• 0

    posted a message on enriched server
    this server is still being edited but can still use a few new players
    the staff is pretty nice and awsome
    also good place in my opinion to record a video or 2 maybe try out a few multiplayer mods perhaps
    any way plz plz plz spread the word about this server or leave some suggestions for us or something
    plz guys come check it out i would seriously recommend it
    and if yogscast is reading this plz checkit out and use this server
    my in game name is napoleon1999 if u want 2 know k
    Posted in: Minecraft Survival Servers (archive)
  • 0

    posted a message on bad as **** server
    this server is still being edited but can still use a few new players
    the staff is pretty nice and awsome
    also good place in my opinion to record a video or 2 maybe try out a few multiplayer mods perhaps
    any way plz plz plz spread the word about this server or leave some suggestions for us or something
    plz guys come check it out i would seriously recommend it
    and if yogscast is reading this plz checkit out and use this server
    my in game name is napoleon1999 if u want 2 know k
    Posted in: Minecraft Survival Servers (archive)
  • 3

    posted a message on The Hunger Games Mod!
    O_O somebody better make this mod and a word to NOTCH
    thanks though NOTCH if u do this and u r reading this
    Posted in: WIP Mods
  • 0

    posted a message on Looking for a good host.
    id be willing to help for free. here is my email
    [email protected]
    Posted in: Hosting Requests
  • 0

    posted a message on [LOOKING FOR] Someone to host private server for fwee :3 [WILLING TO PAY IN FUTURE] [24/7 IF POSSIBLE] [WILL NOT GO TO WASTE] [C
    u cannot buy my server but u can rent it for 3 dollars an hour and u can email me for further questions
    [email protected]
    the ip and the hamachi code will be given to u once once u contact me or whatever
    and i dont do things like live chat k
    Posted in: Hosting Requests
  • 0

    posted a message on my first texture pack for the yogscast
    i made this a while ago and doesnt really have a theme but i am proud of it if u want to make ur own here is
    the link to the website i used to make it
    i found this website was pretty cool and hope that the yogscast use this texture pack despite its craziness
    (dont compress either just dump the file into ur texture pack folder)

    Posted in: Resource Packs
  • 0

    posted a message on World of Darkness [1.2.4] [Looking for Staff] [FalseBook, McMMO, Jobs, Chestshop, iConomy, Factions , +++] [Bukkit] [No Whitelis
    this server is worth it and totally worth telling ur friends and playing it
    you may see me on there as napoleon1999
    friendly staff is on this server also
    Posted in: Server Recruitment
  • 0

    posted a message on [NO WHITELIST][1.4.4] ‡‡ Mystic Realms Network ‡‡ MMORPG // Towny // PvP Servers ‡‡ [Arenas][Spells][Battlegrounds][Dungeons][Qu
    What are you looking forward to on the server the most?
    the wars or battles as long as im in charge of my own group or whatever
    but really looking forward to the battles
    all the :SSSS: :Skeleton: :Spider: :Zombie: will die by my hand :DSWORD:
    Posted in: PC Servers
  • 0

    posted a message on [Launcher] Magic Launcher 1.3.4 (mods, options, profiles, news)
    Quote from sp614x

    Hello everybody,

    the Magic Launcher is a new Minecraft launcher which can load mods dynamically without changing or patching the minecraft.jar.

    No more mod installation problems, just select your mods and enjoy.


    • Minecraft
    • - selectable minecraft.jar
      - automatic version detection
      - configurable window size, also maximized
      - selectable minecraft folder
      - selectable java executable
      - java memory limit
      - java custom parameters
      - show error log
      - remember user
      - configuration profiles
    • Mods
    • - load mods dynamically without changing minecraft.jar
      - META-INF does not have to be deleted
      - automatic mod compatibility checking
      - external mods detection and compatibility checking
      - shortcut to external mods folder
      - configurable external mods
      - automatic mod requirements checking (ModLoader, ModLoaderMP, Forge, GuiAPI)
    • Design (screenshots)
    • - Minecraft style
    • News
    • - Minecraft
      - Reddit
      - Twitter
      - Blogspot ...
    • Coming soon
    • - Minecraft update

    Download MagicLauncher 0.9.7 (added option News for faster startup, fixed Forge detection): for Windows, for Mac, for Windows/Mac/Linux
    Alternative downloads: for Windows, for Mac, for Windows/Mac/Linux

    If you have found Magic Launcher helpful, please donate to show your support.


    Double click the downloaded file and the MagicLauncher should start.

