I pick up the pikachu and give him a hug, walking over and sitting at the table with him In my lap, and drinking the coke. "Well... I am not really sure how I got these powers. I woke up one day a year or 2 ago, and boom, I'm flying all over the places and shooting lasers out of my hands." This was... Mostly true. It took me a while to figure out how to fly and I only started out hovering and making small lights. But it's close enough. -AWWWW THIS YELLOW GUY IS SO CUTE!-
((It's ok, and... Bye Om nom :())
"Coke, please." I feel like I'm forgetting something. And a long pause takes place. "Oh! No ice please!" I'm still new to that one. I Start to pinch Pikachu's cute little cheeks. "Why are you so grumpy little guy?" I have one of those little 'talking to a cute baby playfully' voices... Couldn't stand it.
Name of government: The Faen ((An ancient Fae word meaning Being of Fae or Like or as of the Fae ))
Species: Fae ((A large humanoid with great strength, and sharp claw like objects on 3 of 6 fingers, to clear that up they have three fingers and re-tractable claws on 3 of those, so... 12 fingers, 6 claws.... Anyways, they have 4 legs, with 3 toes, 2 on the front, 1 on the back, with claws on each toe, not retractable. They are usually a pure white color with lizard like eyes, but with human-ish pupils, and have either Red or Green irises, depending on their skills, or personality. They do not have hair, but small furs, where a human's hair would be. Their head goes straight into their torso, giving them no neck, and a more growls and deep voice, along with this they speak an ancient language, that was created by the Fae themselves. The Fae are dangerous, and are skilled in hand-to-hand fighting, or with a blade of sorts. The two major jobs are warrior, or trader. Never trust a Fae... Am I over doing this?))
Description of government: A Warlord lead Despotism, strength and power is the only way to become noticed, other than intelligance and riches, which is hard to come by around here... The riches part at least.... The strongest, or the best, is leader.
History: **a holographic screen pops up in a dark room** This is a Broadcast from your Faen Capital! **A dubbed Faenish voice in English plays, with the hologram showing a picture of the Faen capital's crest ((A large blade Infront of Two Spaceships))** This is protocol 206A, the one where we broadcast our entire history! **The Fae sounds happy about this... The person to find this would most likely be bored already, as they hated history classes of their own species** ((going to talk normally, but turn it into some weirdo broadcaster guy's way of saying it.))
The Fae started out as a parasite, when infected with this parasite, you would die unless it was removed within 3 days. This stage of life brought on the need for bloodshed and war. Through this, they killed off all other sentient soecies on their planet, and left only a few for food. They soon evolved into a much smaller and primal-er form of the Fae, this form was known as "Hul" the Faen word for Ancient Selves. The so called 'Hul' are less parasitic, and more vampiric, then their parasite brethren. Nothing muh happened during the time of the Hul, other than the evolution to the Fae, the warlike people of Harreeth, the home of the Fae. The Fae kept only three things from their ancient brethren, that is their need for killing, the fangs, and the claws. The Fae were once feared many years ago by the ancient space races, but the Fae mysteriously disappeared from all space knowledge. Only recently have they shown up again, just as strange as their leaving. They still live on Harreeth, the Barren Frozen Wasteland the Fae call home. Most races now haven't heard of the Fae, but those of which who have knowledge from, or of, ancient space, know of their early might. Now, they are but a shadow of their old selves. ((Back to IC Reporter dude!)) **The scout would be bored out of his mind.** Thank you for viewing! And good bye! Forever. -Protocol = EN 862 = Activated- **A spear shoots out from behind the scout, torso hieghth, his attempt to move out of the way fails, and the spear goes throu his stomach, killing him on spot** This is what intruders get. **The picture turns into the leader of the Faen, then blinks, and is gone.**
I sigh, this is very confusing. I walk over to Pikachu, and start to make a ruffled, petting like motion on His head with my hand. "Aren't you a cutie pie."
