Hi! I would not like to reveal my actual name, as I feel obligated to do so. Now enough with the fancy words. My gamertag is Breezemage497, I’m pretty average when it comes to all Minecraft abilities such as Building or Redstone. I like to think of it as a virtue. I’ve never really contributed to any community builds but I am open to it. If you need to contact me my discord is Breezemage497#3103
or if you can’t contact me there, my gamertag is said above.
Name: Jack (if there are other jacks, I’ll go by JackM
Ign: Breezemage497
Country: USA
What kind of player are you?: I’m kinda slow at the start, sometimes I’m a nomad. Sometimes I’m a builder. It depends on how I feeling. I’m getting a builder vibe rn. I love mining and I’m pretty ok at redstone. I’d say terraforming is my specialty. On a scale of 1-10 on how active I’ll be. I’d say 6.5
Hi! I would not like to reveal my actual name, as I feel obligated to do so. Now enough with the fancy words. My gamertag is Breezemage497, I’m pretty average when it comes to all Minecraft abilities such as Building or Redstone. I like to think of it as a virtue. I’ve never really contributed to any community builds but I am open to it. If you need to contact me my discord is Breezemage497#3103
or if you can’t contact me there, my gamertag is said above.
Do we reply to join? If so my discord tag is Breezemage497#3103 and my gamertag if Breezemage497
This is for bedrock realms. If you have a java realm check out the top posts by kioribug or whatever their name was
The title says it all, unless it doesn’t. Reply for questions.
Terraformer, Electrical Engineer, Architect, Miner, and Agriculturist
its me! Wavemage497. I have a new account. Breezemage497
my discord is Breezemage497#3103
Don’t say bedrock if you only want Xbox, just say Xbox
Age: 13
Name: Jack (if there are other jacks, I’ll go by JackM
Ign: Breezemage497
Country: USA
What kind of player are you?: I’m kinda slow at the start, sometimes I’m a nomad. Sometimes I’m a builder. It depends on how I feeling. I’m getting a builder vibe rn. I love mining and I’m pretty ok at redstone. I’d say terraforming is my specialty. On a scale of 1-10 on how active I’ll be. I’d say 6.5
Gamer Tag: Breezemage497
Fav. Star Wars Character: IG-11
Why You want to join: Minecraft is good. Star Wars is good. Role playing is good. Good is good. Good makes happy. Happy is great.
Time zone: US Central
little late to the party but seeing if it’s still running
Invite me to your realm or maybe take this as an idea and make one that people can play on. Maybe a city building realm.
They ban mcpe users
Hey I don’t have Snapchat or Instagram, can we talk on discord? Wavemage497#3103