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    posted a message on Maps
    Well you know how there coming out with maps? well maybe they can add a way for it to be part of a custom book when they come out with those and be able to put a map on to of something or like a picture,
    :Frame: + map = wall/floor/Top of table or some thing- thing

    :|: :|: :|:
    :|: map :|:
    :|: :|: :|:

    you know
    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on New Nether... Survive This
    Sweet, if they add your ideas im never going to the nether till i got all :Diamond: tools
    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on Tools, items.
    Quote from Travesty »
    Quote from zachzman1 »

    P.S. dont post unless you have ideas or saying something how something on here could be crafted better or you have ideas

    The point of the suggestions forum is to receive comments from both people who like the idea and people who don't. And you don't get to decide otherwise.

    That said, every single suggestion involving guns gets nothing but scorn from me.

    Sorry i said that, i just said that because my last post there was one guy who said the H thing, well anyways a gun would fit in i mean for 1 theres GUNPOWDER!!! and Flint as in Flintlock well maybe you can have a better idea?
    :|: + :--+: = handheld torch, anyone? ok...
    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on Tools, items.
    I am a simple kid with simple ideas, and crazy and good ones... well anyways, what ideas do you have for tools on minecraft?
    here is a gun thing ive thought of

    :|: :|: :Coal:
    That would probably be a pistol, Notch or any other minecraft "God" that reads this, you can make it more complicated
    like... :|: :Iron: :Coal: or... :Iron: :Iron: :Coal:
    like this -> :|: or this... :|:
    but, you can do whatever you guys want if you apporve the idea...
    heres a idea for gunpowder making
    :Furnace: - :Coal: or :log: + :sand: =gunpowder, or like gravel you can get it with a shovel or randomly of mining it...
    i mean killing creepers is not always goin to happen... like peaceful mode, you cant get gunpowder then

    and as ammo for the pistol rifle thingermageger:
    :|: :GoldBar: or :GoldBar: or :GoldBar: :GP: or :GP: :Iron: / :Iron: :GP:

    So there you have it

    :Notch: <=(Woah)

    P.S. dont post unless you have ideas or saying something how something on here could be crafted better

    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on Eighth Blocks/Microcubes - VER. 0.4.2 MOD
    :iapprove: :iapprove: I THINK ITS GREAT!!!
    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on New tools, ways to get things, blocks and animals
    Quote from Ygdrasel »
    Breeding? Meh.

    Holdable torch? Notch hates moving light, go figure.

    Gunpowder? Kill creepers. Cowards.

    Fire arrow? Potentially excessively destructive. Beyond that, indifferent.

    Gold flint? Stupid. Don't post what you have no ideas for.

    Cannon? Build one. Lazy...

    when i said cannon i ment like, a cannon that fires once then you have to restock it, andddd what if people dont know how to do it? sorry about gold flint, i thought you people could come up with stuff and how was i supposed to know that nocth hates it???
    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on New tools, ways to get things, blocks and animals
    Quote from themohawkninja »
    I see recipes... but no detail on the actual concept of breeding.

    sure, but how will new animals appear? out of the BLUE?
    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on New tools, ways to get things, blocks and animals
    I've been thinking, why is there not any "breeding with animals? like a sheep and a sheep make a lamb that grow up?
    and heres a craft I've thought up.

    :--+: + :|: or :--+: makes a handheld :--+:
    heres a way to get gunpowder: :sand: + :Coal: or :Flint: in :Furnace: makes gunpowder, or just like :gravel: you collect sand or gunpowder

    craftable: :Flint: :|: :--+: = Fire arrow or :--+: :|: ]" title="-<->" /> or :Flint: :--+: ]" title="-<->" />
    well, you get the idea...
    :Flint: + :GoldBar: = gold flint (havent thought of a idea for that though)

    :tnt: + dispencer + :stone: = Cannon

    Thank you for reading, and posibley the ideas!
    Posted in: Suggestions
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