info mod by trunkz: http://www.minecraftforum.net/topic/1077712-
- Imgur gallery by Derrick - A briefer, more compact visualization of what makes a "house," and a bonus "villager breeding unit" that can support up to 35 villagers in an 11 x 10 or so space (the unit takes up that much space, the villagers themselves wander around outside of it, gettin' freaky in the daylight): http://imgur.com/a/xGhDP
- [Tutorial] Guide to Breeding Villagers in Minecraft - A video crash-course in villager breeding and housing presented by qmagnet:- trunkz' iron golem farm tutorial video: http://www.minecraftforum.net/topic/1078108-
- Another iron golem farm design by JL2579 (tutorial video by docm77):- MegaVillage: Manage 100+ villager trades + iron golem farm - A trading village with built-in iron farm (or vice versa) presented by MegaTrain: http://www.minecraftforum.net/topic/1762291-
- CSPerspective's iron farm:(version 3 - 1.2.4):
(version 2 - 1.2.3 - still working in 1.3 [and later? I haven't tested these designs recently, but I don't see any reason why they wouldn't still work as before):
(version 1 - 1.2.1 - OUTDATED! No longer works oas of 1.2.3):
- Minecraft Wiki page on NPC Villagers: http://www.minecraftwiki.net/wiki/Villager
- Minecraft WIki page on Villager Trading: http://www.minecraftwiki.net/wiki/Trading
- Minecraft Wiki page on Iron Golems: http://www.minecraftwiki.net/wiki/Iron_golem
- Minecraft WIki page on Zombie Sieges: http://www.minecraftwiki.net/wiki/Zombie_siege -
Calacbolg posted a message on Cubic Chunks: Reduced lag, infinite height, and more [The #1 Suggestion Thread of all time!][Updated! 6/14]Posted in: SuggestionsThis system will not increase lag! The entire point of this system is to avoid the lag caused by higher height limits.
Table of Contents:
Changes in how things work
Data storageFrequently Asked Questions
Changes to world features
Coping with sunlight
Changes to servers
Render/Load distance alterations
[WIP] The Cubic Chunks Mod!
Supporting this suggestion
Special thanks
[spoiler=Tl:dr]Q: Won't this increase lag?
A: Absolutely not. The title of this suggestion and big red letters at the top of this post aren't lying. If you want to know how, then I suggest you actually read this post.
Q: Will this change terrain? Will this break existing worlds?
A: No. Terrain change is not necessary. Existing worlds can be converted fairly easily with a process described later in this post.
Q: How can sunlight or rain work with infinite vertical space?
A: I suggest you read Coping with sunlight, because it's too complex for a tl;dr.
Q: I have a different question but still don't feel like reading this post. What do I do?
A: Too bad, read the FAQ. I put way too much work into this for the entirety of it to be ignored.[/spoiler]
In Minecraft, the sky is the limit - literally. It doesn't matter how many thousands of blocks a player has traveled, or what dimension they're in, or even if they're playing in creative or survival, the highest they can ever build is up to a height of 256. Why is that? If Minecraft can have a world that's infinite in the north, in the south, in the east, and in the west, why can't that world be infinite up and down too?
In Minecraft's earliest days, in Classic and Indev, the world was not infinite in any direction. This was because the entire world needed to be generated at the same time, and the entire world needed to be simulated at the same time as well. This led to a conundrum - the bigger the world, the more it lagged.
Notch didn't like this. He knew his players liked to explore and build large creations, so he found a way to make the world truly infinite. When the Minecraft '' class='bbc'>Infdev came out, it brought with it truly infinite worlds. Suddenly, players could travel hundreds of thousands of blocks in any direction, and never encounter a barrier, or become too laggy.
The Infdev update brought about a very large change to Minecraft worlds to accomplish this feat. For the first time, instead every world being just a single huge piece, they were broken up into a two-dimensional grid of pieces, called chunks. Through breaking the world up into pieces, this 'chunk system' enabled infinite worlds by letting Minecraft create new pieces and simulate them only when it needs to.
Why does that not apply to the vertical axis? Because the type of 'chunk system' Minecraft uses right now is a linear one, which, by using only a two-dimensional grid to map out chunks, means that it is impossible for chunks to stack on top of one another, and by extension, meaning that a single chunk must cover the entire vertical space. This brings back the problem that the Infdev update was supposed to eradicate, now only with chunks, instead of an entire world; the bigger a chunk is, the more laggy it is. You can't just increase the height limit and make chunks taller, because it will become laggier, and laggier, and laggier to do it.
That's why, to fix this, Minecraft must change over to a cubic chunk system. Under this system, 163 block chunks are aligned on a three-dimensional grid, completely eliminating maximum height as an aspect of lag.
The immediate benefits:
•Minecraft worlds become as virtually infinite vertically as they are horizontally: The absolute limit being Y = ±30,000,000.
•A large FPS increase: Alpha testers report an FPS increase of 100~200%.
•Increase in running capability: Computers running Minecraft on Tiny render distance will handle only 30% the blocks they do now.
The possible features:
•Spherical render/load distance: Reduce handled blocks by up to 30% by cutting corners made of unneeded chunks.
•Server chunk occlusion/exclusion: Reduce bandwidth usage and defeat hackers by only sending data for visible chunks.
•Three-dimensional biomes: Save biome data per chunk rather than per block column, create volcanoes with magma chambers, underground rivers, tropical skylands floating over icy taigas, and more.
The disadvantages:
•Unloaded gravity-pause: Falling non-player entities and fluids will be forced to pause their fall if they reach unloaded chunks, but will resume falling when those chunks are loaded.
•Slow falling-pause: Players with slower computers and smaller render distances will have falling occasionally paused as they fall into unloaded chunks, until new chunks can be loaded.
The problems:
•Current sunlight and rain calculation methods cannot work with infinite vertical space: The solution to this is described here.
•Current BiomeDecorator cannot work with multiple vertical chunks simultaneously: The BiomeDecorator code must be altered to function correctly with this, or removed.
•Current cave generation method is executed an extra time for each vertical chunk created simultaneously, leading to lag spikes on world generation: Cave generation's method must be altered to suit this system more.
•Current grass/dirt generation algorithm forces additional chunk requests when chunks are loaded, causing chunks to load slower than they should: This algorithm must be replaced with something else.
Changes in how things work:
Obviously, the implementation of this new chunk system will change quite a few things. These changes are mostly either necessary or in the interest of increased efficiency. Such changes are categorized and explained below.
