*Starbright Charges energy in both hands, large lights coming from both of them, she begins to float a few inches off the ground and her hair begins to float and flap* "No more Ms. Nicey."
*Starbright uses her other hand to Fire a flare into Psyko's eyes, Back flipping back to the other hero, Charging a large amount of yellow energy in her other palm* "You're going to pay for that!"
*Starbright looks to th the bodies, and then shakes her head to get the picture out of her head* "Some art fad I haven't heard of yet?" *Trying to make a joke of some kind.*
((Just going to say this here and now. I'm scared...))
*Starbright goes to land about 33 yards away from the two, shooting a small flare behind herself, and making a pose.* "You Called?" *she says in a sarcastic tone*
((First post of the time for me! :D)) ((also, I am on Vacation, so I will be slow, specialy cause I have to use a mobile phone... one last thing, I want to add that StarBright is very cocky. As in... sure of herself. And stuff like that. ))
*Starbright flies through the air of the city, searching for trouble... or just something to do...* -Blah... nothing... OHHHH! A purch snatching! nah... that's always been boring...- *Star thinks to herself as she flies, searching the city.* "Huh?" *Starbright sees the Bank and decides to fly a little bit closer to check the area out.*
*Starbright uses her other hand to Fire a flare into Psyko's eyes, Back flipping back to the other hero, Charging a large amount of yellow energy in her other palm* "You're going to pay for that!"
*Starbright goes to land about 33 yards away from the two, shooting a small flare behind herself, and making a pose.* "You Called?" *she says in a sarcastic tone*
*Starbright flies through the air of the city, searching for trouble... or just something to do...* -Blah... nothing... OHHHH! A purch snatching! nah... that's always been boring...- *Star thinks to herself as she flies, searching the city.* "Huh?" *Starbright sees the Bank and decides to fly a little bit closer to check the area out.*