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    posted a message on square root extractor
    Yes i actually did it. i made a 4-bit square root extractor. This wins over all my division circuits by far. Takes under 5 seconds to calculate an answer. you input 8-bit binary numbers(0-255) and it will give you the square root with a remainder.Yes i know i said it was 4-bit and you input 8- bit numbers, but its like that because the 2 4-bit numbers are paired together and also because there is 4 layers.
    I believe this is the first, if not second of its kind. It works by trying to subtract q from a. The number of times it subtracts is q so it does a loop until it gets the answer.

    here are the pictures:

    Thank you for reading. reply with your thoughts and if you want a tutorial, please tell me.

    here is the schematic download:

    here is a video:
    Posted in: Redstone Discussion and Mechanisms
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    posted a message on Floating Point Addition
    the highest possible output is(in decimal): 126976(1.9375*2^15+1.9375*2^15) but..... because the output mantissa is only 5 bits, it will have a very low degree of accuracy. Floating point is that you could change the exponent. for fixed point, the number 10 will just be 10. but for floating point, the same number will be 1*2^1 because 10 = 1*2=2=10. the changing of the exponent could represent extremely high or low numbers without a massive input size. This adder(the input) covers a range of 32 bits with just a 10 bit input size.
    Posted in: Redstone Discussion and Mechanisms
  • 3

    posted a message on Floating Point Addition
    I finally got around to finishing my new project!(i actually finished it 6 days ago). Floating point Addition! I believe this is the first. Addition is harder that multiplication and division in the sense that you need massive shifters to register the input. Most of this adder is just shift logic. The mantissa is 5 bits(1 bit >=1 and 4 bits <1). The exponent is 5 bits long(including the sign bit(yeah it takes in negative exponents)). It has xors at the adding part so it could be changed into a subtractor easily. the output is in scientific notation. and the input is as well.
    Here are some pictures:

    Also, if you are wondering, This was made on the RDF server.
    Next stop: The MI-1!(see if you could find out what i mean)
    Posted in: Redstone Discussion and Mechanisms
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    posted a message on We Need To Make A Computer Building Guide!
    for RAM use d flip flops. for ROM consult builderboy2005's compact ROM. and i win because i made sqrt extraction and division.
    Posted in: Redstone Discussion and Mechanisms
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    posted a message on The Internet, in Minecraft
    Quote from cpander

    Call me when you can play minecraft in minecraft

    you won't be getting a call.
    Posted in: Redstone Discussion and Mechanisms
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    posted a message on Grizdale's Unary Adder
    well this should be a more popular post...
    Posted in: Redstone Discussion and Mechanisms
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    posted a message on The ultimate decimal to binary decoder.
    Hello, today i will be showing you a short term project that i think could have many uses. This project could take in 2 decimal digits and give out the binary equivalent. It has a decoder that takes in 8 bit numbers and gives out 100 outputs which are then the address for the ROM. It has 118 bytes of ROM(100 7-bit and 18 4-bit). The ROM is made using a slightly modified version of builderboy2005's version of ROM(big thanks to Builderboy2005). It does not have ANY pistons in it. This could be used as a user-friendly method of an input system for a 7-bit computer. The output is 7-bits(99 is 7-bit) and the input to the decoder is 8 bit. I tried to make it as compact as possible. There are a few things that i noticed after building it that could make it much faster so please do not post any complaints about the speed of it, and if you do complain, build a better one yourself.
    Here are some pictures:

    Thanks for reading and here is the download:
    Posted in: Redstone Discussion and Mechanisms
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    posted a message on Mob Trap
    the pictures didn't show up. and if this has no redstone, then why is it in this forum?
    Posted in: Redstone Discussion and Mechanisms
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    posted a message on I seem to have made a clock selecter :O
    i made a frequency selector with 16 different frequencies speeds, one of them is the manual one. it uses a 4-bit selector mux. has one output. good job.
    Posted in: Redstone Discussion and Mechanisms
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