How worlds will be stored:
[spoiler]How the current storage works, and what changes:
Interestingly enough, the current method of storage, the Anvil format, is derived from the storage method that the original Cubic Chunks mod used. The Anvil format stores individual chunk as a series of 163 quasi-cubic chunks. These 'fake' cubic chunks allow for easier reference of specific data, but they still can't be separated from each other, meaning that it fails to reap the full benefits of this system. Even so, the change allowed Mojang to double the maximum height with no performance hit. Chunks are stored in groups of 322, inside 'MCRegion' files, for a total of 1024 chunks.
By nature, cubic chunks does away with the 'quasi-cubic' nonsense. In terms of chunk grouping, instead of using groups of 323 chunks, new "3DRegion" files would contain groups of 163. This means each 3DRegion file contains 4096 chunks, four times as many as MCRegion files. However, each 3DRegion contains only one fourth the amount of blocks. For per-chunk positional metadata, 3DRegion files would use the same number of bits as MCRegion files, after compression. Calculations show that the same area encompassed by a single MCRegion file would consume 64 kilobytes of extra space with 4 3DRegion files, which is nothing.
Converting existing worlds:
Most people are probably wondering something like "But won't this totally destroy all existing worlds?". Absolutely not; conversion could not be simpler. When a non-cubic world is loaded after the implementation of this system, a conversion process will begin and convert the entire world at once(To avoid making chunk loading take longer during play). First, all existing MCRegion files will be divided into quarters to create 3DRegion files. Then, all existing chunks are divided into sixteenths using the quasi-cubic properties to identify boundaries. After that, conversion is done.
The "isEmpty" flag optimization:
A 1-bit flag is added to each chunk, named "isEmpty". If the chunk consists of 100% air blocks, this bit is 1, any other case makes it 0. When the bit is 1, all data for the chunk besides the isEmpty flag is deleted and ignored, which reduces filesize. Empty chunks are never loaded, and locations where they occur are merely simulated as entities reside in them. The chunk will only load when something requires saving inside it.[/spoiler]
Changes to terrain, ores, etcetera:
By default, nothing will change. Small bits of terrain generation code need to be reconfigured to work properly with Cubic Chunks.
By default, nothing will change.
Ore generation:
By default, nothing will change.
By default, nothing will change.
The Void:
After conversion to Cubic Chunks, the void and bedrock layer will still exist and generate as they always have. However, the void(Not the bedrock layer!) will not exist as a hard limit and is able to be moved, but not removed, by editing an associated NBT data tag inside a world's level.dat. This feature, that allows for increasing the maximum depth, is intentionally disabled without external programs, to prevent terrain change of any sort. It is intended to be used by experienced mapmakers and world generation mods only.
Superflat settings:
Existing superflat worlds will not change. However, new superflat worlds will gain a new decoration parameter, 'void'. Inclusion of this parameter will cause the void to form below the lowest defined layer. Exclusion of it will cause all layers below the lowest defined layer to copy the settings of that layer.[/spoiler]
Coping with sunlight:
[spoiler]There used to be a solution here, but it wasn't deemed good enough by Jeb. Suggest solutions in this thread.[/spoiler]
Changes to servers:
There's a setting inside the Server.properties file called 'max-build-height'. The setting makes it impossible for any player to place or remove blocks above that height.
With the implementation of Cubic Chunks, a new setting named "maximum-generation-depth" would be added. The void, bedrock layers, and magma layers will generate normally at and above the Y level designated by the value of this setting.
Chunk occlusion/exclusion:
Using the raytracing methods already available in the code and used for explosion calculations, servers can identify which chunks are visible to a player, within safe assumptions, and only send the data for those chunks. This both reduces bandwidth usage, and cripples the usefulness of X-Ray cheats.[/spoiler]
Render/Load distance alterations:
[spoiler]After the implementation of Cubic Chunks, view distances' radii will apply to the vertical axis too. This reduces handled blocks in the cases of tiny and short render distances, and increases them in the cases of normal and far render distances. This can be optimized by utilizing a spherical render distance instead of a cubic one, which would reduce handled blocks in all distances except Far.[/spoiler]
Frequently Asked Questions:
[spoiler=FAQ]Q: This is impossible.
A: No it's not. See below.
Q: Is this available as a mod?
A: Not yet! But it will be!
Q: I like X-ray! What if I don't want it to be broken?
A: First of all, breaking X-ray hacks will only be possible to do in multiplayer. That said, the system that would break X-ray would be possible to disable by the server owner. If the owner doesn't disable the system, then they don't want you using X-ray, and you should not be doing what the server owner doesn't want in the first place.
Q: I play on a PvP/Anarchy/Raid/Faction server. Won't this system let people pillar up into the sky and create a base thousands of blocks in the air and never be found?
A: No.
Q: I like Minecraft's current height limits. What if I don't want to have an infinite sky or infinite underground?
A: If this system is added, all worlds will not automatically gain an infinite underground. As stated below, the Void will remain in all worlds, even after the conversion to Cubic Chunks. The ability to remove the Void will simply be there. As for infinite space in the sky, the current build limit is over one hundred blocks above any terrain that vanilla Minecraft can possibly generate. It is ENTIRELY your decision on whether or not you take advantage of this height. If you play on a server, like stated above, the server owner can set a maximum build height. If s/he doesn't, then don't play on their server - you don't play on servers where the server owners allow things you don't like. Why would you play on an anarchy server if you hate being stolen from and killed?
Q: Will this affect Redstone at all?
A: No. This system will simply make it possible to make larger redstone circuitry than before.
Q: Won't this break existing worlds?
A: No. Existing worlds can be easily converted by dividing each MCRegion file into 4 pieces, then slicing the existing 256 block-high chunks inside them into 16 individual chunks.
Q: Won't this affect mods? Won't mod authors have a hard time updating their mods?
A: The answer to this question depends solely on the answer to the following two questions: Do parts of the modification code rely on chunk data/metadata? Does the mod author want to take advantage of the features of the new chunk system? If the answers to the first and second question are both "No", then updating a mod to this system should be very easy and quick. If the answer to the first question is "Yes", then those parts of the code will need to be rewritten somewhat, but in most cases, the changes should be fairly quick and easy. The only time that it should be hard to update a mod to this system, is if the answer to the second question is "Yes".
Q: Won't this require a total rewrite of the mod API if that's released first?
A: No. Whether or not even a small part of the mod API needs to be rewritten depends on the way that it is implemented and whether or not there are API inclusions for chunk handling and other chunk-related behavior.
Q: Could a player fall into unloaded chunks if chunks aren't loaded fast enough?
A: No, they could not, and for several reasons. Minecraft has a terminal velocity, though it might not seem like it. This velocity is slower than it should take to load new chunks below the player. In cases with exceptionally slow computers, even if the player did manage to reach an unloaded chunk, their fall would be paused until that chunk can be loaded.