-Pika-- ah whatever.- "ok..." I land, and knock on the door, like Jake said. "So... There is more than one game in the real world? Or is pikachu just an exception?"((Maybe her phone-number too. :P))
"Kay then. Fair enough, lets get going quicker." I put my palms out again and start to charge energy, this usually helps me go a little faster. "Again, Hold on tight"
I put my index finger up to my chin and think. "Uh... No offense but I never played Portal... Or any sequels... So... I have no idea about anything of this other than orange and blue circles." I shrug... Sorta, and I look at him, a little awkwardly.((Left index finger, b t dubs))
Name of government: The Faen ((An ancient Fae word meaning Being of Fae or Like or as of the Fae ))
Species: Fae ((A large humanoid with great strength, and sharp claw like objects on 3 of 6 fingers, to clear that up they have three fingers and re-tractable claws on 3 of those, so... 12 fingers, 6 claws.... Anyways, they have 4 legs, with 3 toes, 2 on the front, 1 on the back, with claws on each toe, not retractable. They are usually a pure white color with lizard like eyes, but with human-ish pupils, and have either Red or Green irises, depending on their skills, or personality. They do not have hair, but small furs, where a human's hair would be. Their head goes straight into their torso, giving them no neck, and a more growls and deep voice, along with this they speak an ancient language, that was created by the Fae themselves. The Fae are dangerous, and are skilled in hand-to-hand fighting, or with a blade of sorts. The two major jobs are warrior, or trader. Never trust a Fae... Am I over doing this?))
Description of government: A Warlord lead Despotism, strength and power is the only way to become noticed, other than intelligance and riches, which is hard to come by around here... The riches part at least.... The strongest, or the best, is leader.
History: **a holographic screen pops up in a dark room** This is a Broadcast from your Faen Capital! **A dubbed Faenish voice in English plays, with the hologram showing a picture of the Faen capital's crest ((A large blade Infront of Two Spaceships))** This is protocol 206A, the one where we broadcast our entire history! **The Fae sounds happy about this... The person to find this would most likely be bored already, as they hated history classes of their own species** ((going to talk normally, but turn it into some weirdo broadcaster guy's way of saying it.)) W.I.P FOR NOW
I accidentally go... A little bazaar at this. "Oh my gosh! This is so awesome! I just rescued a robot!" I don't notice that by doing this I make wavy motions in my flight. Oops. "Wwwwwwoooooooooohhhhhooooooooo!"
I look down to the crack in the earth, but it doesn't bother me enough to check it out, and I continue to speed towards Jake's house.
"What is this wire thing, anyways? Is it like.... A suit of power? Or something like that?" I ask Jake, it would be nice to finally figure this out. ((She doesn't think robot because she is a 16 year old teen girl... Practability = Nata))
"Coke, please." I feel like I'm forgetting something. And a long pause takes place. "Oh! No ice please!" I'm still new to that one. I Start to pinch Pikachu's cute little cheeks. "Why are you so grumpy little guy?" I have one of those little 'talking to a cute baby playfully' voices... Couldn't stand it.
Species: Fae ((A large humanoid with great strength, and sharp claw like objects on 3 of 6 fingers, to clear that up they have three fingers and re-tractable claws on 3 of those, so... 12 fingers, 6 claws.... Anyways, they have 4 legs, with 3 toes, 2 on the front, 1 on the back, with claws on each toe, not retractable. They are usually a pure white color with lizard like eyes, but with human-ish pupils, and have either Red or Green irises, depending on their skills, or personality. They do not have hair, but small furs, where a human's hair would be. Their head goes straight into their torso, giving them no neck, and a more growls and deep voice, along with this they speak an ancient language, that was created by the Fae themselves. The Fae are dangerous, and are skilled in hand-to-hand fighting, or with a blade of sorts. The two major jobs are warrior, or trader. Never trust a Fae... Am I over doing this?))
Description of government: A Warlord lead Despotism, strength and power is the only way to become noticed, other than intelligance and riches, which is hard to come by around here... The riches part at least.... The strongest, or the best, is leader.
