The colonists walk out of the ships and probes. "Home." the people spread out, and start to do their own things to rebuild the city.
The army The Fae kept through the process of their 'disappearance' was about a forth of the original army, many were destroyed. About 1250 ships remain, 250 un-armed scout or colony ships.
After scanning the old world, the Fae land in a city's ruins.
I walk out of the craft, and I feel the feeling of real air once again. "Get the colony ships down here, lieutenant. We are back in busni---" a transmission on our radio? I thought we had close-range only. ..
((Accepted! And you had better defend us from the evil alternate-universe cloaked guys before they take us over, or else the AIF will send you a strongly-worded letter
Hei-Ji Ahn Len, leader of the Fae, looks down at the planet he once called home from his spacecraft. He speaks in the Fae's native language. "LT. Scan the world, make sure we Still have something to feed on. "
I jump when the core speaks. "I think you did! Oh my gosh I was so scared!""When... it puts your body in a box..." I don't understand this stuff, all I care is that he makes it out alive.
I disperse the energy, and I look at him, I frown and fall one him, giving him a short hug. "You are a good friend too. " I have tears visibly on my cheeks when I pull away. "When you are done, I want you to come right out and back to me, Jake."((Borrowing mom's phone helps out. :P))
((Back to traveling, so again RP will be slowed till tomorrow. Sorry, have fun.))"Still 30 is a lot." I say in a more silent tone, but perfectly able for him to hear.
"I'll make sure he's ok. But... Please, I don't want you to die." I look at him, as I fly behind him, if I have to take care of pikachu... How will I break the news to him... And my family, what of them? ((Gtg))
The colonists walk out of the ships and probes. "Home." the people spread out, and start to do their own things to rebuild the city.
The army The Fae kept through the process of their 'disappearance' was about a forth of the original army, many were destroyed. About 1250 ships remain, 250 un-armed scout or colony ships.
Warlord - Leader of the Nation. If in presence of a fleet, he takes command of it, the current lieutenant going to 2nd command.
Governor - richest man/woman in a system, other than the Warlord, and has domestic control, but must report everything to the warlord.
Lieutenant - leader of a ship/fleet. Takes command from governors, unless given from the warlord.
Corporal - takes command of a broadside, and if no lieutenant is present, or if the ship staff unamiolously votes to replace the lieutenant.
Private - the normal staff of the ship.
Citizen - hai.))
After scanning the old world, the Fae land in a city's ruins.
I walk out of the craft, and I feel the feeling of real air once again. "Get the colony ships down here, lieutenant. We are back in busni---" a transmission on our radio? I thought we had close-range only. ..
((... get to writing, punk.))
The Faen
Hei-Ji Ahn Len, leader of the Fae, looks down at the planet he once called home from his spacecraft. He speaks in the Fae's native language. "LT. Scan the world, make sure we Still have something to feed on. "
I nod, and follow the directions. I hope this works.(("I hope..."*))