Q: What would happen when water, sand, or a mob falls into an unloaded chunk?
A: Nothing. The water/sand/mob would freeze in place until the chunk is loaded and it can continue moving. You can already see this same thing happening on the horizontal axis.
Q: What will happen to the Void?
A: It will still exist, along with all its effects. The only difference is that the Void is no longer a hard limit and it can be moved. After the conversion to Cubic Chunks, the Void's location will be stored in a world's ' class='bbc'>level.dat, and this location can be changed with NBT editing tools. When and where the Void exists, chunks will cease to generate.
Q: Will this affect terrain?
A: No. However, terrain generators will gain the ability to use infinite height.
Q: Will this affect ore generation?
A: No. Ore is a part of terrain generation. As stated above, terrain will not be changed.
Q: Won't all current terrain generators be incompatible with this system and need to be rewritten?
A: No. Terrain generators work independently of chunks. When a chunk is generated for the first time, it calls the terrain generator and receives a specific section of the resultant terrain to save inside itself. Because of this, some custom terrain generators can generate steep terrain all the way to Y256, where you can experience a large, flat cut-off. Since there are no chunks above Y256 to call the terrain generator for terrain, no terrain exists there.
Q: What would happen if there's a huge solid ceiling so far above you that it is unloaded? Wouldn't you just see the sky, just with everything being completely dark?
A: Yes. This already happens on the horizontal axis, and it is an issue with sky rendering, not this chunk system. As such, this has nothing to do with this suggestion. Please do not post about this.
Q: If you go deep underground, will your plants grow/ores smelt/animals grow?
A: No, because those chunks would be unloaded, just as if you had walked far away. This is a flaw with any chunk system, regardless of shape. It is a necessary evil that allows Minecraft to have infinite worlds. The only way to fix this would be to introduce a separate new system that works with chunks as they are loaded and unloaded. This suggestion deals with the chunk system itself, and not sister processes. Because of that, that is outside of the scope of this suggestion. Please do not post about this.[/spoiler]
[WIP] The Cubic Chunks Mod! (Tall Worlds Mod):
Cuchaz has taken it upon himself to bring us the glorious Cubic Chunks, since Mojang refuses to do so.
Cuchaz is using a API of his own creation to help assist in the making of this mod, and he's quite far along, as seen in these two tech demo videos:
[spoiler=T-Demo 1: Vertical chunk loading][/spoiler]
[spoiler=T-Demo 2: Broken height cap and no lag!][/spoiler]
With the basic functionality in place - a complete overhaul of the basic chunk system, and height limit removed - this whole concept can already be considered proven. What remains is making sure everything else functions correctly under the new chunk system. In any case, stay tuned for future updates if it interests you(If it doesn't, then you are the weakest link - goodbye!).
You can follow the mod's development in much more depth in its very own topic!
[spoiler=A mountainside with an experimental engine using Cubic Chunks designed by Nocte. 960 block view radius, and 30 FPS.][/spoiler]
[spoiler=A different view of the mountainside with the same engine by Nocte. This time, with 1600 block view radius and 15 FPS.][/spoiler]
[spoiler="A video demonstrating Nocte's engine."]
Support & Submission to Mojang:
If you support this, hit the rep button in the bottom-left corner of this post. It is the only good way of accurately measuring support here.
If you wish, you can put the following banner, courtesy of laz2727, into your signature. It helps to attract support from all parts of the forum!
Please help us get word out of this suggestion! Share this with your friends, with Minecraft celebrities if you're familiar with them, or even with Mojangsters like Jeb or Dinnerbone! (Do not share this with Notch. Notch doesn't work with Minecraft anymore.)
The purpose of this suggestion is to have Cubic Chunks implemented in Vanilla. Being available as a modification does not fulfill that purpose. The modification featured in this suggestion is to act as a proof-of-concept only(Note: Its being featured here is to act as a proof-of-concept. The modification itself is on its way to becoming a fully fledged modification).
Special thanks:
Cuchaz, for taking Barteks' proof and running with it, to give us a truly functional Cubic Chunks mod.
Barteks2x, for updating the Cubic Chunks mod to 1.6.2, proving that it is possible.
Azraile, for posting the original suggestion and allowing me to take ownership of it.
Nocte, for helping resolve flaws and designing Hexahedra.
MineCrak, for a large amount of valuable insight and enthusiasm into the topic of Cubic Chunks.
aaronfranke, for helping resolve flaws.
PanJouda, for creating the original banner.
Flexico, for creating the predecessor to the current banner.
laz2727, for creating the current banner.
Robinton, for creating the original Cubic Chunks mod.
The_Watchman13, for answering all those stupid questions so I don't have to.
Note: Many calculations and information can be found among the many posts of this topic. There are too many for me to cite here, but if you wish, you can search for them yourself.
Cerealkiller posted a message on Skull Candles! [+200 Supporters!]Posted in: SuggestionsAs some of you may have noticed, I am no longer actively supporting this suggestion (although I'd still like to see it in-game). That means no new content will be added to this thread. Thanks for all the support! I'm surprised this thread is still alive.
For the lazy ones:
•It is a new light source;
•It is a new decoration block;
•There is two different types;
•Nether variant (or Wither).
•There is 4 different appearance for each type, but only one will be in the game if this is implemented;
•Torch on top;
•Retextured torch (candle) on top;
•Glowing eyes;
•Glowing eyes, nose, mouth (this one is an alternative of the glowing eyes, so it doesn't really count).
•Each type have its own crafting recipe, only the skull type changing;
•Normal type generates in strongholds and in the lower part of pyramids (or Desert Temples);
•When destroyed, drops a skull (or Wither skull if Nether variant) and a torch;
•Breaks when water or lava tries to flow through it;
•You can't wear it as a helmet;
•You cannot spawn a Wither using the Nether variant instead of the normal Wither skulls;
•Can be placed in 16 different directions;
•Can be placed on walls;
•Both type have a Redstone variant;
•Emits a dim light;
•Gives off Redstone power;
•Can be turned off by right-clicking.To modders:
If you want to make a mod with this, tell me.
Currently, bigeaspk and Mr_danpain volunteered to make one.Okay, so... I was thinking about new decoration blocks to be added in minecraft, when I thought about skull candles.
These ''candles'' would be crafted with a torch on top of a skull. They will both serve as a new light source and a decoration. Breaking a skull candle would give back a skull and a torch. They would also generate in strongholds and at the bottom of desert temples.
There is also a Nether variant: the Wither skull candle (very original name *cough*)! They are crafted the same way as a normal skull candle (but with a Wither skull) and breaking them gives back a Wither skull and a torch. They wouldn't generate anywhere, because it would be too easy to get wither skull to spawn The Wither. It would also be impossible to spawn the Wither with them.
