Name: Starbright Age: 16 Powers: Energy Blasts (Color Yellow). Flight. Is able to make Flares, as bright as the sun, and can resist this, so It isn't Counter Productive. can make flames, but nothing big there. Side: Vigilante, Wanted by good and Fights all. Appearance: Long Flowing Blonde Hair, Normal Caucasian Skin and a Bright Yellow Uniform, a Mask that covers only her Face, and stops at her Ears, the Outlines Yellow and the inside Black and Red, the Uniform is almost Purely Yellow with a Red Sun in the center. Regular 16 year old Female Build Story: Im just lazy. Weakness: Ice
I see I may only have up to 3 SH's, does that mean at one time or Forever? cause Forever is a bad idea.
Also, I am Making a Female char, even though I am Male, but the name goes good for females ((In my Opinion)) And just because I can.
OOC: No idea what this means.
IGN: RabbitsFoot99 Age:14
Time you can dedicate: I'm a really lonely teenager with a computer and empty summer a lot.
Why us?: Because I have played plenty of role play servers in the past, and I feel like trying again and joining this server. And because I'm a huge fallout fan.
Define Role-Playing in your words: Escaping the reality of the real world and starting a whole new life, where you can be a crazy scientist or a brave knight.
Define Meta-gaming in your words: Using outside knowledge to your advantage.
Define Power-gaming in your words: Assuming ability to do anything, such as cutting someone's throat or punching someone. (I attempt to punch you in the face, not I punch you in the face.)
Did you join our website?: I'll be honest here, no.
Name: Alphonse
Nickname: Al
Age: 13
Gender: Male
Appearance: A timid face with bright blue eyes, carefully taken care of hair and young.
Personality: A scared, complicated boy who's been taken care of all his life and being alone and self-preserving is new to him.
In-game RP example: Alphonse stood over the mole rat, knife in hand and frowning. The rat stared up into his eyes, clenching its teeth and rolling around. Alphonse had trapped it, and its pathetic little self was tied up and could easily be dead right now... but he couldn't do it. He knew he had to do it to survive, that killing is the circle of life and that without food the human body could not keep going and that he should really just do it and he knew that he was just stalling but he just couldn't, couldn't, just couldn't, and he cried because he was so stupid and pathetic and because the mole rat had gotten away. "I'm such a crybaby.." he sobbed, getting on his knees and staring into the sky. "I wish I could just sprout wings and fly, not having to worry about not having to eat and work." He paused, staring at the bloodless knife in his hands and his face hardened. "No, that's not it. I wish I was braver." (Wait, that's not dialogue, that monologue. Sorry.)
Background: I was born into the world in the wastelands, with a mom, dad, and family. I was born 4 years apart from his older brother, and he kind of bullied me, but it was okay because were happy and together. But mom and dad didn't make it, died from fever and it was just me and my brother. We still made by, with me begging and him hunting. For awhile I was mad, because we used eat better food like old potato chips and Mac & Cheese, but now we were eating rats but I got used to the rat and it started tasting less like crap and more edible. And, again, we were happy. But then my brother came at me in the middle of the night and told me that we had to leave, he was in trouble and we couldn't stay here anymore. I didn't want to leave, but I knew better than to argue with my brother and he took my hand and we ran away. We survived in the wastelands but it was even worse than before, and now we were eating plants from the corner of some house with 3 walls instead of meat. My brother started leaving me for long times, and I was lonely but one day he came back with Mac & Cheese! I ate it, ate it all up and not a single bit lay on the plate then I apologized, even though I really didn't mean it because I was angry that he had left for longer than usual. A week later he came back again and it was raining, he took my hand and we had to run for some reason, and I don't really remember what happened after that but I remember a gunshot, someone yelling about caps and thievery, and him falling to the floor, his last words "Run." And me running, running so far and now me sitting here on the floor, crying and talking to myself.
Powers up Vault Boy 3000
I haven't checked to see if this Char was accepted, but if he is and Max meets him, it will be great.
