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    posted a message on Real Time Strategy games.
    Command and conquer is my favorite series. Tiberium Wars is amazing.
    Starcraft 2 is also really good.
    I've had fun with Stronghold 2 but it had some flaws with city maintenence.

    I've never completed AoE 2.

    I don't really like RTS multiplayer.
    Posted in: General Gaming
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    posted a message on Dinnerbone's Feature Tease... is Filters aka Shaders *UPDATED: 9/26/2013*
    Quote from codewow

    Could be. I thought of that too, but he's talked about that a lot more than twice. I also wonder how they will manage to uphold the server bans if everyone can change their names... I don't feel like IP banning everyone as sometimes they have siblings who aren't like them that play.

    Well they'll probably still be banned from the server. You still have your original name it just appears that you have another name.
    Posted in: Future Updates
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    posted a message on Good Free Zombie Games For PC
    Rebuild, it's not downloadable but it's pretty good to pass time. It's a turn based strategy game. You can play this on Armor Games, through Facebook, or Kongregate.

    It's also on the android market for $3.00. Not sure about Apple Market.
    Posted in: General Off Topic
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    posted a message on The Skyrim thread
    I felt like half the time I played Skyrim I was in a dungeon.
    Posted in: General Gaming
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    posted a message on Official Minecraft 1.8+ Update Notes and Discussion
    Half the posts in this thread has been about the bindable sprint option.
    Posted in: Recent Updates and Snapshots
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    posted a message on FAR EAST BIOME?
    dirtminer, I think you should just change the title and edit the OP. I understand why you called the cherry blossoms a Far East thing but people will just keep ripping on you.
    Posted in: Future Updates
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    posted a message on I need help, I dont know what to do
    Quote from Yu_Narukami

    MCF isn't a good place to get help concerning IRL problems. Go on Yahoo Answers or something.

    Yahoo Answers isn't any better than MCF when it comes to these kinds of issues. Most of the people of YA! troll or aren't helpful and sometimes make people feel even worse.
    Posted in: General Off Topic
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    posted a message on Could 1.7 potentially be my favorite update?
    Quote from Chensen

    I don't understand why people quit Minecraft just because of the terrain. I think its fine, but quitting altogether? Really?... its just terrain...

    I have to say it's a bit weak at places. I tried beta 1.7 yesterday and I loved the gravel beaches and beaches actually being beaches. It's nice not having so many caves. Forests were nice because they spawned more of the large trees. But other places beta 1.7 wasn't very good either. Every biome seemed very hilly. I mean to build something like a house seemed like it required quite a bit of terraforming. I find the current deserts and plains to be better than beta's.
    Posted in: Future Updates
  • 2

    posted a message on Could 1.7 potentially be my favorite update?
    Quote from ivanovic

    There seems to be two shades of blue in the oceans... Does that mean two kind of oceans? I think this might be the confirmation that they are working on improving oceans finally.

    I'm not saying "no" but the darker shade may just be dirt or a deeper part of the ocean.
    Posted in: Future Updates
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    posted a message on What type of house do you have?
    My house is on a hill in the plains. It uses every type of wood.

    As for the entrance, I mostly use my wooden doors. In the front but there's a side door that goes int other kitchen. There's two tunnels networks going into the basement from the slime farm and mob farm. The slime farm tunnel network has a piston door at the end. There are also two other entrances.
    Posted in: Survival Mode
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    posted a message on Am I the only one that thought The Last of Us wasn't that good?
    Quote from GravCat

    Yeah but the customization wasn't totally necessary but that's preference.

    Runners are incredibly easy to sneak past when they're standing still, but when they're walking around they're hyperactive, because they're mutated humans.. soo yup. Adapt to it.

    Like I said, waypoints would ruin the immersion in a way.

    Isn't saying waypoints would ruin immerision a preference?
    Posted in: General Gaming
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    posted a message on Am I the only one that thought The Last of Us wasn't that good?
    Quote from GravCat

    The controls were fine with me and you are the first person I've heard who complained about them, generally on console games, you don't get the option of customization because of the limitation of buttons, overall I don't see the problem with the controls at all.