Both types will be destroyed if water or lava attempts to flow through the skull candles. Like heads, they can be placed in 16 different directions and on walls. However, you cannot wear it on your head.
There is a Redstone variant for both the normal Skull and the Wither one. Like normal Redstone torches, they emit a dim light and give off Redstone power.
Appearances:All these images were modified. It took me a long time to make them (though it doesn't look like it).
Original:Nether Variant (Wither):
•Torch on topRedstone:
•Retextured torch on top
•Glowing eyes
•Glowing (Alternate)
•Torch on top
•Glowing eyes
•Torch on topRedstone:
•Retextured torch on top
•Glowing eyes
•Glowing (Alternate)
•Torch on top
•Glowing eyes (I love this one)
These are models, so they're just the object itself, so no background, effects, ect.
Oh ho ho!! Didn't expect that, did you?
Again... why not?
Well, I wasn't going to skip this one!
Last one. I promise.Crafting Recipes:
(Idea based on a suggestion from Kitteh6660, or someone else, I don't really remember...)
This section shows the different crafting recipes for the different Skull Candle appearances, if they were all added in the game. For now, I'll just show the recipes for the Normal type. For the Wither type, the Skeleton Skull changes to a Wither Skeleton Skull and for the Redstone variant, the Torch changes to a Redstone Torch.
"The Candle one is too complicated". I thought that the two dyes could change the Torch's color, while the string represents the wick.
•Skull Candle
•Skull Candle (Redstone variant)
•Wither Skull Candle
•Wither Skull Candle (Redstone variant)
As suggested by PatDay, The redstone variant could be turned off by right-clicking, allowing for secret switches (however, to make the switch secret, it would only work with the glowing version of the Redstone Skull Candle).
What do you guys think? You may leave some feedback if you'd like to, I'm not forcing you.
List O' Supporters (including "+1s")(+200 Supporters!!!):(This list is no longer updated. Sorry!)
Me (of course)
The Michael
Kaiser Corax
Minor Miner
MahriinIf you see a name listed twice, tell me.
To be in the list, say "I support" in your comment or simply click that little green button in the corner of this post!
Signature:Banner #1:
<br><a href="http://www.minecraftforum.net/topic/1474760-skull-candles/"><IMG src='http://i47.tinypic.com/zoaqfa.png' /></a><br>
(Is he sleepy? Or is he sad? Maybe he's thinking about life? I don't know, but he wasn't supposed to have this expression in his eyes.)
Banner #2
<br><a href="http://www.minecraftforum.net/topic/1474760-skull-candles/"><IMG src='http://i50.tinypic.com/rh4epj.png' /></a><br>
(You know I'm lazy when you see that's the same skull candle in BOTH banners.) -
Ric_Adbur posted a message on Cows, Pigs, and the Problems with Leather ArmorEDIT: After two years, this thread is no longer an entirely accurate reflection of the current state of Minecraft. The basic problem I describe here, however, still very much persists. For more current and relevant discussion of this issue, you can skip directly to page 18.Posted in: Suggestions
The basic ideas of this thread are as follows:
- Leather armor is not easy enough to acquire to balance out it's inferior statistics. Leather itself should be a commonplace early-game resource.
- Cows are unbalanced, in that they make pigs redundant and irrelevant by producing the same amount of identical food that pigs do in addition to other items that they don't.
- Both of these problems can be solved by a simple tweak to the cow's item drop rates.
I don't know about all of you, but I've never used leather armor. I always found it to be easier to go right to iron armor; taking the time to pen in cows and breed them for leather would set me back quite a bit in game progression, and you rarely find nearby the 12-24 cows necessary to craft a full set of leather armor early enough in the game for it to be relevant for you to do so. I could better spend that time setting up a mining operation.
In relatively short order you can have enough iron for not only armor, but other essential items as well. Going directly for iron armor serves multiple goals simultaneously, whereas obtaining enough leather for armor is a task you have to go out of your way to accomplish and serves only that single goal to the exclusion of all others. Therefore, skipping over leather and going immediately for iron instead is the more efficient path to take, and the one most players will be most likely to follow. I have seen this first-hand in at least 90% of cases on all servers I've played on. This clearly doesn't make sense, as it puts the lowest tier armor in an unfortunate crossroads of being simultaneously less effective and more time-consuming to acquire.
Clearly, leather armor needs to be easier to obtain in order to balance it out and make it worthwhile for the player to spend time in the early game on it. So here is what I propose: make cows drop more leather, and less steak. When you think about it, cows and pigs are currently equal in terms of food value, but cows have an additional leather drop and are capable of producing milk. This makes them the clear choice for breeding, and makes pigs redundant and irrelevant. Why breed pigs when you can breed cows for the same resource cost and get much more payback for your efforts?
If, however, cows dropped primarily leather and only dropped a small amount of steak, it would give each animal clearly-defined roles and make both important to breed. And it would make the acquisition of leather for armor easier and give leather armor back it's rightful place as the cheap and commonplace first armor set players make.
Current Drop Rate:
0-2 leather and 1-3 steak
Even with the most improbable good fortune, under these rates you will need to kill a minimum of 12 cows to obtain a full set of leather armor, and potentially as many as 24 if you get only the minimum amount of leather from each cow you kill. But cows are capable of dropping no leather at all, which means that you might even need to kill more than 24 cows to obtain the leather needed for a full set of armor, with no theoretical maximum. This is absolutely ridiculous.
Conservative Suggested Rate:
2-4 leather and 0-1 steak
Under this rate, you would need to kill a minimum of 6 cows to craft a full set of leather armor, and as many as 12 maximum. These numbers are improved, but not quite as much as I would hope.
My Ideal Suggested Rate:
3-5 leather and either remove steak, or alter it or porkchops
With this rate the number of cows killed is now as low as 5 and as high as 8. This seems much more reasonable to me, as leather armor is primarily only relevant for a fairly small window of time in the early game, so you should obtain it as soon as possible. Either the steaks or the porkchops would be altered in terms of hunger value or saturation to make them no longer redundant and give each it's own place and use.
Pig item drop rates would remain unchanged in all scenarios.
An idea from a thread contributor that I very much support:
Quote from PatDay
4) Give leather new benefits - Make leather mechanically desirable Certainly not as much as diamond, but something people would consider using. I think the best option might be to include special non-combat enchantments only leather can get such as a Speed boost or Sneaking option (players are invisible to mobs past a certain distance while crouching). It would give people a reason to make a "work" outfit out of leather. This would seem to be only a benefit in my opinion and can't think of any drawbacks.