Thanks for checking on my application, one thing though. I'm not sure if I should change the rp-example,cause a whitelister earlier said that he liked it, but told me to make changes, of which I did. I just want to know if I have/should change the example, I do get the rest though, I have been told about those a lot and I have made changes, but apparently not enough... again, thank you for checking out the application!!!
I'm cool with it. Its a filter for serious RP'ers i bet this set of servers rarely gets griefed
Im hoping i have all the needed elements, took me more than a few hours to finish.
How many attempts did it take you?
I didn't get on SoOf... Never even heard of it untill after I joined Akavir, 3 Attempts to make Jod, my first char on Akavir, and here so far its like... 4... 5??? Dunno, still attempting.
Hopefully.((it wasn't.... ))
if I can... I would like PHD to Review this... but I'm fine with anyone doing that... your choice.
IGN: Zachzman
Age: 12
Time you can dedicate: Well... Akavir is closing... so any time I can.
Why us?: I love Akavir, This will hopefully due for it.
Define Role-Playing in your words: my Faveorite form of entertainment, and a good waste of half my life. I'm just tired... Ok... Time for a real one. Role-playing refers to the changing of one's behaviour to assume a role, either unconsciously to fill a social role, or consciously to act out an adopted role. Happy!? I HAD TO THINK FOR THIS. MY HEAD HURTS. Define Meta-gaming in your words: Giving a character information they are not supposed to be aware of. as in... Player a Knows about team c's base, of which is hidden icly, but Player A Doesn't know ic'ly, but he still uses the OOC knowlege IC.
Define Power-gaming in your words: Forcing a character/group to force a move, I.E. *Thrandul Stabs Bill in the Head, Killing him.* Instead go for *Thrandul Attempts to Stab At Bill's Head, going for a kill.*
Did you join our website? I think you know this... Yes.
Name: Max
Nickname: NaN
Age: 19
Gender: Male
Appearance: Blonde messy Hair, Blue large Eyes, Small build, and is thin, tanned skin, His Eyes have easily Visable Bloodshot around the edges, and his hair is always a mess, along with a hand-shaped print on the left side of his hair. He wears a pre-war white tee-shirt, that is very dusty, it has a lightning bolt on a black background on it, along with a dark green coat and Jeans. Black Shoes. His arms are thin and his legs are as well, but he has a fit-looking chest.
Personality: Shy. Insane and Not Trusting, he thinks he has voices inside his mind, and He is hard to fool, as he tries to keep to only what he and his voices say. he has a habit of saying things in a strange way.
In-game RP example:
Background: Max was born in Vault 100 And Grown up Quite Typically, Caring Parents, In his early life he was picked on by almost everybody and had almost no friends. So he joined the security force feeling that he could get people to stop picking on him if he was part of the security. he never had much strength, so he was still picked on, and wasn't respected by many. he was taught how to wield a pistol, and he was not great, but he did good. he also began to learn to use Blunt Weaponry, but never became great at it, as well. But he kept his weak heart, and because he did, he soon quit the security force, as he couldn't hold the guilt of hurting the people he knew, hated or loved, it didn't matter. The power went out, after the opening. he left the Vault after awhile of it's opening. it opened for reasons unknown to Max, his parents left the vault after it opened, Because of the Power Outage, and the reason he didn't go with them was that he wanted to stay behind and get what he can from there, only to stay for about a month, alone, and during this time he grew insanity. Soon after leaving the vault, Max discovered from some people in nearby camps, and such groups, that his parents went to the Capital Wastelands, Max was not Devastated nor Upset, in fact he somewhat expected this out of them, but it wasn't /"He"/ who expected this, it was the voices of which controlled him and many of his movements and choices. he tried to avoid people, never stayed in places for long, and didn't meet many people other than a lot of Bandits. Many weeks after leaving he found a pistol and some ammo, and brought it with him everywhere, sometimes doing target practice on rocks.
eventually he left the Region due to fear that bandits and raiders were chasing him, and
soon got away from that area. about a year later he turned 19 and lost his gun. Luckily he had a good hiding spot in California, of which he heard from passing Travelers, and his insanity told him their is a power their, and many riches. The only food he gets is stolen from travelers or scavenged, but since he tries to stay away from people he doesn't get much, and has barely enough to keep a sustained fullness. He was able to fend for himself, though continued to Avoid people unless he had a weapon, and if he hurt someone he felt guilty for a day or two afterwards. He scavenges the land, avoiding all he can, those who do meet him either think he is insane, friendly, or an enemy, and he thinks the three about other people as well, but he usually thinks they are enemies. He Keeps to himself, and that is what he is told keeps him alive, he fights the voices, but It's a Lost war..