    Older versions

    Download MagicLauncher 0.9.6 (added custom directory for Mac/Linux): for Windows, for Mac, for Windows/Mac/Linux
    Alternative downloads: for Windows, for Mac, for Windows/Mac/Linux
    Download MagicLauncher 0.9.5 (added checkbox ExternalMods, fix for external mods after crash): for Windows, for Mac, for Windows/Mac/Linux
    Alternative downloads: for Windows, for Mac, for Windows/Mac/Linux
    Download MagicLauncher 0.9.4 (fixed offline mode): for Windows, for Mac, for Windows/Mac/Linux
    Download MagicLauncher 0.9.3 (copy profiles, external mods can be deactivated per configuration, automatic mod requirements checking (ModLoader, ModLoaderMP, Forge, GuiAPI)): for Windows, for Mac, for Windows/Mac/Linux
    Download MagicLauncher 0.9.2 (added profiles, window size, window maximized, java path, java parameters and base folder, fixed external mods folder to be under custom base folder): for Windows, for Mac, for Windows/Mac/Linux
    Download MagicLauncher 0.9.1 (added profiles, window size, window maximized, java path, java parameters and base folder): for Windows, for Mac, for Windows/Mac/Linux
    Download MagicLauncher 0.9.0 (textured buttons, more complex checks, gray inactive mods, fixed SPC problems): for Windows, for Mac, for Windows/Mac/Linux
    Download MagicLauncher 0.8.9 (textured buttons, more complex checks, gray inactive mods): for Windows, for Mac, for Windows/Mac/Linux
    Download MagicLauncher 0.8.8 (resizable dialogs, windows exe and 64-bit java): for Windows, for Mac, for Mac/Linux/Windows
    Download MagicLauncher 0.8.7 (remember me, native window style): for Windows, for Mac/Linux/Windows
    Download MagicLauncher 0.8.6 (fixed startup problems): Download 1

    0.9.7 - added option to turn off news tabs for faster startup, fixed Forge detection, auto-resizable message dialog
    0.9.6 - added custom directory support for Mac and Linux
    0.9.5 - added checkbox ExternalMods to disable or enable all external mods at once, fix for external mods after a crash, fixed some hanging file locks on external mods
    0.9.4 - fixed offline mode to start correctly
    0.9.3 - copy profiles, external mods can be deactivated per configuration, automatic mod requirements checking (ModLoader, ModLoaderMP, Forge, GuiAPI), detection of duplicate mods, detection of internal mods placed in external mods folder, detection of empty or not unpacked mod archives.
    0.9.2 - fixed external mods folder to be under custom base folder
    0.9.1 - added configuration profiles, window size, window maximized, java path, java parameters and base folder, fixed non-ascii paths, allows mod from jar files, "Manage" creates folder "mods" if not existing
    0.9.0 - fixed some problems
    0.8.9 - textured buttons, more complex compatibility checks, gray inactive mods, checkbox Check compatibility
    0.8.8 - resizable dialogs, windows exe works with 64-bit java, button "Add mod" starts in minecraft folder, fixed HTML problems with Java 1.5, added failed start detection, extended logging, launcher closes only if Minecraft has successfully started.
    0.8.7 - implemented "Remember me", native window style, resizable/maximizable window, .EXE for Windows
    0.8.6 - colors for status fields, beter compatibility checks
    0.8.5 - UI corrections, slimmer scrollbars
    0.8.4 - fixed log window to terminate JVM on failed start, added search for ModLoader in minecraft.jar, java startup memory set to 128M
    0.8.3 - fixed java classpath when starting from path containing spaces
    0.8.2 - added incompatible mods warning, startup logging
    0.8.1 - fixed NPE if folder "mods" not existing
    0.8.0 - first release

    Fixing mod problems
    1. The order of the mods is important as some of them are designed to "overwrite" parts of other mods.
    2. The ModLoader has to be first in the mods list, use the button Up to move it to first position.
    3. Then come (if you need them) ModLoaderMP and Forge.
    4. Then comes OptiFine and the rest of the mods. Only one OptiFine edition may be active as they overwrite each other.
    5. Do not forget to start with a clean minecraft.jar. If it is already modified or patched, then some mods may refuse to work correctly.

    - Check for new Minecraft version and update Minecraft
    - Option "News" resetting
    - Auto login
    - Languages
    - Mods with a subdirectory root
    - Detect libraries (TurboModelThingy)
    - Better conflict detection
    - Portable, relative paths
    - Limit worlds per profile
    - Minecraft font
    - Backups
    - Downgrade/upgrade minecraft
    - Support for patchers

    for some reason it says no mod found no matter what i try can u help me
    Posted in: Minecraft Tools
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