Copy and paste this code into your signature to support this rebalancing effort:
ErasmoGnome posted a message on Move Wither Skeletons out of Fortresses! *Over 480 Supporters!*Posted in: Suggestions
[size=large]Mod[/size]Rinnsal has added this as an optional feature to his Nether mod! If you want to check out how this idea would work in the Nether while having some really cool new Nether items as well, check out his mod here: NetherStuffs 0.19 by Rinnsal The download link is at that page, along with a mod review video and a description of all the awesome stuff in the mod. I highly recommend it! Additionally, Builderb0y has created a mod that allows Wither Skeletons to spawn everywhere in the Nether without all that extra stuff. Here's the download link: http://www.mediafire...a7ttstxokee2puv Just put it into the minecraft.jar and you're done.
[size=large]FAQ/Responses to Common Criticisms:[/size]
[size=small]NOTE: Because of the recent influx of posters who have given two sentence posts and haven't even bothered to look at the FAQ, any post that clearly could have been addressed with a trip here will be replied to with a simple "See FAQ #X". I highly encourage you to at least peruse the questions before posting ignorant criticism.[/size]
Q: This would make the Nether too hard!A: The Nether was originally known as a "hell world". It was released during the Halloween update, and players initially entered with trepidation, fearing the dangers that awaited them. The people realized the only mob in there could be kill with two arrows. Ghasts are 4x4x4, making them fairly easy to hit, even from a distance. Additionally, a single knocked back fireball takes them out instantly. Their fireballs, even with a direct hit, still do less damage than a creeper. They are the only mob that represents a challenge in the Nether, and they aren't even that hard. Magma cubes are a joke - at the speed they go, you can just walk away. Zombie Pigmen ignore you unless you actually hit them, at all the rest of the mobs are confined to Nether Fortresses.Q: The Wither is a boss. It is meant to be hard to summon!
This is supposed to be Hell, and yet a player with a small stock of arrows can walk freely through the area with barely a care in the world! With iron armor, basically all caution except with lava can be abandoned, because a Ghast would only be able to take you out with two direct hits, and everything else can be ignored! Wither Skeletons would add needed challenge to a dimension that is supposed to be terrifying, and force players to actually be prepared to get their Glowstone and Nether Quartz. With Wither Skeletons moved out, a player that isn't in good armor would need to be fast, and a well prepared player would actually need a variety of equipment like milk buckets or potions. If you really didn't want to fight them, you could always sprint away, which takes a small amount of skill.
But remember, they would only spawn about as commonly as Endermen, so it isn't like you'd be horded like with 3 at once. You would have to fight one, maybe two, unless you actually walked around getting a bunch on your tail. This change would make the Nether much more challenging, but not nearly enough to make it impossible, even in no armor. A veteran could still walk without armor with enough movement skill, while newer players could most likely survive in iron armor, but no less, as they should be able to in the dimension of Hell.A: Yes, and I agree it should be hard to summon. But right now, it takes far too long. You have to kill 120, on average, and it might take you a half-hour or so just to find three. This idea keeps it a challenge without making it so only a collaborative multiplayer effort or obsession is able to summon the wither. People want to be able to summon it in single player without being in a nether fortress 24/7.Q: How commonly would they spawn outside of fortresses?
There has been a fair amount of contention about this lately, especially making the beacon too easy to get. I would remind players that the beacon takes a minimum of 81 ores to complete. That's quite the chore - just because you can summon the Wither does not mean it can suddenly immediately get a beacon. Second, this does not make it too easy to get all the skulls to summon the Wither. As I said earlier, it takes an average of 120 Wither Skeleton kills to get all the heads. Unlucky player might need to kill as many as 300 or more. As I've said, they will spawn about as commonly as Endermen. Go out and try to kill 120 Endermen, then try to tell me that the amount of time it took you would make it too easy to get the beacon.
Don't believe on the average of 120 or unlucky players having to kill as many as 300? Have a full-blown statistical analysis based on the normal and geometric cumulative frequency distributions. Happy reading!So take this from someone taking AP Statistics – having to kill 120 Wither Skeletons is not an “extreme”, it is an average. There is a 2.5% chance per kill of getting a skull, meaning p=(.025). To calculate the average number of repetitions needed before achieving “success”, the formula is simply 1/p, or in this case 1/.025. Plug that into your calculator and it spits out 40. From there, it doesn’t take a statistics class to tell you that to get three, you multiply by three for (guess what!) 120. That means, the average player will have to kill 120 Wither Skeletons before getting three heads, leading me to the conclusion that you are either lucky or exaggerating. This isn’t really something you can dispute – these are well established mathematical formulas.
But hey, say you don’t believe me. Say you think I got the math wrong, even though this kind of probability is something I learned before statistics even expanded upon it. I built a quick calculator program on my calculator while I was bored in precalculus, then ran it for 999 trials (the max my calculator can take before no longer being able to run analysis). Here’s the coding, so you can be sure I didn’t cheat. It probably won’t make much sense to you, but I’m sure another programmer on the forums can confirm its validity, and I’ll comment it up and add actual names to the variables to make it easier to understand.
ClrHome //clears what is currently on the screen ClrList L[sub]1[/sub] //clears whatever is in the list I’ll be storing the results in 0->Successes 0->Count 1->Runs Input “Trials:”,Trials //Asks the user how many trials he wants to run Output(3,1,”Trial:”) Output(4,1,”Last Num:”) While Runs≤Trials //Sets up loop for number of trials Output(3,7,Runs) //Outputs the current trial to keep track of progress 0->Successes 0->Count //Resets both variables for the coming trial While Successes<3 //Will run until 3 “Successes” are achieved If randInt(1,40)=1 //If a randomly generated number 1 through 40 is one, a wither skeleton head is received. This simulates the killing of one Wither Skeleton Successes+1->Successes //increments the number of successes by one (for those unacquainted with calc programming, when there are no brackets the calculator only considers the line right after the If as part of the contained area. Count+1->Count //Whether or not a skull is received, the number of kills is incremented End //Ends the While Successes<3 loop (if Successes is not less than three, reruns until it is) Count->L[sub]1[/sub](R) //Stores the number of Wither Skeletons killed before three skulls were received in a list location corresponding to the current run. Output(4,10,” “) Output(4,10,Count”) Runs+1->Runs End // Ends the While Run/Trial loop. If Run is not to trials yet, will run entire thing again until it is. 1-Var Stats L[sub]1[/sub]
Note to experienced calc programmers: To make it more easily understandable, I added actual names to the variables based on their letter, and commented it up Java-style. To derive the original program, truncate all but the first letter of the variables and ignore the commenting.