Because, Whatever-that-Whitelisters-name-is-because-I-Forget, asked me too, and I'm just to lazy to go into my Backstory and Find it, Ima just take the long way, and describe my Training in another section. Training (Backstory Expansion) : After Max Joined the Security Force, his superiors saw it fit that he was given training to wield the weapons he was provided, he was trained in how to use and shoot a pistol greatly, but he never got to great at it, though being a somewhat natural, but he lost most of that skill after the voices kicked in, though his Bashing And Melee -which he self trained with the Baton- did increase slightly, due to insanity, though since it was 3 years since he ever used either one of his security tools, and about a year since he broke the scavenged pistol, he has gone quite Rusty, and won't be anything great for a while.
*As Max is Scavenging a dead body, he finds a small machine on the mans wrist, and he begins to power up the Vault-boy 3000. "What...?"*
Btw, The Last Line with the Vault boy is NIRP, or Voided, or whatever, Just the rule thing. I CAME UP WITH IT. I AM CLEVER.
Oh, Image, if you see this I want you to send me the White and Black striped Tiger Skin Again, Sorry to Bother you, I just need it for my next char on Akavir. Thanks in Advance and if you can make it look female this time, if you don't want to, then just send me the plain skin and I'll do what I can. Thanks!
Ok, Made my (Hopefully)Final Edits, and such. here it is!
IGN: Zachzman
Age: 12
Time you can dedicate: Well... Akavir is closing... so any time I can.
Why us?: I love Akavir, This will hopefully due for it.
Define Role-Playing in your words: my Faveorite form of entertainment, and a good waste of half my life. I'm just tired... Ok... Time for a real one. Role-playing refers to the changing of one's behaviour to assume a role, either unconsciously to fill a social role, or consciously to act out an adopted role. Happy!? I HAD TO THINK FOR THIS. MY HEAD HURTS. Define Meta-gaming in your words: Giving a character information they are not supposed to be aware of. as in... Player a Knows about team c's base, of which is hidden icly, but Player A Doesn't know ic'ly, but he still uses the OOC knowlege IC.
Define Power-gaming in your words: Forcing a character/group to force a move, I.E. *Thrandul Stabs Bill in the Head, Killing him.* Instead go for *Thrandul Attempts to Stab At Bill's Head, going for a kill.*
Did you join our website? I think you know this... Yus.
Name: Max
Nickname: NaN
Age: 19
Gender: Male
Appearance: Blonde Hair, Blue Eyes, small scar on left cheek from the time he was a security-dude. Small build, and is thin, tanned skin, large eyes, that are hard not to feel sorry for at times.
Personality: Nice, and Shy. Somewhat Mad, (as in crazy) and Not Trusting, he is very Gullible, bu he has to know you, before he has a hint of trust. he thinks he has voices inside his mind, and keeps this from anyone he knows. he wears a pre-war white tee-shirt, that is very dusty, it has a lightning bolt on a black background on it, along with a dark green coat and Jeans. Black Shoes.
In-game RP example: As I Run through the Desert, heading to California, my Paranoid mind telling me that's where I will be safe, I am trapped to what it tells me, all I do is what it says... my mind is always in command, I never am... I continue to run through the Desert, when I walk into a Valley, and hear a beeping sound, I jump back, and fall over, an explosion appearing in front of my face, a mine, a trap. I grab my gun, only a few shots left until I have to find more ammo, I examine the tops of the valley, and aim, getting up as I do. after a few minutes of examining and nothing happening, I begin to walk forward again, minding my step this time, expecting more of them, telling myself the people of who this could be, my mind wondering again, it's control to strong, I look back up, under it's control, watching behind me on top of the valley, not minding my step, my true thoughts can't make it through. The Voices Telling me to do what my mind wants, not what I want, to escape to California, Riches and Power, it tells me, That's what I'll Find. I don't want to listen to them, but I have to, my mind controls my body, not my soul or wants. I continue on through the valley, no mines going off nor any bandits appearing, most likely a forgotten trap.