History: **a holographic screen pops up in a dark room** This is a Broadcast from your Faen Capital! **A dubbed Faenish voice in English plays, with the hologram showing a picture of the Faen capital's crest ((A large blade Infront of Two Spaceships))** This is protocol 206A, the one where we broadcast our entire history! **The Fae sounds happy about this... The person to find this would most likely be bored already, as they hated history classes of their own species** ((going to talk normally, but turn it into some weirdo broadcaster guy's way of saying it.))
The Fae started out as a parasite, when infected with this parasite, you would die unless it was removed within 3 days. This stage of life brought on the need for bloodshed and war. Through this, they killed off all other sentient soecies on their planet, and left only a few for food. They soon evolved into a much smaller and primal-er form of the Fae, this form was known as "Hul" the Faen word for Ancient Selves. The so called 'Hul' are less parasitic, and more vampiric, then their parasite brethren. Nothing muh happened during the time of the Hul, other than the evolution to the Fae, the warlike people of Harreeth, the home of the Fae. The Fae kept only three things from their ancient brethren, that is their need for killing, the fangs, and the claws. The Fae were once feared many years ago by the ancient space races, but the Fae mysteriously disappeared from all space knowledge. Only recently have they shown up again, just as strange as their leaving. They still live on Harreeth, the Barren Frozen Wasteland the Fae call home. Most races now haven't heard of the Fae, but those of which who have knowledge from, or of, ancient space, know of their early might. Now, they are but a shadow of their old selves. ((Back to IC Reporter dude!)) **The scout would be bored out of his mind.** Thank you for viewing! And good bye! Forever. -Protocol = EN 862 = Activated- **A spear shoots out from behind the scout, torso hieghth, his attempt to move out of the way fails, and the spear goes throu his stomach, killing him on spot** This is what intruders get. **The picture turns into the leader of the Faen, then blinks, and is gone.**
Well, sadly he was still on my back when all this happened... Shocks do hurt.
I place him down, and stretch my arms and back "today hasn't been my day off either... Mind if I stay a while? My house is boring."((Bed, bye bbl!))
"This the place?" I point at his home((Pass out and star will write XOXO on your face in addition to Pika's stuff :P))
Species: Fae ((A large humanoid with great strength, and sharp claw like objects on 3 of 6 fingers, to clear that up they have three fingers and re-tractable claws on 3 of those, so... 12 fingers, 6 claws.... Anyways, they have 4 legs, with 3 toes, 2 on the front, 1 on the back, with claws on each toe, not retractable. They are usually a pure white color with lizard like eyes, but with human-ish pupils, and have either Red or Green irises, depending on their skills, or personality. They do not have hair, but small furs, where a human's hair would be. Their head goes straight into their torso, giving them no neck, and a more growls and deep voice, along with this they speak an ancient language, that was created by the Fae themselves. The Fae are dangerous, and are skilled in hand-to-hand fighting, or with a blade of sorts. The two major jobs are warrior, or trader. Never trust a Fae... Am I over doing this?))
Description of government: A Warlord lead Despotism, strength and power is the only way to become noticed, other than intelligance and riches, which is hard to come by around here... The riches part at least.... The strongest, or the best, is leader.
History: **a holographic screen pops up in a dark room** This is a Broadcast from your Faen Capital! **A dubbed Faenish voice in English plays, with the hologram showing a picture of the Faen capital's crest ((A large blade Infront of Two Spaceships))** This is protocol 206A, the one where we broadcast our entire history! **The Fae sounds happy about this... The person to find this would most likely be bored already, as they hated history classes of their own species** ((going to talk normally, but turn it into some weirdo broadcaster guy's way of saying it.)) W.I.P FOR NOW
I look at him, a bit confused. "A... Robot?"
((When you next reply, you'll get a full reaction :D))
"What is this wire thing, anyways? Is it like.... A suit of power? Or something like that?" I ask Jake, it would be nice to finally figure this out. ((She doesn't think robot because she is a 16 year old teen girl... Practability = Nata))