You probably didn’t understand that, so I’ll summarize what it does. It simulates the killing of a Wither Skeleton by giving a 1 in 40 chance of a “success”, and repeats that until 3 “successes” are achieved. It then stores the number of Wither Skeletons it took to get these three skulls in another location for further viewing, then runs again. I ran this program 999 times, simulating a random player going to get his three skulls 999 times. Here are my results:
Mean: 119.4544545 (Shocker, only .5 off 120, which is the actual value)
SD(X)=64.86644227 (There’s a decent chance you don’t know what this is, so I’ll explain it later)
Min(X)=9 (In all 999 trials, the smallest number of Wither Skeletons killed to get all three skulls was 9)
Max(X)=390 (In all 999 trials, the largest number of Wither Skeletons killed to get all three skulls was 390)
So the mean was 119.45 Wither Skeleton kills needed. Don’t even try to tell me my math was wrong there now.
But I already knew that. I’m more interested in the standard deviation. Now, the Central Limit Theorem would normally cause the combined results of trials to be normal, especially with a sample size of 999, but unfortunately np = 3, which is less than ten. That means the left side of the normal model will be cut off, causing a right skew. That means the standard deviation isn’t useful for far-reaching calculations, and the SD can’t be calculated by regular methods. But we already have an approximate SD from our trials, so that should be almost dead-on accurate for our purposes, especially since independence is a certainty. So what does a standard deviation of 64.866 mean? Well, it means that when you go one standard deviation out in both directions, you have contained just about 68% of all results. Here’s a little table so you can visual what I mean:
But I said earlier that it can’t work quite as well in this case because np<10. We can still approximate, especially for the smaller sigmas. With a bit of math, we can find out that 1SD above the mean is 184.866, 2SD is 249.733, and 3SD is 314.599. With a bit more math, specifically, finding the area of everything else by taking (1-the other results)/2, we can find out the odds that a player might have to kill a certain number of Wither Skeletons to get his skulls.
Here are the results:
Odds that a player might have to kill above X Wither Skeletons to get all three skulls, according to the slightly-off normal model:
X=184: 16%
X=250: 2.5%
X=315: .15%
So that means 1 in 40 player will have to kill more than 250 Wither Skeletons to get their skulls. 3 in 2000 players (not unlikely at all considering the millions playing Minecraft) will have to kill more than 315, which is absolutely ridiculous. Some will have to kill more. If you’ve followed along with the math up to this point, you can do your own calculations as to how they might stretch out farther, but be warned that the normal model gets more and more inaccurate because np<10 as you go out farther. As I mentioned earlier, these might be a bit off because of the truncated normal model that causes a right skew. You can’t really call me out on that though, because what that would really mean is that for a manually placed normal model extending into the negatives the standard deviation would more than likely be even larger, meaning that unlucky players have to kill even more Wither Skeletons than is mentioned here. This of course means that many lucky players will have to kill somewhere on the range of 60 or less, but unlucky and lucky happen about the same amount of times, and with my way even the unlucky ones will be able to get it eventually with a bit of perseverance, unlike the obsession that would be needed if you wanted to get them just from Fotressses.So yes, some lucky players will be able to get enough materials to summon the Wither within an hour or so – it is really the same now. But do not even try to tell me any longer that needing to kill 120 is an extreme. It is the average, and needing to kill even half that would only happen to less than 1 in 5 players.
But let’s take a different approach, because I’m spending a lot of time applying what I learned in Statistics, and this is kind of fun. The Geometric model is even better for our purposes than the normal model, and even easier to use. It gives us a different perspective on how crappy the current system is as well.
So, if you have a TI graphing calculator, you can follow along. Hit 2nd Vars, then go to the very bottom, where it says geometcdf(. That is the geometric cumulative distribution frequency, which you probably don’t understand. What is does is calculates the chance of an occurrence happening by the time a certain number of trials have gone by. So click it, then type in into the parentheses .025,120).That spits out .952075909, right? What that number means is that there is a 95.2% chance of getting at least one skull by 120 trials (note the at least). While that seems decent, that leaves us 4.8% of people, after having killed 120 Wither Skeletons, wondering if the info they got off the wiki on drop rates was wrong. You can plug in other values instead of 120 to see the chances a person will have received a Wither Skeleton Skull by the time they have killed that many Wither Skeletons.
But let’s remember that I’m not even suggesting a change of drop rate – I’m just suggesting that they are a bit easier to find, by moving them out of Nether Fotresses. Which means all this still applies even after my idea comes into play – all it means is that they will be easier to find, so you will be able to rack up these ridiculous amounts of kills.A: The same as they do now inside of fortresses. They won't spawn in groups like Zombie Pigmen, and are a bit rarer to begin with, so they still will be a bit hard to find, kind of like Endermen in the Overworld. I'm sure Jeb can mess around with the spawn rate to make it good.Q: Wouldn't this stop people from building bases in the Nether because a hostile mob could spawn in their base all it wanted? (Thanks to corinanth for bringing this up)A: Currently, Wither Skeletons have a limitation that they cannot spawn in a light level of 8 or greater (in addition to their only spawning in Nether Fortresses). This limitation will be maintained as they are moved out into the Nether. This means they will be able to spawn fairly near to Nether light sources like lava and glowstone (who emit a light level of 15), but it will be possible to light up a base enough that Wither Skeletons won't spawn. Thanks to Immibis for help with the technicalities of the lighting system!Q: Why do you have a supporters list?A: I think it is a good idea to have a semi-visual representation of the amount of support this idea has received. A supporters list is a good way to give a quick numerical summary of how many supporters this idea has, and the dropdown list of specific supporters allows people to see if their favorite critic/friend has supported. I don't require a +1 to be on the list because I don't feel you should have to give rep to me just to support this. I do appreciate reputation though, because I did spend a fair chunk of time assembling this idea to be informative and aesthetically appealing.Q: Oh come on, why don't you just use a Looting I/II/III sword?!A: The maximum level of Looting, Looting III, brings your chance of getting a skull up to 1 in 25. Which, for those of you who haven't done the multiplying, means you now need to kill an average of 75 wither skeletons instead of 120. Now, 45 is a hefty difference, but it still means a huge chunk of time to kill 75 Wither Skeletons. Even if it did bring it down to a reasonable number of Wither Skeletons needed to be killed, it still wouldn't fix the other problems, namely that there are no challenging ground-based hostile mobs in the Nether, and there is a hugely skewed content ratio between Nether Fortresses and the rest of the Nether. Mojang has an entire dimension to fill, and they choose to stuff about half of the content into one tiny building, the Nether Fortress. Moving Wither Skeletons out into the rest of the Nether would provide a hostile mob and a huge step towards fixing the content ratio of the Nether, even if it wasn't necessary to fix the time it take to get the 3 skulls, which it still is even if you are lucky enough to get a Looting III sword.Q: So, how can I help this become a reality?A: I'm glad you asked. There are a bunch of ways you can help this become part of the game:Q: Why not just increase the spawn rate or drop rate of Wither Skeletons?- Support! It's as simple as pressing the rep button or posting "I support!", and every person who supports adds credibility and weight to the idea.