Background: Max was born in Vault 100 And Grown up Quite Typically, Caring Parents, nothing noticeable, not poor nor rich, but Other than until he became part of the security force, and learning to wield a pistol and Blunt Weapon, he was normal. but he soon quit the security forces, as he couldn't hold the guilt of hurting the people he knew. A few years later he left the Vault after it was opened, reasons unknown to Max, he explored, his parents left the vault after it opened, and the reason he didn't go with them was that he wanted to stay behind and get what he can from their, soon after leaving, he discovered by some people in nearby camps, and such groups, that they left, to a location and direction unkown to them, Max was not Devastated or Upset, in fact he somewhat expected this out of them, and in the time he was in the vault, he developed insanity and voices in his head, of which controlled him and many of his movements and choices. he tried to avoid people, He never stayed in places for long, and didn't meet many people other than alot of Bandits. Many weeks after leaving he found a pistol and some ammo, and brought it with him everywhere, sometimes doing target practice on rocks.
eventually he left the Region due to fear that bandits and raiders were chasing him, and
soon got away from that area. about a year later he turned 19 and lost his gun, luckily he had a good hiding spot in California, of which he heard from passing Travelers, and his insanity told him their is a power their, and many riches. The only food he gets is stolen from travelers or scavenged, but since he tries to stay away from people he doesn't get much, and has barely enough to keep a sustained fullness. He was able to fend for himself, though continued to Avoid people unless he had a weapon, and if he hurt someone he felt guilty for a day or two afterwards. He scavenges the land, avoiding all he can, those who do meet him either think he is insane, friendly, or an enemy, and he thinks the three about other people as well, but he usually thinks they are enemies. ((That is all I got, Again, Bad Backstory Maker. or Ender.... Whatever.))
*Powers up Vault-Boy 3000* To be Fair, I named Vault 100 because it's the only one with no known information 100% and was finished... I looked it up here Hope it helps.
IGN: Zachzman
Age: 12
Time you can dedicate: Well... Akavir is closing... so any time I can.
Why us?: I love Akavir, This will hopefully due for it.
Define Role-Playing in your words: my Faveorite form of entertainment, and a good waste of half my life. I'm just tired... Ok... Time for a real one. Role-playing refers to the changing of one's behaviour to assume a role, either unconsciously to fill a social role, or consciously to act out an adopted role. Happy!? I HAD TO THINK FOR THIS. MY HEAD HURTS. Define Meta-gaming in your words: Giving a character information they are not supposed to be aware of. as in... Player a Knows about team c's base, of which is hidden icly, but Player A Doesn't know ic'ly, but he still uses the OOC knowlege IC.
Define Power-gaming in your words: Forcing a character/group to force a move, I.E. *Thrandul Stabs Bill in the Head, Killing him.* Instead go for *Thrandul Attempts to Stab At Bill's Head, going for a kill.*
Did you join our website? I think you know this... Yus.
Name: Max
Nickname: NaN
Age: 19
Gender: Male
Appearance: Blonde Hair, Blue Eyes, small scar on left cheek from the time he was a security-dude. Small build, and is thin, tanned skin, large eyes, that are hard not to feel sorry for at times.
Personality: Nice, and Shy. Somewhat Mad, (as in crazy) and Not Trusting, he is very Gullible, bu he has to know you, before he has a hint of trust. he thinks he has voices inside his mind, and keeps this from anyone he knows. he wears a pre-war white tee-shirt, that is very dusty, it has a lightning bolt on a black background on it, along with a dark green coat and Jeans. Black Shoes.
