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    posted a message on Instant NOT Gate with Command Blocks

    I've been searching around for instant not gate designs but i couldn't find any that work in 1.8.

    Does anyone have a design of one that uses command blocks? By instant i mean absolutely instant (not half or quarter tick) and I would prefer it not require pistons. Thanks for the help!

    Posted in: Redstone Discussion and Mechanisms
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    posted a message on Automation in Minecraft
    smelting can be somewhat automated, just hook up a BUD to the furnace and it will tell you when the smelting is complete!
    Posted in: Redstone Discussion and Mechanisms
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    posted a message on Replacing Redstone In flat Survival
    One problem with the idea of super-flat survival and redstone is the fact that in a super flat survival world, you would be limited to the point that there would be close to nothing that redstone could be useful for! Also, the pressure plate cannot output to a dispenser because a dispenser requires redstone to craft!
    Posted in: Redstone Discussion and Mechanisms
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    posted a message on Minecraft USB
    USB=Universal Serial Bus
    So, i guess that other version could be a USB device as long as it transmitted its data serially.
    Posted in: Redstone Discussion and Mechanisms
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    posted a message on Two Wide Instant NOT Gate (Inverter)
    Quote from killerpw

    It goes one tick faster. not that much of an improvement

    But if you were to chain these to make other instant logic gates, you could start making instant adders, ALUs, etc. When there are a lot of those 1-tcik not gates, it will end up accumulating to create massive decreases in speed, and by having it instant, you will remove that growth and make it a flat rate of 0 ticks.
    Posted in: Redstone Discussion and Mechanisms
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    posted a message on Redstone Tetris
    Quote from Grenadiac111

    Ah I see what happened...
    I searched for minecraft tetris on the net and no results came up, because his video has no tags for search engines. Either way I can at least say that I have the smallest and fastest running game of tetris :smile.gif: for now.

    thats true, using sand would still be many times faster than redstone
    Posted in: Redstone Discussion and Mechanisms
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    posted a message on Redstone Tetris
    i don't think this is the first tetris....

    this is not my video btw
    the maker of this video has a youtube channel goes by the youtube account name : nodoubtyamean
    Posted in: Redstone Discussion and Mechanisms
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    posted a message on Multiplayer proximity detector?
    Quote from ChronusZ

    All entities trigger pressure plates, I think.

    I'm not sure about any other possible methods, then. I think your rules are too strict, and you'll have to drop at least one if you'd like to see a solution soon.

    On another note, I think (Not sure, though) that villagers move towards doors when they're open. They're also stored in memory. So this might work. But again, it uses mobs. You'll probably need to use mobs :tongue.gif:

    The problem is, i want to build something on the server that i play on(RDF), where mob spawners and mobs are disabled(its creative redstone). Also, villagers would work because they are not hostile, and they do not spawn or despawn. But they would not work in the conditions that i am working under.
    Posted in: Redstone Discussion and Mechanisms
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    posted a message on Bud switch help
    add some delay(around 2-4 ticks) to the the wire that the piston is getting the power from.
    Posted in: Redstone Discussion and Mechanisms
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    posted a message on Multiplayer proximity detector?
    Quote from ChronusZ

    The "Minecart barely on a detector rail" uses particles, So I doubt it'd work in SMP either.

    You might be able to use a variation of SJC's design, but using Exp orbs. They'll move towards the player from a good range (Somewhere around 6-8 blocks, I think), so you could use it in a straight hallway that's 2 blocks wide. I'm not sure, though, do Exp orbs despawn?

    I'm pretty sure that they get removed after 5 minutes like drops. Also, where would the source of these exp orbs be, the only method to get these orbs would be:
    1. kill mobs in the chamber
    2. kill a player who has killed a lot of mobs.
    both of these methods require mobs, and yolky doesn't like mobs.
    I don't think that exp orbs trigger pressure plates either.
    Posted in: Redstone Discussion and Mechanisms
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    posted a message on Multiplayer proximity detector?
    Quote from TheMightyAnonym

    Will any mobs automatically follow a player in a certain range? Such could be used for a fairly compact detector.

    Im pretty sure that the range for mobs to follow a player is 16 blocks, so i guess you could use that to your advantage, though these are most likely hostile mobs, and would despawn after you move away from that area.
    Posted in: Redstone Discussion and Mechanisms
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    posted a message on Multiplayer proximity detector?
    Quote from groundedtaco

    It would take a little while, but if you get silk touch and mine up some redstone blocks, you could make buds that detect when someone walks on your hallways with redstone blocks in floor... =/

    I would like it so that there is absolutely no trace of the detector, so having redstone ore would not work
    Quote from CheezBrick

    I think that slimes can see players through walls, so it could use a pressure plate to detect when the slime moved towards the player.
    Although this design has the problem of triggering when the slime randomly goes onto the plate when there is no player nearby.

    No mobs please!
    Posted in: Redstone Discussion and Mechanisms
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    posted a message on Multiplayer proximity detector?
    Quote from zomb13_2

    Here are two more smp-compatible proximity sensors. They both send a pulsing signal but could be connected to some sort of pulse lengthener or timer.

    Snow golem proximity sensor
    Range: About 30 blocks

    The snow golem tries to move to an open area and is pushed back onto the pressure plate. If there are no players nearby it will stay still.
    Glitched arrow proximity sensor
    Range: Varies (24x24x24 cube centered on chunk)

    This probably isn't a good idea since it might glitch wood pressure plates until the chunk is unloaded.
    The arrow is stored mid-flight so it cannot despawn, then glitched into the chunk so it activates a pressure plate. The arrow will be collected if a player is near the chunk.

    To start the proximity sensor fill the dispenser with arrows and step on and off the pressure plate.

    Wow! thats very nice!
    is there any way to make it so that when a plyer is near it only shoots 1 arrow and not as many as there are? one problem: sometimes the pressure plate gets activated, and never deactivates.
    Posted in: Redstone Discussion and Mechanisms
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    posted a message on Multiplayer proximity detector?
    Quote from Atanarr

    Does the "minecart barely on a detector rail" not work in smp?

    Never heard of it. could you send me a link or a picture?

    Quote from sjc1000

    i believe this will help, you walk by the item on the pressure plate and pick it up so the power goes to the door or piston, and then the dispenser will shoot another item onto the pressure plate closing the door.

    Here are some pics

    Sorry but i would like it so that it is not required for theplayer to go around a corner. I would also like it so that it would work in a 2 wide hallway.

    There's another way to do it without hacking it monster spawners.

    You can use chunk loading and unloading (as seen in my Distance Wire Experiment). When a player reaches a certain point they load a redstone signaling device many chunks away at the border of the loaded world area. That signaling device either transmits data to you, or sets off some kind of machine at the detected player's position.

    Theoretically you could tie several of them into an AND gate so that a single player must be in a specific chunk to activate the device (or have multiple players activating each machine separately)

    That wireless redstone radio that uses arrows and piston heads could be used to transmit data from the sensor to a machine (like a trap) in the detected player's chunk, to save the effort of building a giant redstone wire.

    I would like it so that it is in a specific position withing a chunk rather than just a chunk. Also,would that not be multi-use?
    Posted in: Redstone Discussion and Mechanisms
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