- Spread the word! You can do this by telling your friends on the forum, or using the banner. Like above, the more people who come to this topic to support, the better the chance Mojang will see what their players want and implement this.
- Check back! A great way to help out is to come back every once in a while and comment on additions and reply to people who aren't sure about whether they want to support. Following the topic is a great way to keep informed. Every post helps people make up their mind, and has the added benefit of bringing this back to the top of the page.
- Leave constructive ideas! Every improvement to this idea, whether it is to make the suggestion more appealing, more balanced, or just plain old more awesome, makes this a better suggestion, and therefore more likely to be implemented.
- Contact Mojang! You can PM or tweet any of the Mojang team (Jeb, Dinnerbone, Lydia Winters, and EvilSeph are here if you want to tweet them), and that way they can see the idea and know people like it! Disclaimer: I am not suggesting that you spam their page. A lot of people contacting them would be great, but don't spam their PM inbox or twitter repeatedly. That is rude and does not help this suggestion become part of the game.
A: Because that only fixes part of the problem. Yes, increasing the drop rate would work insofar as it fixes the problem of the Wither being incredibly hard to get, but it takes away some of the challenge of fighting all those Wither Skeletons. Increasing the spawn rate of Wither Skeletons would fix the problem as well, but there are still two huge problems the solution quite simply does not address. There is still no challenging hostile mob in the Nether. Ghasts take two arrows, and if you are in the nether you should certainly have arrows; Magma Cubes are so slow you can just ignore them, and don't put up much of a fight even if you don't; and Zombie Pigmen you can just ignore because they are neutral. Thus, moving the Wither Skeleton out would finally get that hostile mob into the Nether. The second thing that either solution does not fix is the incredibly skewed rate of content in the Nether. Almost half of the available features of the Nether, an entire dimension, are packed into a comparatively minuscule building. Why? There is no good reason, and moving Wither Skeletons out into the Nether would be a great step towards fixing the problem.Q: Why not give Wither Skeletons a building of their own?A: This solution is a bit better than the suggested solutions in the above Q&A in that it helps fixed the skewed content of the Nether and, if the spawn rate is high in the building, helps with the challenge of getting enough Skulls to summon the Wither. However, it still doesn't do everything that moving them out into the Nether does. Moving Wither Skeletons out into the Nether would get a challenging hostile ground mob into the Nether, something that people have been asking for for a long time. It would be a huge leap in finally making the Nether the terrifying, dangerous, and hellish place a dimension like the Nether should be. In addition, building an entirely new structure for Wither Skeletons would represent a lot of coding for the Mojang team. The change suggested here would probably take Mojang about 5 minutes or less to implement, as all they would have to do is remove specific spawning restrictions. So, moving Wither Skeletons out of Nether Fortresses fixes more problems and involves less work for the Mojang team, allowing them to focus on other features. It's a win-win!Q: I tried to use one of the banners, but it isn't working!A: First of all, thanks a bunch for helping out this idea by using a banner! Your problem might be a few things:Q: Hey, how do you have so many supporters? There aren't even as many comments as supporters!- Try highlighting what you copied and clicking the "Remove Formatting" button, which is the eraser one from the upper left. Sometimes formatting from copying the text over messes up the code.
- Make sure you copied the entire thing. If you missed anything in the box it may mess it up.
- Do you already have 2 images? Minecraft Forum signatures only allow 2 images in your signature at once. Try deleting one to make room. Additionally, you can only have 2 URLs (one is in the picture) and four lines of text. If you don't have enough space, see what you can get rid of to make room.
A: I didn't think this would become an issue, but it's been asked quite a bit recently. My system for creating the supporter's list is taking those who leave a positive comment as well as those who +1 the post. Obviously, some people post and don't +1 and some people +1 and don't post. The list is taken from both, eliminating any duplicates. Because apparently a lot of people +1 and don't post, I have more supporters than comments. I have nothing to hide here, so if anyone wants to comb through the list for fake names, feel freeMore FAQs will be added as questions pop up repeatedly. If you have a question you want answered/think should be added, post with the question and I'll get back to you as soon as I can..
[size=large]Supporter's List[/size]You'll be added if you, or I happen to see a positive comment. For why, see the FAQ. [size=medium]
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Robe's Art has made an awesome banner for this idea. If you like this idea and want to help support it, just copy the code below into your signature, then highlight it and click "Remove Formatting" (the eraser in the upper left)!
Here are some old banners you can also use:This one was made by Yuutsu:
This one was made by me:
Having trouble with a banner? See the last question in the FAQ for help and troubleshooting. [represent]
FenixDowned posted a message on Refactoring the Player Skin for added detail (ALMOST IMPLEMENTED)UPDATE 01/16/2014Posted in: Suggestions
Snapshot 14w3b introduces the ability to texture both arms and legs! It also gives every other body part an extra 3D layer similar to the hat layer in the original skin! Awesome! These new extra layers are covered up by Armor, just like the hat area. The new skin file uses a 64x64 layout with the old skin at the top and the optional overlays in the bottom half. Old 64x32 skins are still supported without modification.
However... this addition will not apply to similarly shaped mobs (zombies, zombie pigmen, etc) and it doesn't work on armor. Whether these things will change in the future is anyone's guess.
As happy as I am for the player improvements, I can't help but wonder if my suggested layout could still benefit the mobs and armors. If nothing else, it would still allow for asymmetrical mob skins and armor while staying within the small 64x32 file size. But then they would have a major discrepancy between formats...
I still like the idea of applying my format to the new skin layout - the bottom half of the 64x64 texture could contain the overlay regions. The only difference then is that the head and hat area on the bottom half would not be used. Perhaps those areas could then be left empty for modders and any other small additions that Mojang made add in the future....
What follows is the original post, while I decide if I should further modify it to try and push for the other mobs/armors to have asymmetrical textures. Either way, this is a huge victory!
Acknowledgement from Dinnerbone himself!
Quote from DinnerboneWe've no plans to touch skins right now (except to fix them... the skin server is really unstable) but we're rewriting the whole rendering stuffs and maybe we can consider looking at this then, when it all becomes much easier.
Basically saying "maybe" in the future. The important part is that Mojang is aware of the suggestion and was moved enough to respond to the topic!