In-game RP example: As I Run through the Desert, heading to California, my Paranoid mind telling me that's where I will be safe, I am trapped to what it tells me, all I do is what it says... my mind is always in command, I never am... I continue to run through the Desert, when I walk into a Valley, and hear a beeping sound, I jump back, and fall over, an explosion appearing in front of my face, a mine, a trap. I grab my gun, only a few shots left until I have to find more ammo, I examine the tops of the valley, and aim, getting up as I do. after a few minutes of examining and nothing happening, I begin to walk forward again, minding my step this time, expecting more of them, telling myself the people of who this could be, my mind wondering again, it's control to strong, I look back up, under it's control, watching behind me on top of the valley, not minding my step, my true thoughts can't make it through. The Voices Telling me to do what my mind wants, not what I want, to escape to California, Riches and Power, it tells me, That's what I'll Find. I don't want to listen to them, but I have to, my mind controls my body, not my soul or wants. I continue on through the valley, no mines going off nor any bandits appearing, most likely a forgotten trap.
Background: Max was born in Vault 100 And Grown up Quite Typically, Caring Parents, nothing noticeable, not poor nor rich, but Other than until he became part of the security force, and learning to wield a pistol and Blunt Weapon, he was normal. but he soon quit the security forces, as he couldn't hold the guilt of hurting the people he knew. A few years later he left the Vault after it was opened, reasons unknown to Max, he explored, his parents left the vault after it opened, and the reason he didn't go with them was that he wanted to stay behind and get what he can from their, soon after leaving, he discovered by some people in nearby camps, and such groups, that they left, to a location and direction unkown to them, Max was not Devastated or Upset, in fact he somewhat expected this out of them, and in the time he was in the vault, he developed insanity and voices in his head, of which controlled him and many of his movements and choices. he tried to avoid people, He never stayed in places for long, and didn't meet many people other than alot of Bandits. Many weeks after leaving he found a pistol and some ammo, and brought it with him everywhere, sometimes doing target practice on rocks.
eventually he left the Region due to fear that bandits and raiders were chasing him, and
soon got away from that area. about a year later he turned 19 and lost his gun, luckily he had a good hiding spot in California, of which he heard from passing Travelers, and his insanity told him their is a power their, and many riches. The only food he gets is stolen from travelers or scavenged, but since he tries to stay away from people he doesn't get much, and has barely enough to keep a sustained fullness. He was able to fend for himself, though continued to Avoid people unless he had a weapon, and if he hurt someone he felt guilty for a day or two afterwards. He scavenges the land, avoiding all he can, those who do meet him either think he is insane, friendly, or an enemy, and he thinks the three about other people as well, but he usually thinks they are enemies. ((That is all I got, Again, Bad Backstory Maker. or Ender.... Whatever.))
Age. I just thought I would mention this, though age is not a requirement, Fallout involves lots of violence, language and gore which some may consider inappropriate. If you do not care then continue on with applying, I just figured this was worth stating.
I have played many Fallout Games, and I can sustain it all, Heck, one of my favorite Features of Fallout and Early CoD Games was the Fact you can blow off and up limbs. And besides, I can't control my age, I hate how people Steryotype me because I am 12. *Looks to Lurkbait* I'm talkin' bout' you.
Age: 16
Powers: Energy Blasts (Color Yellow). Flight. Is able to make Flares, as bright as the sun, and can resist this, so It isn't Counter Productive. can make flames, but nothing big there.
Side: Vigilante, Wanted by good and Fights all.
Appearance: Long Flowing Blonde Hair, Normal Caucasian Skin and a Bright Yellow Uniform, a Mask that covers only her Face, and stops at her Ears, the Outlines Yellow and the inside Black and Red, the Uniform is almost Purely Yellow with a Red Sun in the center. Regular 16 year old Female Build
Story: Im just lazy.
Weakness: Ice
I see I may only have up to 3 SH's, does that mean at one time or Forever? cause Forever is a bad idea.
Also, I am Making a Female char, even though I am Male, but the name goes good for females ((In my Opinion)) And just because I can.
I haven't checked to see if this Char was accepted, but if he is and Max meets him, it will be great.