    Your point with sneaking is valid, kind of. Sneaking was a little hard around humans, but that's probably because they are humans so their senses are a little more acute than Clickers and Runners. Most of the sneaking around humans wasn't too bad though, what difficulty were you playing on?

    It's a helmet bro, it'll block bullets but yeah it was kind of exaggerated for gameplay reasons.

    I don't like waypoint markers, it would have taken me out of the game. Notice how taking out your backpack was really involved and immersive for a game, waypoints would have taken me out. Plus, where's the fun in finding where to go? I liked going the wrong way and finding more gear.

    I think you're missing the point. The point of the gameplay aspect is to adapt to the situation and the environment with whatever tools and whatever setting you're in. No ammo or tools? You gotta sneak around them or take them out silently and get some ammo. Loaded on ammo? Take them out or you can sneak. The game is based on survival and I think it did a great job at it.

    Some customization would be nice. All you can do is invert and change sensitivity. Most games allow a tiny bit of customization.

    With humans it was understandable. But I found the Runners harder. It seemed like i could never get a sneak attack on them because they would always turn around just in time. Even when I'm doing the silent sneaking.This was on Easy by the way (Only reason I started playing it on easy was because of Auto-assist).

    If you don't like waypoints that's fine. I just like to know where to go. Also having a waypoint actually helps me scavenge. Because I'm think to myself "Ok, I need to go there next, let's scavenge these other rooms first."

    They did do a good job on the improvising part. I really liked the crafting system. But I don't see what makes this game so amazing.

    Quote from Jimmars


    I see. I think they were military helmets but there were some biker helmets in too which blocked the rifle. So I guess the helmets were ok. Thanks for the clarification.
    Posted in: General Gaming
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    posted a message on Am I the only one that thought The Last of Us wasn't that good?
    Quote from Prado

    No you're not. TLoU is definitely overrated. You don't even need to go into a detailed review to explain why it is overratedlike the OP! The game is a beginner's entry level zombie/stealth shooter. A predictable and pretty unimpressive story, and a really basic and simple game.

    Quote from BlueMaus

    Yeah, it got a lot of hype, and I think people wanted to like it more than they did. It was mediocre at best and very predictable throughout.

    I'm glad I'm not the only one.

    Quote from aceattwister

    you gave maybe 4 points on why its not the best, and rank it 6.5/10?
    if i ranked games like that Bioshock infinite would get a 2/10, Fable III would more or less get a -1/10.
    i agree, controls were a little weird, but then again, how many console games allow custom controls? very few from what i know.
    sneaking may be tough, but even in the hardest parts, you find a way. you just need motivation.
    yes, i do agree combat was a bit bad, although to be fair, i think there should have been ALOT less combat. IIRC at one point a group tried to prove how friendly they are by trying to kill you...
    You don't know where to go? Half the time the follower(s) try leading you there, they're standing near the way to go, or the path is linear.

    we're all allowed an opinion, so i just said mine.

    Well I felt as though the things I mentioned about the game was enough to make it not that great. If you don't have good gameplay or a good story then what is good about the game?

    Yes they did point it out after waiting a few minutes. Usually the times I was lost was when I was away from Ellie. Other times it wasn't so bad.

    And I understand if people like TLoU game. I just don't think it's good as people make it out to be.
    Posted in: General Gaming
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    posted a message on Am I the only one that thought The Last of Us wasn't that good?
    Quote from Riggzon

    The points you make are pretty valid, it did get confusing in some areas where you wondered where to go, and the thing that annoyed me the most was how NPC's were running into zombies in a stealth area, yet they wouldn't get found out, I think the AI there could of been tweaked a little.

    I noticed that too. And you just step on a leaf and the infected comes raging towards you.

    Finished the game yesterday. I have to say the story wasn't very good.
    Posted in: General Gaming
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    posted a message on 1.7 NEWS/Features/Snapshots Compilation-[8/2/13] Biomes O' Plenty?!?
    Quote from Chensen

    Jeb's new biome looks so good compared to the modded one.

    Hopefully the Badlands will looks as good as they do in the picture. I really like the badlands for some reasons.
    Posted in: Future Updates
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