I am forever amazed with how much detail minecrafters have been able to squeeze out of the extremely limited space provided by the game's textures. Skins especially are quite a challenge due to being confined to a 64x32 pixel size. And yet there are many, many examples of beautiful and amazing skins out there that make the most of this limited space. And yet, it could be possible to grant everyone a little more... to be blunt, the current skin texture for the player character has a lot of unused and wasted space. For those counting, there are 480 unused pixels in the texture (out of a total of 2048).
With a little juggling, we could free up enough space to have independently textured left and right arms and legs! This is without changing the image size, it's still all contained within the same 64x32 png file. Of course, the player model would need to be updated to use this new mapping. Here is an enlarged view:
+ independently textured arms and legs+ maintains the original 64x32 size = no additional skin server load/stress
+ keeps all sections grouped together in a fairly intuitive way.
+ sub sections follow a mapping very similar to the original (with only some parts slightly shifted)+ can also be applied to all armors
+ can also be applied to other humanoid mobs: zombie, pigmen, zombie_pigmen
+ can also be applied to skeletons - with slight modifications for the thinner arms/legs
- one-time conversion needed for all texture packs for affected mobs and armors
- mods that make use of current skin's blank area may not be able to use the new format
- skin creation tools/viewers would need to update for the new format (difficult for discontinued tools)
- makes all current skins and skin repositories outdated (this is a big problem - see below)
Problem: Compatibility with Legacy Skins
There are hundreds of thousands of skins floating out there on the net. It is not reasonable to expect all of them to be updated or converted. Remember when they flipped the direction of the bottom-head/hat texture areas on the skins? There are still countless skins out there that haven't been fixed. This is a major change so it can't simply be done and let all the current content out there suddenly break. There will be backlash. On top of that, more recently the Minecraft Launcher has been augmented to allow easy access to older versions of the game - versions which absolutely expect the player skin to be using the old format. Finally, there is no reliable way to program the game to detect the different kind of skin formats based only on areas of the skin file that appear to be used. This is because the skins often have extra content in the "unused" areas. This content could be in the form of an author's name/logo, bleed off from the main image, or pixels used by specific mods on the skin.
Bottom line, we need to have a simple way for the game to know how to differentiate between the old and new player skin formats so both may be used at the same time by different players. Note that this problem only affects player skins. Mobs and armors are always controlled by the local texture pack, so there is no need to support the old format for those assets.
Below are several possible solutions to supporting the legacy skins. These are only suggestions, as I do not have intimate knowledge of how Minecraft and the skin system works under the covers. What I propose here may be incorrect or not applicable to the system, but I hope it might at least give Mojang ideas on how to implement this request.
Solution A: Increase new skin file to be 64x64
Increase the "new" player skin size to be 64x64 pixels. Place my new format in the top half and leave the rest blank. Let the old skins stay as using the 64x32 size. There are several reasons for this approach.
When the game client downloads the player skins, it can easily tell the difference in size. A 64x32 skin would use the traditional mapping we see today. Nothing changes and all the current skins out there are still ok to use. A 64x64 texture would signal the game to switch over to using the new format for that player. Since the game knows which player is using which skin, it can easily keep track of which format to use for who, and allow both types to co-exist at the same time.
The extra space in the bottom half of the "new" skin can be used for future player character enhancements by Mojang, in case they decide to add more. As an example... if we ever get custom capes, perhaps the texture could be saved to the player skin and use the extra space here.
The extra space in the bottom half of the "new" skin can also be used by mods! Any mods that had additions to the player model could use these areas. And there would be a lot more space now!
One major drawback to this approach is that the larger image file size could adversely affect the skin servers that Mojang use.
Solution B: stay 64x32 but use embedded metadata
If it proves undesirable to alter the skin file dimensions, another possible solution could be to have all new skins require metadata content added to them. Then, similar to solution A, the game would examine each skin file it downloads and search for the appropriate metadata flag. If it finds none, use the old formatting style on that skin's owning player. If it finds the appropriate metadata flag, use the new format for that player.
One problem with this approach is that png files don't have a standard way of encoding metadata. So I imagine Mojang would need to create a small utility to "stamp" skins with the metadata flag they would expect to use. This would require some extra care for making new skins on the part of the community. But on the up side, this could pave the way for an easy versioning system for additional future skin formats.
Another drawback would be the reduction in free space that some mods may have come to depend on. In this case, I believe the only solution would simply to have those mods not use the new style. They would have to require their users to say using the old skin format. So they wouldn't get the extra arm and leg, but the mods wouldn't break either. A fair trade off I think.
tldr Summary:
I propose a new skin layout for the humanoid mobs, player, and armor which would grant space for both arms and legs to be textured independently. It would be ideal to support both this new format and the old one at the same time for player skins - so as to not break all the current skins out there. There are two (possibly more) ways I can think of doing this:
A. up the player skin size to 64x64 (grants more space for mods and/or future Mojang enhancements) B. embed metadata into the new style skins (keeps the original 64x32 size for efficiency)
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v.5 - overhauled the main post. Scrapped conversion suggestion from v.3 and added new suggestion of metadata for differentiating old vs new formats.
v.4 - 12w32a changes things! large rewrite of the suggestion. I originally thought all humanoid mobs + armor had to use the same format. This is no longer true. So using 64x64 player skins is possible without needing 64x64 versions for all other armors/mobs.
v.3 - added ideas on converting old formats to new - so current skin repositories wouldn't be rendered obsolete.
v.2 - updated mapping (as seen at top of page).
v.1 - initial proposal. Used a flawed mapping below: - To post a comment, please login.
I thought they put Steve there to give an idea on how big the Badlands are.
Go into MCEdit, find and select the chunk , and delete it. It should regenerate next time you login.
I'm not saying "no" but the darker shade may just be dirt or a deeper part of the ocean.
Back on topic. I think the zombies are a bit too hard. I liked the concept but in reality it's too much. I mean building at night is about impossible unless your working up high or on the interior. I think Etho was even complaining.
I'm a bit annoyed because I play on normal, not hard. I still like the concept but it needs to be toned down.
Edit: I should say annoying over hard.
Every post I've seen from you in this section is about how PC is better. Even though I agree PC is the best, it's getting kind of annoying.
Bows, Fishing rod, place blocks, block with sword, activating buttons/levers, etc.
Did you check controls?
I wouldn't really say he stole it because he showed where he got it from. If he stole it he would get rid of the sources. A more correct word would be using or borrowing it.
Seriously, it's just a game. If your acting like your life will be affected you should probably take a break and do something else.
I can't find it.
Anyways, do you guys think there will be a sounds section on the forums in the future?
There was never a due date.