Not sure. But still, just throwing it out there...
On vacation, btw and can't re-post 'till later tonight when I get home. Bai for now!
I am as left out of it as you are, and then some. :'(
I didn't get on SoOf... Never even heard of it untill after I joined Akavir, 3 Attempts to make Jod, my first char on Akavir, and here so far its like... 4... 5??? Dunno, still attempting.
Tough is an understatement. :/
Hopefully.((it wasn't....
if I can... I would like PHD to Review this... but I'm fine with anyone doing that... your choice.
IGN: Zachzman
Age: 12
Time you can dedicate: Well... Akavir is closing... so any time I can.
Why us?: I love Akavir, This will hopefully due for it.
Define Role-Playing in your words:
my Faveorite form of entertainment, and a good waste of half my life. I'm just tired...
Ok... Time for a real one.
Role-playing refers to the changing of one's behaviour to assume a role, either unconsciously to fill a social role, or consciously to act out an adopted role.
Define Meta-gaming in your words: Giving a character information they are not supposed to be aware of. as in... Player a Knows about team c's base, of which is hidden icly, but Player A Doesn't know ic'ly, but he still uses the OOC knowlege IC.
Define Power-gaming in your words: Forcing a character/group to force a move, I.E. *Thrandul Stabs Bill in the Head, Killing him.* Instead go for *Thrandul Attempts to Stab At Bill's Head, going for a kill.*
Did you join our website? I think you know this... Yes.
Name: Max
Nickname: NaN
Age: 19
Gender: Male
Appearance: Blonde messy Hair, Blue large Eyes, Small build, and is thin, tanned skin, His Eyes have easily Visable Bloodshot around the edges, and his hair is always a mess, along with a hand-shaped print on the left side of his hair. He wears a pre-war white tee-shirt, that is very dusty, it has a lightning bolt on a black background on it, along with a dark green coat and Jeans. Black Shoes. His arms are thin and his legs are as well, but he has a fit-looking chest.
Personality: Shy. Insane and Not Trusting, he thinks he has voices inside his mind, and He is hard to fool, as he tries to keep to only what he and his voices say. he has a habit of saying things in a strange way.
In-game RP example:
Background: Max was born in Vault 100 And Grown up Quite Typically, Caring Parents, In his early life he was picked on by almost everybody and had almost no friends. So he joined the security force feeling that he could get people to stop picking on him if he was part of the security. he never had much strength, so he was still picked on, and wasn't respected by many. he was taught how to wield a pistol, and he was not great, but he did good. he also began to learn to use Blunt Weaponry, but never became great at it, as well. But he kept his weak heart, and because he did, he soon quit the security force, as he couldn't hold the guilt of hurting the people he knew, hated or loved, it didn't matter. The power went out, after the opening. he left the Vault after awhile of it's opening. it opened for reasons unknown to Max, his parents left the vault after it opened, Because of the Power Outage, and the reason he didn't go with them was that he wanted to stay behind and get what he can from there, only to stay for about a month, alone, and during this time he grew insanity. Soon after leaving the vault, Max discovered from some people in nearby camps, and such groups, that his parents went to the Capital Wastelands, Max was not Devastated nor Upset, in fact he somewhat expected this out of them, but it wasn't /"He"/ who expected this, it was the voices of which controlled him and many of his movements and choices. he tried to avoid people, never stayed in places for long, and didn't meet many people other than a lot of Bandits. Many weeks after leaving he found a pistol and some ammo, and brought it with him everywhere, sometimes doing target practice on rocks.
Because, Whatever-that-Whitelisters-name-is-because-I-Forget, asked me too, and I'm just to lazy to go into my Backstory and Find it, Ima just take the long way, and describe my Training in another section.
Training (Backstory Expansion) : After Max Joined the Security Force, his superiors saw it fit that he was given training to wield the weapons he was provided, he was trained in how to use and shoot a pistol greatly, but he never got to great at it, though being a somewhat natural, but he lost most of that skill after the voices kicked in, though his Bashing And Melee -which he self trained with the Baton- did increase slightly, due to insanity, though since it was 3 years since he ever used either one of his security tools, and about a year since he broke the scavenged pistol, he has gone quite Rusty, and won't be anything great for a while.
*As Max is Scavenging a dead body, he finds a small machine on the mans wrist, and he begins to power up the Vault-boy 3000. "What...?"*
Btw, The Last Line with the Vault boy is NIRP, or Voided, or whatever, Just the rule thing. I CAME UP WITH IT. I AM CLEVER.
I am as smart as Caboose.
IGN: Zachzman
Age: 12
Time you can dedicate: Well... Akavir is closing... so any time I can.
Why us?: I love Akavir, This will hopefully due for it.
Define Role-Playing in your words:
my Faveorite form of entertainment, and a good waste of half my life. I'm just tired...
Ok... Time for a real one.
Role-playing refers to the changing of one's behaviour to assume a role, either unconsciously to fill a social role, or consciously to act out an adopted role.
Define Meta-gaming in your words: Giving a character information they are not supposed to be aware of. as in... Player a Knows about team c's base, of which is hidden icly, but Player A Doesn't know ic'ly, but he still uses the OOC knowlege IC.
Define Power-gaming in your words: Forcing a character/group to force a move, I.E. *Thrandul Stabs Bill in the Head, Killing him.* Instead go for *Thrandul Attempts to Stab At Bill's Head, going for a kill.*
Did you join our website? I think you know this... Yus.
Name: Max
Nickname: NaN
Age: 19
Gender: Male
Appearance: Blonde Hair, Blue Eyes, small scar on left cheek from the time he was a security-dude. Small build, and is thin, tanned skin, large eyes, that are hard not to feel sorry for at times.
Personality: Nice, and Shy. Somewhat Mad, (as in crazy) and Not Trusting, he is very Gullible, bu he has to know you, before he has a hint of trust. he thinks he has voices inside his mind, and keeps this from anyone he knows. he wears a pre-war white tee-shirt, that is very dusty, it has a lightning bolt on a black background on it, along with a dark green coat and Jeans. Black Shoes.
In-game RP example: As I Run through the Desert, heading to California, my Paranoid mind telling me that's where I will be safe, I am trapped to what it tells me, all I do is what it says... my mind is always in command, I never am... I continue to run through the Desert, when I walk into a Valley, and hear a beeping sound, I jump back, and fall over, an explosion appearing in front of my face, a mine, a trap. I grab my gun, only a few shots left until I have to find more ammo, I examine the tops of the valley, and aim, getting up as I do. after a few minutes of examining and nothing happening, I begin to walk forward again, minding my step this time, expecting more of them, telling myself the people of who this could be, my mind wondering again, it's control to strong, I look back up, under it's control, watching behind me on top of the valley, not minding my step, my true thoughts can't make it through. The Voices Telling me to do what my mind wants, not what I want, to escape to California, Riches and Power, it tells me, That's what I'll Find. I don't want to listen to them, but I have to, my mind controls my body, not my soul or wants. I continue on through the valley, no mines going off nor any bandits appearing, most likely a forgotten trap.
Background: Max was born in Vault 100 And Grown up Quite Typically, Caring Parents, nothing noticeable, not poor nor rich, but Other than until he became part of the security force, and learning to wield a pistol and Blunt Weapon, he was normal. but he soon quit the security forces, as he couldn't hold the guilt of hurting the people he knew. A few years later he left the Vault after it was opened, reasons unknown to Max, he explored, his parents left the vault after it opened, and the reason he didn't go with them was that he wanted to stay behind and get what he can from their, soon after leaving, he discovered by some people in nearby camps, and such groups, that they left, to a location and direction unkown to them, Max was not Devastated or Upset, in fact he somewhat expected this out of them, and in the time he was in the vault, he developed insanity and voices in his head, of which controlled him and many of his movements and choices. he tried to avoid people, He never stayed in places for long, and didn't meet many people other than alot of Bandits. Many weeks after leaving he found a pistol and some ammo, and brought it with him everywhere, sometimes doing target practice on rocks.
*Powers up Vault-Boy 3000* To be Fair, I named Vault 100 because it's the only one with no known information 100% and was finished... I looked it up here Hope it helps.
IGN: Zachzman
Age: 12
Time you can dedicate: Well... Akavir is closing... so any time I can.
Why us?: I love Akavir, This will hopefully due for it.
Define Role-Playing in your words:
my Faveorite form of entertainment, and a good waste of half my life. I'm just tired...
Ok... Time for a real one.
Role-playing refers to the changing of one's behaviour to assume a role, either unconsciously to fill a social role, or consciously to act out an adopted role.
Define Meta-gaming in your words: Giving a character information they are not supposed to be aware of. as in... Player a Knows about team c's base, of which is hidden icly, but Player A Doesn't know ic'ly, but he still uses the OOC knowlege IC.
Define Power-gaming in your words: Forcing a character/group to force a move, I.E. *Thrandul Stabs Bill in the Head, Killing him.* Instead go for *Thrandul Attempts to Stab At Bill's Head, going for a kill.*
Did you join our website? I think you know this... Yus.
Name: Max
Nickname: NaN
Age: 19
Gender: Male
Appearance: Blonde Hair, Blue Eyes, small scar on left cheek from the time he was a security-dude. Small build, and is thin, tanned skin, large eyes, that are hard not to feel sorry for at times.
Personality: Nice, and Shy. Somewhat Mad, (as in crazy) and Not Trusting, he is very Gullible, bu he has to know you, before he has a hint of trust. he thinks he has voices inside his mind, and keeps this from anyone he knows. he wears a pre-war white tee-shirt, that is very dusty, it has a lightning bolt on a black background on it, along with a dark green coat and Jeans. Black Shoes.
In-game RP example: As I Run through the Desert, heading to California, my Paranoid mind telling me that's where I will be safe, I am trapped to what it tells me, all I do is what it says... my mind is always in command, I never am... I continue to run through the Desert, when I walk into a Valley, and hear a beeping sound, I jump back, and fall over, an explosion appearing in front of my face, a mine, a trap. I grab my gun, only a few shots left until I have to find more ammo, I examine the tops of the valley, and aim, getting up as I do. after a few minutes of examining and nothing happening, I begin to walk forward again, minding my step this time, expecting more of them, telling myself the people of who this could be, my mind wondering again, it's control to strong, I look back up, under it's control, watching behind me on top of the valley, not minding my step, my true thoughts can't make it through. The Voices Telling me to do what my mind wants, not what I want, to escape to California, Riches and Power, it tells me, That's what I'll Find. I don't want to listen to them, but I have to, my mind controls my body, not my soul or wants. I continue on through the valley, no mines going off nor any bandits appearing, most likely a forgotten trap.
Background: Max was born in Vault 100 And Grown up Quite Typically, Caring Parents, nothing noticeable, not poor nor rich, but Other than until he became part of the security force, and learning to wield a pistol and Blunt Weapon, he was normal. but he soon quit the security forces, as he couldn't hold the guilt of hurting the people he knew. A few years later he left the Vault after it was opened, reasons unknown to Max, he explored, his parents left the vault after it opened, and the reason he didn't go with them was that he wanted to stay behind and get what he can from their, soon after leaving, he discovered by some people in nearby camps, and such groups, that they left, to a location and direction unkown to them, Max was not Devastated or Upset, in fact he somewhat expected this out of them, and in the time he was in the vault, he developed insanity and voices in his head, of which controlled him and many of his movements and choices. he tried to avoid people, He never stayed in places for long, and didn't meet many people other than alot of Bandits. Many weeks after leaving he found a pistol and some ammo, and brought it with him everywhere, sometimes doing target practice on rocks.
*Powers up Vault-Boy 3000*
That good?
I do hope it is ._.
I have played many Fallout Games, and I can sustain it all, Heck, one of my favorite Features of Fallout and Early CoD Games was the Fact you can blow off and up limbs. And besides, I can't control my age, I hate how people Steryotype me because I am 12. *Looks to Lurkbait* I'm talkin' bout' you.